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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It can put people out of business. Especially if the business is just getting started like mine was when Hippo sold out. tl;dr Shortly after Fox acquired Hippo, my account was somehow compromised (no I don't click links) and my creative account was kicked from the support group because the jerk was spamming all my groups. I talked to Hippo support and told them what had happened. They refused to allow me back into the support group. Since I was unable to access the help I needed I had to give up on ever officially opening. My store went belly up before it ever opened thanks to people being spineless jerks.
  2. I just wanna know if I can still BUY INGRID'S PREFABS. 🤐
  3. Choose Governor Linden as the avatar you are reporting. This is in accordance with how LL wants us to report abuse when we don't have an avatar name.
  4. c) we know someone probably already reported it, so we post quickly before the thread gets locked just to be able to say, "hey I posted in that thread, I remember!". Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing wrong with that. 🤐
  5. Peeved: All I did was quote that one "patreon to access" bit, asked where the money tree they seemed to have is, and my post was deleted. People have forgotten money trees IN SECOND LIFE already? 😮🤔🤐
  6. Good thing LL will never go for my dream. It's already being distorted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 🤐
  7. If I were premium, it would be my preference as well. If I were premium. 🤐
  8. I didn't say LL should offer free shops. Just want to make that clear. People will have to pay tier/rent on the parcels. An individual could buy several parcels and rent them out. Not much would really change. It would all be handled pretty much the same way Belli is except it's commercial, not residential.
  9. Belli is fine the way it is. Something needs to be done with all the abandoned land. I offered a feasible solution to a good portion of it, but let's not go overboard with it.
  10. Nothing wrong with having differently themed "small towns" scattered across mainland. Everyone* wants SL to resemble RL as much as possible so why not. 🤐 *no not really everyone it's just an expression
  11. I didn't say to mix them together. I distinctly indicated not mixing them together. You just described a shopping mall. Not what I had in mind at all. Slideshow: https://www.10best.com/interests/explore/10-charming-town-squares-across-u-s-visit-this-fall/
  12. Way back when I was still a starry-eyed noob, falling all over myself trying to make friends and things (2004/5), I thought that LL should have specific areas for commerce on the mainland(s). Sort of a "town square" kind of thing where you can go to shop and all the other things we do as if it were RL. We already have the suburbs with Belli. Just mix in commerce areas with "farmland/country homes". It was always a nice dream.
  13. I don't think she meant reclaiming already owned/occupied parcels.
  14. I had just finished reading her blog and was coming here to say, after reading said blog, I was not going to take anything posted in this thread by her, seriously.
  15. Beano before, quiet after. The active ingredient (Simethicone) really helps with that bloated feeling. Peeve: Meds I have to take for another 5 weeks give me the worst gas I have ever had in my life.
  16. So? None of that has anything to do with what I said. If I were to have voiced an opinion, it would have been in favor of the acquisition as long as none of the mistakes from the past are repeated. My preference has been and always will be that LL develops their own system. I'm also very cognizant of the financial savings of purchasing an already established system. I didn't fall of a turnip truck yesterday.
  17. It's why I haven't used a vendor system like Hippo or Casper or JVEN since Fox took over Hippo. I've been waiting for LL to come out with their own system ever since.
  18. I don't think I will finish reading the thread for one reason. I keep seeing people claiming that CasperTech is a new business. IT IS NOT NEW. CasperTech has been around for more than a DECADE! PLEASE get your facts correct.
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