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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. NO worries; Tiggie is not one to EVER miss a party!!
  2. Hot guitar at The Nightingale on Loveless Karma, one of the greatest sim names going........... and a hug at the end of an SL day.........
  3. Speaking just as an interested bystander, I find the close-cropped one more dramatic, striking, but enjoy this recent one for the increased detail of all your facial mods and jewelry it shows. Realistically, once your final image is reduced to profile pic size, won't the first, closer, one retain more impact? Pondering the question while I reach for coffee..........
  4. Dunno.............. 10 micro-expressions, all fleeting but with attitude?? 🤗
  5. Those were instant Read Aloud to the Fam!!!
  6. hahahaha, I really feel I have to defend my beloved Stilts on Land, my favorite of all the current themes! I do admit that I routinely toss back most of the ones that are totally landlocked but, over the past years, I have landed some gorgeous stilts right at the edge of the water and my alts currently have two that are pretty much landlocked but in excellent locations and right beside a rez zone so they are keepers, one of them my alt has had for almost 3 years (claimed on 12/26/20).
  7. EGGGGGGGGGGsssssssssactly how diets work in my world........
  8. /me reaches out to check.... hmmmmmm..... hhhhhmmmmmmmmm......... ohhh.......... oh, yeahhhhhhh..........................................
  9. Totally agree; that is a portal I would love to walk or dive through! Do you own the portal or is it something you found? If found, where, please?
  10. Personally, I think Nando's hair is better.................. 😉
  11. I just need some memory help since I totally forgot to record the Ranch theme announcement and release dates on my Bellisseria spreadsheet. Were the announcement and release both on the same date, June 26th, during the SL 20B celebrations? Thanks for any help! 🤗 🤗
  12. I need to know this too............. Thanks for asking the question!
  13. I find it so charming that you can have container homes in SL, LOL. 😄
  14. At Noveny this weekend a geodome in several woods (L$50) and a container house (L$75) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Orchard Heights/185/51/1662
  15. /me is sooooooooooooo happy she is no longer a noob............. 🙀 🙀
  16. Now I wanna take a volcano tour by balloon.............
  17. I keep getting vibes of Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road............ Just lovely!
  18. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/207021 start here
  19. Tiggie gives up trying to find a safe place.........
  20. A paper DJ for a PAPER PARTY!!!!!!!!!! C'mon down! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Treeowatoor/221/29/22
  21. I think the last two were from the TP tunnel at Multiverse Online: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Britannia/111/122/2400 and the first was from somewhere around the public area of Inspire Space Park: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shinda/33/218/1562 Multiverse Online seems to have a TP entrance to several RP sites/communities; I just wanted to take some photos without landing in the middle of anyone's RP, LOL.
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