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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. The last place on the forum I want to be is the adult section. That is why I have been in GD all along. Maybe it is time to tip my hat and lock the door behind me after I see myself out. 🤐
  2. Some of us have grandchildren. None of us appreciates being treated like children by LL. I've let them have an earful or a dozen about it over the years. It really does peeve me to be treated like a child when I haven't behaved like one. LL doesn't care. And once again my world shrinks ever smaller. I am now down to inworld and two forums, one of which is fast becoming a dead zone when it wasn't even a war zone anymore. Peeve: It only takes ONE person to screw everything up for everyone. Thanks LL. 🤐
  3. Wait... what? I missed this somehow yesterday. That blows my idea of creating a thread where we can drift from topic to topic like real people do on real forums having REAL CONVERSATIONS that aren't the same old boring Second Life rehashes I've been reading for almost 20 YEARS. That really peeves me off. *mutters something about new blood...
  4. But... everyone is an alt so really, it's only one person.
  5. PEEVED! I thought I was a pot sticker not a pot stirrer. 🤨 I wanna go back to being a pot sticker. 😭 😋 🤐
  6. Which brings me to my next peeve. Why do people want to live/lead such dull, boring lives? Variety is the spice of life. And while I don't care to have my own life flaming hot, I do like a bit of ginger for warmth.
  7. Bert still believes he can make himself invisible.
  8. I think the last place I encountered pay to access was a couple of years ago. I never charged access for movie nights. One thing I have never done in the nearly 2 decades I've been in SL is pay to access. I don't mind a cover charge but there are better ways to do it.
  9. Except I didn't say that. You need to fix the quote. LOL Gotta love Invision. 🤭 🤐
  10. That sucks. If I ever do manage to somehow pay for premium I won't be moving into Belli. Thanks for the info.
  11. Mine's been that way ever since RZ. That will never change now.
  12. Ingrid, remember what LL has always told us? When in doubt, AR it and let LL sort it out. That's all that matters. Remember that from now on and you'll be able to AR suspect things with a clear conscience. So, please, let's end the back and forth before the mods come in. 🤐 💨
  13. I have a question about Belli. I know on mainland and private estates/parcels there is a land setting where you can charge X amount of Ls for entry. Can this be done on Belli? Is it "legal" to use that setting in Belli on a "private" parcel? Or has this setting been truncated out somehow?
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