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Everything posted by MissSweetViolet

  1. I'm quite aware, that does not mean such a depiction is right, it is still a form of an inappropriate act showing a child, that fact that the child is not a child behind the screen does not change the depiction going on. I shouldn't even have to explain that, and the fact I do is extremely sad.
  2. I agree with this, by like age 3-4 ish on average, most children communicate quite well and are fairly easily understood.
  3. You seem to forget that adults will try to engage those avatars too, contrary to your imaginary belief, just because a child avatar is involved does not always mean the child avatar is at fault anymore that the adult is always at fault.
  4. Agreed, but it's the attitude that somehow these bans on depict such actives should not have occurred that ticks me off. I know someone who was assaulted, I have nieces and nephews that before they were adopted by my relatives were abused in such a way, one by their own father, so this is a hill I will stand my ground on.
  5. Right, cause the children are the problem, and not your perverted attitude. Say that way if it makes you feel better, but remember what you are when you look in the mirror and remember that those "Arrogant Fake Child Anti-Adult-Activities" Happen to real children and that fact that you seem to be implying such things should go on, makes you no better then those low lifes who do such things to children.
  6. It's called depicting a child in an impropriate situation, and thank you for letting me know your a perverted psychopath too.
  7. 1; They may, but I make all these adjustments before going anywhere, so there's no need to be taking on and off to begin with. 2; This was in relation to the ban on certain "activates" going on including child avatars in said activities, apparently LL only banned them do to being forced and not like like because to show a child in such an act is wrong, at least according to some people apparently, The statement you quoted had nothing to do with age of consent. 3; That fact you think such of me is fine by me, because you have as well with your body shaming troll attitude.
  8. True, but that's kind of sad though, I'm not against people doing their own thing, but I would sincerely hope we can all agree that something like that is something that should never occur anywhere in any form.
  9. Agree with this, if it's not actively being used, I'd never think anything of it. I don't really see being an issue for anything. Fashion chokers are amazing though! 😃
  10. Probably a bit overboard, but as someone with young nieces and nephews, I have a hard time forgetting her statement in another thread that quote; "LL was forced to ban virtual pedophilia due to legal pressures from various countries, its at the point now where teen avis are suspect and hounded across second life." As if it should have to be forced and shouldn't be illegal by default. I'm not one to rehash things usually, but someone says something like that, and I'm going to remember it!
  11. Yes, exactly! I don't quite understand why some of this is such a hard concept to follow, besides the fact that common sense truly does seem to go out of the window in a lot of cases.
  12. No you shouldn't. That also adds unnecessary lag, but given it's you I'm not surprised.... You've done a lot to show what kind of person you are in some other threads, at least here in SL. I sincerely hope you aren't that way in RL and if you are then I'm quite frankly surprised your not on some sort of watch list or that the local schools don't get notified about you.
  13. I've never had any issue with what I've worn to any sim regardless of rating G included, but then again I don't go around dressing like a stripper, in a G sim which is kind of important since as far as I know underage users can still sign up to SL if their 16 [which is still underage even if not by much] and up. https://lindenlab.com/legal/second-life-terms-and-conditions Secion 2 Agree with based off my experience, and don't even mean like being adult free, since you can do adult things on a M rated sim, but they have to be behind closed doors, but I've seen adult content fully on display in M sims and even once in a shop on a G sim. Agreed, it just adds lag and is not needed. Maybe it comes from nether owning nor using said parts and having no need or want to do so, but this makes zero sense to me. All it does is let me know who's insecure enough with themselves to "need" those parts 24/7 instead of just when in use.
  14. Omg, I love this outfit, gonna go check that demo out!
  15. Oddly this episode was part of the reason I joined SL, back when I first saw the episode I think in 2011 ish in syndication [or first tried to, since back then my laptop was not good enough to run it], the other reason was a former guild mate in an MMO I played who was on SL and described it as a place you could be whatever you wanted even a ball of goo, lol. As some who is super in to customization, I made an account but at the time [as mentioned above] I was unable to run it. So I don't really count my join time till 2018 on making Violet [when I needed a social outlet and had realized I now had a laptop that could run it, I had lost the password to the first account for some time], since I was unable to spend literally no time in world the first time. That old account is now my male alt.
  16. Did this on https://playground.com/ Original image; Ran it through with the following settings; Seed 575652706 Guidance Scale 10 Sampler Euler a Model Stable Diffusion XL Initial Image Strength 80 Filter Style RealVis XL Refinement 25 Result;
  17. Persephone mentioned it above, but for more detail, the reason you can't remove the skin is because it is vital to render the avatar at all, same with the shape, brow [sometimes referred to as system hair] and eyes. without any of these your avatar can't show up, you won't be able to remove it, but you can replace it with one you like better. Also in the pic you have no body on, so your seeing the bare default, which probably doesn't go well with the shape made for Senra. As for getting back to the Senra, what I would recommend is creating a folder in your inventory for it [right click on the inventory folder to that and click new folder, name it with something that'll help you find it later, and then find the folder marked Library. In there is a Senra folder and you can copy and paste that into the folder you just made, then you have a copy of the body to add as needed.
  18. For me I just use the wishlist if it's the MP, or if in world I'll make a notecard of items I want to get. One exception to this is Shop n Hop where I use a spreadsheet that get's put out by a freebie group, that is super helpful for grabbing the gifts cards early, making notes of gifts I want/don't want, and keeping track of the stores with male items for my alt.
  19. Your right, I apologize. That's my fault for misinterpreting. Reading back again, you didn't really imply that. I'm sorry.
  20. Don't assume everybody, I've been here 5 years and had no idea about the XML thing and had never heard of Ahern. May people who have been here 10+ years would know, but not all of SL does. One to add to the feature list, most avid builders are probably aware of this already , but you can type numbers in to the build window and add a - or + to add subtract, there is a copy/paste button to for rotation, position, size to copy between objects. Found out about those during one class at Builder's Brewery, went nearly two years without knowing anything about them.
  21. I don't have them yet, so not a 100% sure if they fit after LaraX was updated, but they've not been updated to LaraX yet in the listing, and the upper thigh had quite a few changes, so I'm guessing that's the reason.
  22. Okay, see what you mean about the feet, however this is still on and working on LaraX; https://gyazo.com/37834fa26de84e893788a0b77af4b063 Also like I said no issue with looking slim;
  23. I've had no issue getting a slim shape, it's even easier now with the deformer for the bum added in the extras. As for the feet, to my knowledge you've never been able to pose the feet separately, I wasn't even able to do that with 5.3. To my knowledge the only body that has that is Erika.
  24. Not saying your wrong, I fully understand the decimal now that it has been pointed out, my point is that many people are not going to know that right off the bat, I sure didn't and I've seen other post here who didn't, and I'm quite sure many others don't, just based off of comments I've seen in world. because it's not used for human height. It's bizarre to use a system for something that it's not usually used for. Though like Zalificent had said earlier, the bounding box is off anyway, so at this point I'm not sure it even matters what system SL uses. But, it's something to be aware of for the dumb height detectors, why they really aren't useful in doing much.
  25. I've never seen it, nor have I hung around any of the places nor anyone connected to any of the things mentioned here. It still doesn't cover the fact that I've never seen anyone use it for human height, if your going in to a doctor's office, Police station, etc, they aren't going to ask you a point height, your going to get in feet in inches. They can use it any system they wish, but we're talking about height here, not other industries, I've not met a single person who would think of that in relation to height, because it's not used for that. You can use in any system you want, be familiar with it, but who in their right mine would think to use such a measurement for height when it's not used for it.
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