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Everything posted by BeautifulXu

  1. Ai-ya! can't some one tell me how I go about getting an Asian head and what i'd need to make it work?
  2. what were you around doing for two years? do you know where Asian people hang out around here/
  3. Soul Vibrations Dance Club tried to keep it going but it got smaller the music changed, people came roleplaying as monsters or gangsters it was really sad to see them go. there were a couple of dance clubs that tried since then but just couldn't hold it down. Is there any place where the have "soul music".
  4. PC Gaming, Board Games, Lolita fashion to begin with. Do we have to buy anything to learn how to play?
  5. Is this a pervy man? Pervy violin? Pervy song?
  6. your two pictures look good, especially the second one. the neck of the turtleneck looks a lil messy. where did you go on your time away?
  7. I made friends in SL and so have a lot of other people. One problem is people who say they want to meet friends but really want to meet boyfriends or girlfriends.I'd like to meet people to hang out and explore SL.
  8. Ai-Ya! You got a lot of posts! What is a calling card? Can we ring strangers bell and start a conversation?
  9. A handmade card? Flowers? A phone call? A cruise? A check! Some could afford whatever they see in the store window, other write a poem or song. What are you going to get or do for Valentines day?
  10. what is the name of the little boy, the prince? hmm is he a prince?
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