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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. this is the most likely explanation I think, probably the only explanation when an orb is not involved
  2. hmm! when we hit a banline on a vehicle then the agent is stopped at the boundary - not over the boundary (the vehicle also being stopped). The agent is not unseated by the act of hitting the banline. The agent and vehicle are stuck in the tape fence, and typically we edit the vehicle and sitting agent off the fence. So something else happened to detach the agent from the vehicle. It could just have been that the system borked in OP instance, or it could be that Linden have changed the behaviour which I am not sure about
  3. i was thinking of another which involved Intellectual Property holders not being paid their share of sales revenue even tho an RL contract/agreement to be paid was in place. The details of the affair are way down in the chat over the street
  4. two more as I remember there was a legal action between parties in a then quite popular breedable (i won't say which as some of the people are still active in SL). The RL court filings were over payment (or lack of) for the use of intellectual property. As I remember I believe a settlement was reached another was a legal action between skin makers. One of who withdrew from SL as a result
  5. is possible to be sat on a vehicle so that the agent position (for llUnsit) is different from the vehicle position most of the more modern orbs do the following: 1) Unsit the agent from the vehicle 2) Return the vehicle to owner 3) Eject the agent if the parcel OP encountered has a similar orb then the parcel probably has object entry denied also set The agent position goes over the parcel boundary and agent gets script unsit from their vehicle. The parcel object entry denied parameter stops the now unattended vehicle at the boundary and the vehicle's position remains on the Linden parcel. The script is unable to return the vehicle to the owner as the vehicle is not on the script parcel. The vehicle is returned by the Linden parcel Object Return eventually
  6. arena owners will not be changing their arena environment settings every 0.2 seconds. They will set it up one-time for the duration of the play. So the weapon need only check the environment settings once when the player enters the region (typically to the safe zone) any arena owner who has scripted their arena to randomly change the environment,, will not as you say get anybody to stick round - unless the players are masochists - which some people are. Be like fighting in a storm where you don't know if your weapon will fire from one moment to the next. Kinda fun to do in the right company but basically pretty nuts where environment settings are most likely to change from one setting to another, is for example: when the arena can be set up for Tournament play. Different environments for different plays. With a Social environment setting for times outside of the Tournament Event schedule just add. I mention this before, iI will say it again in light of what I wrote last. Slowing down rez times (damage application times) is a mechanic for when the Damage-Health meter is on a single continuum which has unbounded ability to inflict damage. However if was up to me (and it isn't) then I would have two continuum meters: Health and Energy. It costs Energy to deliver damage. Linden do have institutional dev knowledge of energy application, so I think would be doable
  7. the coffeepackStr() method packs/unpacks 7-bit ASCII, in the range [32..126], into a UTF-16 string packing/unpacking to LinksetData is from UTF-16 to UTF-8 and reverse. There are a number of ways to do this. Examples:
  8. hope not. If Linden did make a A-rated Linden Homes Fantasy theme then I be pretty tempted to get one i have a heap of these kinds of outfits and hardly anywhere to wear them without getting random IMs for the rumpy I help with the gardening on an A region, but I self-censor my avatar (wear something else) there as is not a fantasy theme region and this look doesn't fit the actual theme
  9. for sure it would be a very bold move by Linden to start offering A-rated Linden Homes. And tbf to Linden this is all speculation on my part i personally would like an improved animation system to spicy things up. Which would be a big undertaking. Might happen as an improved animation system does come up in the Damage 2.0 discussion (even tho Linden haven't committed to Damage 2.0 yet) will be interesting tho to see what Linden thinks is Spicy
  10. has been touched on here by others. People go with Adult rated regions mostly because they don't want the hassle that they can sometimes get from visitors this is reflected in the no. of regions of different ratings: http://www.gridsurvey.com/index.php?r=a Private regions: M = 9,652. A = 7,591 Linden regions: M = 7,631. A = 410 from this we can see that Linden regions are proportionately out of balance with private regions. if this was a concern to Linden (it may not be) then if Linden decided to become more Spicy in the provision of land then how might that be done other than just adding more regions to Zindra
  11. yes, there is not a distinction in terms of the rating system. But there can be distinctions made in the Estate covenant. Belli covenant does this now. There are a number of things we can't do in M-rated Belli, yet we can do on M-rated classic mainland
  12. the continent (if Linden made it) would be A-rated Linden Homes. Similar to M-rated Belli - residents able to pick a home from the Linden Homes web store in this sense the continent would be to Zindra as Belli is to classic mainland on your other point. You right - just because people could have sexxors in the public space, or in the view of the public space, doesn't mean that they willl if there was something that might give Linden pause and count against such a A-rated Linden Homes continent, I think it would be BDSM devices mounted in the public view. Like a torture rack, slave chain whipping post, etc that a resident has placed in their front yard. While many/most SL residents are pretty broadminded and relaxed, BDSM can be troubling to some significant number which will/could affect uptake of the homes. Particularly when an avatar is displayed on the device in the neighbour garden the counter for this is the Belli covenant rule for adult devices. No public display of these. And if this rule was to apply on this A-rated Linden Homes continent (BDSM devices behind closed doors) then the distinction between the two ratings in this A-M Linden Homes scenario can make it seem pretty much moot however, this brings us to the point that Scylla has been raising since 2008. There is a difference in suggestive behaviour between doing the rumpy on a beach towel in the public view and being tied to a slave chain whipping post in the front garden tbf to people into BDSM most are quite sensitive to other people's feelings, moreso I think than your typical average resident, and they would pretty much in the main not put these devices in their gardens, they would put them in their dungeon rooms like most people do now on their A-rated home parcels where BDSM devices are in the public view then there is typically a commercial imperative in play. This A-rated Linden Homes continent would be non-commercial same as Belli, so that imperative would not factor if tho Linden did decide to use the estate covenant to make it A-Lite. Meaning the Estate Rating is A. And the estate covenant says No BDSM devices in the garden, then I think that BDSM people would be accepting of that . A-Lite I think helps to further address Scylla's broader point - that there is a difference between A and V ratings and how might this be addressed
  13. i haven't been over there since ages, so I went to check up. Popke Tail wharf and the shorter pier at Snell's Beach are two more Snell's Beach Is connected to Horizons, so there is the Rez Zone for boats at the Infohub there i think if Linden were to put A-Belli over that way they be like Horizons I think. also i very much doubt that A-Belli would be anywhere near M-Belli. Probably also have a whole other name so to not cause any upset with the M-Bellians. So if it were to go somewhere then I think it be most likely over Zindra way in the same way that Horizons is. Off the coast with some water region connectors. Assuming they did do a sea-sand-surf theme
  14. the current mechanism is that we have to enable access to Adult-rated regions (and Adult content on Marketplace) in our viewer. This is disabled by default the viewer could maybe be more informative when we enable Adult access. Like a dialog notice with a more complete description of the type of content and/or activities we might come across. Option buttons: I consent, I don't consent
  15. pretty much yes in it's basest form Sexxors can also be a social activity for example: a person is sailing their boat. meets up in the middle of the ocean with another boat. Bit of a chat and take the invite to board the other boat. End up doing the rumpy on the boat in the ocean under the stars. This can't be done on a M-rated Belli and if there was a ocean region with the radio stream turned on then would soon become a social centre. Similar to Siren Island in the Blake Sea - with the addition of rumpy should people choose to do it. Is not a given that they will tho, is just more likely as it would be permitted by the ToS
  16. this would be the case I think for the greater number of residents. Most people on this A estate won't turn Parcel Visibility Off. They be on their houseboat, yatch, beach towel for all the world to see i also think that if Linden are to do this then the continent is going to be tucked away on the grid discreetly. Probably somewhere in the vicinity of Zindra
  17. if was me (and it isn't) then sea-sand-surf-nudity. Beach and water themes are the most popular by far for people who like to go round naked with all their bits attached yes nudity is permitted in M-rated Belli but there is a social more at work here - don't shove your bits in other people's view. A-rated Belli, the social more is the other way. Don't like it - don't look so to begin with I think houseboats, stilt homes and for more inland the California/Mediterranian look ihink the next theme after that would be some kinda fantasy theme. To begin with a lot more stone textures available on the homes
  18. i am hoping that by spicy, Linden means a whole other animation system which I would be very happy about purely in the interests of science I have looked at some other 3D animation systems that people have applied to spicy and yeah SL animation could do with a makeover this is probably not what Linden mean tho more likely I think would be a Adult-rated Belli continent. Which I think would be popular. I probably have to avert my eyes quite a lot if I went there tho. All them neighbours doing the rumpy with each other in their gardens
  19. i had a time to check the difference which I think is Texture Compression. With this enabled then I get 20 FPS on the hill
  20. a fyi. There is an exception to the flying disabled parcel parameter. If we are already flying when we enter the parcel (either by crossing or teleport) we continue to fly is done this way so people flying across a continent of multi-owner parcels, like mainland for example, are not shot out of the sky (forced to land). If we land ourselves tho we can't take off again from that parcel
  21. this is definitely worth a go. It may be that being a new computer it is using the driver that came in the Windows box. Updating to the latest NVidia driver will probably be a good start
  22. my GPU pretty much runs at 90%+ all the time, so you probably right, must be a way for me to change it somehow. Something for me to look into
  23. i have to able to buy computer components at the computer builder shop where I live (New Zealand). The i9 14th gen CPU will be available next year. International supply chains yes on the second matter, my experience is different to yours. Same scene - everything to the max. The i9 12th gen is nearly asleep WIn+G (Gamebar) other people have shown similar pics on these forums at different times with their i7s and i5s. In general SL use, the Intels rarely come under pressure is why the standard general advice has been consistent over the years. For SL the combination to buy is Intel + NVidia. This is not to say that AMD haven't made big gains in recent years, is just that as you showed your AMD CPU works a lot harder ps add. Just to be clear. we don't actually need an i9 to run SL. Where it becomes important is when we also running other 3D apps simultaneously, like Blender, etc. And even then an i7 is fairly capable of doing this
  24. i have 12th gen processor. This year's available is 13th gen. Price difference for me is approx. $NZD300. Pay this amount to maybe get from 12 to 20 FPS under high load. I am not sure this is worth the money. Given that under light and medium load it motors along quite nicely my advice to people when buying computers for SL is to get the highest rated graphics card they can afford within their budget - be that NVidia or AMD. Highest rated meaning manufacturer specifications. For example: NVidia xx90 is rated higher than xx70 in the way back, the best graphics card I could afford was a 230. it trundled along at about 6 FPS, 12 on a good day with everything graphics dialed down and I was happy to at least be able to log in and potter about. Then some years later (about 11 years ago) I could afford to put together a box with a 660. Then some years later I was able to upgrade the box to a 1050Ti. Recently I was able to afford a new box with a 4070Ti and my today box is capable of being upgraded (hopefully) to a 50xx or 60xx at some time in the future when I can afford it - same as I planned when I bought the 660 box. The price difference today for me between a 4070Ti and a 4090 is approx. $NZD2,400. A few months ago it was approx. $NZD1,000. Who knew the price would go as nuts as it has ! But even then I don't have another $1000 never mind $2,400 even though I really really want a 4090 so we can't just blithely say, buy a modern computer and we good to go. We do have to pay for it, and our budget is what it is. All the wanting in the world isn't going to change this
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