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Everything posted by miaminightmare

  1. Been a little blegh on life the last day or so but I've managed to do some work on my guy avvie + I LOVE THIS TATTOO FROM DAPPA? IT'S EVERYTHING PINK AND HGNGGNGNGNg. 🥰 Time to dust off my Cureless skin and see what monstrosity I can come up with. 👀
  2. You need to have the omega v-tech kit on and active when you go to apply the v tech skins. It has to sync with the body to make it seamless. Click on the v tech omega sign and make sure it says its active in chat.
  3. 😂 Spending some time checking out outfits for my guy avvie, figured I'd take a picture of today's cute outfit to share. 😄 If I was a Linden-illiare I'd live in Half+Deer...
  4. 👀 Is it you're short and he's super tall or are you regular sized and he's slenderman? 😂
  5. SnoShooed the dust bunnies away from one of my male avvies. 😂 The face is similar to the one I gave when I realized I don't really have that much stuff to wear for Gianni...
  6. Exploring the spoops and sights of Whispering Pines. 🧐 I'm not great at investigations but I'm trying my best. At least I look cute. 🤗
  7. I'm waiting to go to a therapist appointment and felt like wearing some pink. What better way to spend my time other than scurrying through the Heart Garden Center's flowerbeds? 🤣
  8. VCO has something similar but not quite (At least, I don't think. The black color is a rare.) in their Yoko Hime Gacha, it's #003. I'm hoping you find the hair, I want it too. LOL.
  9. I got a new head when I made my current cutesie girl, and I decided since I wanted to go spooky sim exploring later I may as well take the opportunity to put together a darker themed outfit... and then I learned that I need to up my game on collecting things because my witch/goth/industrial/dark item selection is really small! 🤣
  10. I fight with the camera at least once a week. Or I accidentally click off into the sunset and have to reposition myself. @.@
  11. \o/ NorCal!! ... Luckily enough I'm on the edge of the power outage area for the planned shutdowns -.- Annoying af.
  12. Hi!~ It's nice to meet you all. I ended up popping on the forums for the first time a few months ago, and then trailed off into the sunset due to a death in the family. I'm 27 and am in PST. I like hamsters, cute stuff, and am constantly in a state of screm because there's so much adorable stuff I want but can't afford right away. 😄 I also like text roleplaying (my voice is squeaky and voice rp is terrifying so I don't do that) and have written for both original characters and canon characters over the years. I have avoidant personality disorder and tend to waddle around by myself most of the time. 😄 I like window shopping and exploring and end up in all sorts of places as a result.
  13. Thanks for the replies everybody! We've liked all the stores suggested so far and I actually lost her for a while to FIN once we ported to the inworld store due to how much she loved it. LOL.
  14. Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I'm 27, trans, and live in the US. I am a caregiver to my relatives in the first life and my very first attempt at joining the SL community was about ten years ago as something to occupy my time with. But, because it never really clicked with me and managed to hold my interest I faded off into the void for several years until I created my current account eight months ago. Due to anxiety I tend to be a major hermit, doing a lot more people watching than interacting with, but I've been trying my best to stick my leggies on out so I can become more sociable and make some new friends. Due to my current status in real life, I own a bunch of hamsters that have been basically my pack of support animals. I love talking about hamsters, looking at hamsters, collecting hamster things, you catch my drift. I have been spending my time so far in SL playing Barbie and Ken dolls with my avatars, as I absolutely love window shopping and can't resist snagging up items I find adorable or must have, and while I have been a text based roleplayer since 1999 I haven't really caught onto it yet in SL due to my lack of knowing anybody and nervousness about heading out into areas. I'm always up for meeting new folks even though I can hit the ceiling as a first response to being pinged, and I love exploring new stores and whatnot.
  15. Can confirm was sitting here ready to dig into some window shopping and everything's down! AAAAH.
  16. Thank you all for the replies! I'm totally going to drag her to the different stores and check them out! These are new to me so I'm pretty 👀 to go looking and see what she thinks!
  17. Hi everybody, I figured I'd ask here because I personally haven't had any luck. My real life bestie decided to start in Second Life and move in with me, and would like to decorate her area of the house and parcel to her tastes, which is a mixture of midcentury/modern and industrial! My understanding of midcentury/modern is it's modern furniture but holds the appeal/design of stuff from the midcentury (1940s to 1960s). Sort of like, what you'd see in the Fallout series but more clean and not post-apocalyptic. I am admittedly god awful at finding decor for myself and have no clue what kind of stores we'd go check out in order to find the styles she likes. If anybody knows some stores to recommend for us to go look at, I'd be very appreciative!! Thank you for reading! 💋
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