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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I know the song. I've known the lyrics to the song for decades. Yes, it was sort of in the back of my mind when I typed that post but no, I was not referring to the song in any way. Bye bye Miss American pie Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Them good old boys was drinkin whisky and rye singing this'll be the day that I die 1971. I graduated high school in 1977.
  2. I guess doucecanoe is no longer in favor? I haz a sad now.
  3. There are those who are unable to resist temptation and think the only way to self-control is to get themselves banned. There was one a couple of years ago that was worse than a douchepineapple. Not only was the person raising hell inworld, but they also came to the forum and tried to drag their drama here and every poster into the self-created drama. It went on for years and this person is still trying to keep the drama they created going on other platforms. So, yes, there are those people who are so weak willed and of low self-esteem that they have to try to drag other people down with them and can spend a lifetime trying to take others down with them.
  4. No, that was American Pie. No pie was served on the train.
  5. There is one thing guaranteed to get someone permabanned. Impersonating a Linden or claiming to work for LL when you don't. LL doesn't ask questions. It's a permanent auto-ban. Another isn't exactly child's play. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Who_are_Lindens%3F#:~:text=Impersonating a Linden&text=Real Lindens adhere to a,Second Life's Terms of Service
  6. I rolled my eyes and thought, when the call went out for brains, they caught the last one for the coast. 🤷‍♀️
  7. What the hell did I just waste several minutes of what was left of my life on?
  8. You mean when Fractured used the Emerald viewer to DDoS a website without the full knowledge of ALL of the [Emerald] devs? He cost me a desktop I couldn't afford to replace at the time.
  9. You weren't in SL as far back as 2002/3/4/5 were you. There weren't anywhere near that many regions. SL opened to the public in June 2003 with only 16 regions. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History_of_Second_Life
  10. Depreciation is loss/reduction of value. It doesn't refer to anything being eliminated.
  11. You must have applied for something more than just a regular driver's license. You tryna be a trucker? Do ya know the lingo? What's yer 20? We gots bears in the air! Rod knocker, baby! That's a 10-4 good buddy! 🤭
  12. I knew there was a reason I enjoyed using your viewer so much when Emerald bit the dust. 🤭
  13. Odd. They've never worked on me. The more someone or something tries to force me to be more sociable than what I can deal with, the more I dig my heels in. I am far more stubborn about what affects me than you can possibly imagine.
  14. I did a search on all of my accounts without being logged into the LL website and not a single one of my accounts showed up in the search. I then went to the bb website and used their link with the exact same results. Maybe double check your privacy settings?
  15. negrate = negative rating I don't give a damn what millennials say. Pulling racism out of the word negative is being racist.
  16. I wish someone would pay me to read. Last year I read over 100 books.
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