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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. True, they do not have a legal obligation but from where I stand, they definitely do have a moral obligation. It's called doing the right thing.
  2. Nah. The best was the "Buy Ingrid's Prefabs!" meme. 🤭
  3. I'd pretty much be thinking the same things I did in 2004. The only reason I did stick it out is because there were a few people I knew from another platform that were already in SL. If I hadn't known anyone, I wouldn't have logged in past the third day.
  4. I think not getting instant gratification, regardless of intent, is the number one cause of SL's retention loss.
  5. LL can't afford the price tag of even a single ad run during Super Bowl. https://www.10tv.com/article/sports/nfl/superbowl/how-much-does-a-super-bowl-ad-commercial-cost-2023/507-366430ad-2496-4032-b589-5308783fae26#:~:text=Most 30-second ad spots,studded commercials aren't cheap.
  6. Cats and rodents just seem to go so well together.
  7. My mom made me (and siblings) move out of the house when I (we) was (were) 17. At the time it was of legal age to be living on your own as long as you didn't cross state lines. None of us kids were really ready to be on our own at age 17.
  8. The same for the actual course when I took it almost 50 years ago. Student driver cars had two steering wheels and pedals. The courses, for some strange reason, were taught by the high school sports coaches (football, baseball, basketball... other sports not so much). If I hadn't begged to be able to take driver's ed, my parents would have made me take the course or I would never have gotten a license until I was 18, when I would have had to pay for the insurance myself. The premiums for auto insurance without driver's ed was sky high back then. Not even students with jobs could afford the rates.
  9. When I took drivers ed the only thing it did, besides teach someone how to steer and maybe remember when to apply the brakes, was to reduce the amount of insurance the parents had to pay. Other than that, learner's permit at 16 and you had to have a fully licensed driver with you in the front passenger seat at all times. You didn't qualify for a full license until you were 18.
  10. Very carefully and very tiny quick release buckles. 🤭
  11. I'm having trouble deciding which species. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swallow#Species_list 🤭
  12. Most people aren't necessarily looking to improve on what the creator has made. We're mostly looking to be able to adapt what they have made to our needs. If it can't be adapted, it isn't needed. If it isn't needed, no sale, customer goes elsewhere and likely doesn't become a repeat customer, which is where the real money is both in SL and RL.
  13. I'ma stick with will you still need me will you still feed me when I'm 64 ~Beatles Thank you, Paul.
  14. Well. That explains why I have no interest in the majority of "trends" in SL. I have no interest in anime or manga. Thanks for helping me figure that out! 😁
  15. I think Orwar, inadvertently, has brought us back to the age-old problem of what inevitably happens to women in "private" conversations. For me, it's still no, thank you. If you have something to say to me that can't be said in local, you don't need to be saying it to me in private. I've been down that road too many times and it always ends the same. It's not my problem if a guy can't handle being told no. Try making it my problem and you'll wish you had never tried to hit on me.
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