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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. OMFrickin'G, I have not heard of or thought about Princess Pamela's in decades!! My first husband heard about it and took me; it must have been somewhere in the East Village as that is where we lived, upstairs in her or someone's apartment. You could not just go, you had to be invited, and you ate whatever the Princess was cooking that night, at whatever time she felt the food was ready. It was an amazing experience and definitely worth the wait! Excavating the past...........
  2. I will be sure to let you know if I find hush puppies on the menu anywhere near me! As for snow.......... I love my town but most of our houses were built in the 19th century; very pretty, very quaint, but NOOOOOOOOOO garages for so many of us!!!!! So, snow.......... it's not just that more and more I hate driving in it, trying to stay outta the ditches, but my new joke about winter is that the most treacherous part of any journey is the distance from my front door to my car!
  3. Spent some formative grade-school years in North Carolina so I loved Hush Puppies; New Yorkers have nooooooooooooooooo idea what they are or what they are missing!!
  4. Clearly, I need a return trip to both sites............... chores first, then fun! 😄
  5. My SL looks like dancing and celebrations all over the place today. Celebrated Firestorm's 13th Birthday (big CONGRATS!!) and ended up at Shambhala Sanctuary for a lovely Moon ritual. They have amazing areas, rituals and dances, just barely beginning to get to know them. uh oh, I am afraid my barn owl has his eye on Tiggie!!
  6. I LOVE the Zanzibar! Since I traded out most of my Blake Sea parcel to the charming pirates of Port Plunder, I kept only the bit that meant the most to me: my Zanzibar....
  7. I have accidentally deleted sooooooooooo many of my own houses over sooooo many years that, now, I routinely lock the houses in edit when they are done and put up with any minor inconveniences that causes.
  8. Here I am wearing the Meowl mod for my Dinkie cat that I got here for free!! (note: you need to have the Dinkie cat av first, this is a mod for it)
  9. Getting ready for.......... something?............. later. Not really sure what but I was advised to come as my spirit animal/bird, so.............. Tiggie has great reservations about this............
  10. Deep breath............... I know it's frustrating but, if you really love your parcel and, especially, if you chose it with Premium Plus, I would advise trying to be patient and waiting for Linden Lab to do its job. Unfortunately, it is a holiday, 3-day weekend in the US so it might take a few days. If you don't value the current spot that highly, just move on as you have AR'd this monster already. Good luck!!
  11. WOW, what a find! I joined the group and (really trying not to be greedy!!) picked up a cat tree, a food truck, a horseless carriage(!), hanging chairs, a pillow pile and a Dinkie pizza oven!! Thank you! Left a donation too.........
  12. Assuming you do the Kirtan dancing in SL, where is that? I belonged to a dance group in SL eons and eons ago and miss it from time to time...............
  13. For all your ranching needs (everything but the animals!) head to MadPea http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MadPea/178/144/34 and grab all of this for only L$100:
  14. Is your home not complete without the ability to Pole Dance?? Not any more! Backbone http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BackBone/72/161/2106 has this yummy dance pole on sale for the Saturday Sale. I bought the A version for L$100, did not see a PG version though I looked. Now Tiggie is sure I have lost my mind.............
  15. Wow, that is intense, beautiful but totally out of covenant. If you do an Area Search, you can pick it from the list by size, put it in Edit and get the owner's name but, as far as I know, we are not allowed to post that information in the forums.
  16. ^^^^YES!! In the US, this is a three-day weekend, for Labor Day, I am caught up on all (okay, most!) of my computer chores and soooooooooooooooo ready to sleep late, putter in SL, shop in SL, post in SL, take walks in my village (RL), read books on my RL porch, go dancing in the SL blues clubs, watch a movie and go out for lunch or dinner, whatev............. 😀 😀
  17. There is an outstanding Dinkie sale starting at Mieville Kipling (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mieville Kipling/42/113/26 ). In addition to clothes, I bought two planes, one for Gay Pride (with a trailing banner!) and a spooky one for Halloween, each L$50 currently. I also bought a Dinkie delivery van with a camping set up in the back for L$99. When you finish shopping in the main plaza, shown here, follow the footprints to find more Dinkie items on sale. I found some cute freebies too!
  18. Well......... you could try..................
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