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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. They tried that once already. Didn't work out too well.
  2. You can block all private messages; you can block individual private messages. You can send them a message saying you don't want to talk about [it] in private and then block. LL also has a rule that to take any personal disputes to private messages and keep them off the forum.
  3. Love wasn't questioning you. He was offering you information you may not have had since you are relatively new here.
  4. You're right. It no longer matters since humans have already screwed things up so badly there is no fixing it. Might as well just continue on as we have been and damn the consequences! Full speed ahead!
  5. Your posts were deleted by mods because there was something in them that should not have been posted. You are discussing something which is against the forum rules.
  6. A "one hit wonder" in the US with this song, this Australian band is still going strong.
  7. Yeah um, re-read my post. lol oops It was a case of habeas interruptus. I'm going to start closing and locking the door so he has to knock first!
  8. Not all fire ants are native to the US. Bringing in another species from another country (the flies) is not really a good idea. They can't guarantee there won't be any worse repercussions. You might be interested in this: https://fireant.tamu.edu/manage/faq/#:~:text=Red and black imported fire,and have been spreading since.
  9. Cure a nonnative (invasive) species problem by introducing another nonnative species. Brilliant! Send more Kudzu please! https://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/united-states/indiana/stories-in-indiana/kudzu-invasive-species/
  10. Well, they just lost one customer/prospective customer. Oh well. That's what happens when you shoot yourself in the foot.
  11. I believe you quoted the wrong person. I'm not the one wanting to save the shoes. I bought new shoes years ago.
  12. Twenty years ago, many of us "oldbies" had dreams of SL looking/being exactly like this. It's only been in about the last 5 years that SL has started to close in. If LL can find a way to modernize what already exists, perhaps by developing something along the lines of UE5 with the ability to port current inventory (or done automagically by the Lab), then SL will be around for another 20 or so years. The problem is, well let me put it this way, how many years did it take to get UE where it is now? Longer than Linden Research has been in existence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreal_Engine#First_generation
  13. Peeve: Residents who do nothing but complain about almost everything the Lab does. If it's so awful that you must complain about it all the time why are you still here? Do you enjoy being miserable all the time? That isn't healthy at all. Maybe it's time you asked for some professional help.
  14. No, you can't. You can't even drop a scrubber script to remove scripts in a no mod object.
  15. I dunno. I've been to some pretty pricey buffets. Prime rib.
  16. Ever have the experience of thinking one thing and saying or typing something different? 😊 Welcome Area or whatever they are calling the entry point now. Ahern/Morris, Lime/Plum, Watershed... before Ben Linden blew it up. Edit: https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Welcome_Area
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