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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. WE have dirty minds yet you are the one that has the child avi running around naked without it being RP but just for FUN. *you are RPing whether you know it or not* and FYI I didn't think you were having fun in the biblical sense. Never even entered my mind till you said it in this post.
  2. Of course but neither watching a child run around naked or being naked in a bathtub would be done just for fun if I wasn't RPing. It's RP whether or not you are talking about RL or not in addition to it. It doesn't have to be typed out in IM all the time in RP style chat.
  3. First line: WHAT? You mean you and your alt are getting off on ****p***y on your own lot by yourself? Second Line: I am pretty sure that is against the TOS but I doubt it's against the law. Disclaimer I WAS going to google the second point but thought better of it before I pressed search. lol
  4. LOL yeah, I'm pretty sure if you try to rob a bank and have Groucho Marx glasses with the nose on it and smoke a cigar that people can still see who you are underneath. You'd still go to jail for robbing a bank.
  5. Do you know what RP is? It might be a misunderstanding of the definition.
  6. Ok let's say that's the reason. Why do you have to have a modesty panel on the top. The adult can't upskirt your top. Why require a modesty panel that can't be removed when you simply can ask the Child avatar to wear BOM panties and bra/tshirt or alpha out the bits? I'll save you time and tell you why. It's because the pervy child avatars are giving otherwise law abiding child avatars a bad name by removing their clothes. You're welcome.
  7. BTW, you are not doing the Child avi community any favors. You are actually hurting it with these insane comments. If you are trying to be funny, which I hope you are or at least being sarcastic, it just isn't funny.
  8. Ok Imma stop reading and responding to what you say because it weird to associate as a family and not call it RP. What exactly do you think it is? Reality? I beg to differ that only pervs RP being a kid or parent.
  9. OK well that's even MORE concerning to me if you are just having Child avi's run around naked for fun and not for RP purposes. Do you see how that sounds?
  10. I get that, however *and you won't like what I have to say. You can tell within 2 seconds of reading whether or not that IM is explicit in nature. Just minimize the chat because you are going to have to AR it, until you feel like you can open it and go to their profile and block them Also you can block people except friends from IMing you. That doesn't restrict you from talking in local to people. I actually have this turned on because I'm sick of random IM's from people I don't know.
  11. Why do you think they are requiring a modesty panel for Child avi's when most Child avi's do nothing wrong and would never think to expose themselves or be naked. @Arielle Popstar you know darn well that child avatars run ram ant in opensim soliciting this very thing. If you don't then you must not have explored many of the grids out there. It's very prevalent there. Response to @Denim Robonaught As far as baths go or running around naked at home? You don't have to RP every single thing a child does. You can still have a bath and wear a bathing suit. It's RP where everything is made up. Pretend they are naked taking a bath. Would you be willing to forgo that particular type of RP if LL changed it so the modesty panel doesn't break you clothing and accessories? If it's just a skin all that is is a BOM covering. It doesn't make your items unable to be used.
  12. Ok fair enough point. So we can safely say it happens with both? How do you handle someone that come into a group or IM's on a shopping sim begging for that 100L they promise to pay back tomorrow? The way I handle it is not acknowledge them, and block them immediately before they can even ask twice or explain why they need it. It's not that hard. I'll stick with LL having to figure out the modesty layer so that Child avi's lose as little as possible. Otherwise I agree with the rest of the changes.
  13. I'm not sure what that means. Do you agree with it or not? If not, please tell me why.
  14. Adult avatars are NOT the ones that are mainly soliciting ***p**y. It's the Child avatars. Imagine how many child avatars an adult avi needs to IM to find one that is into that. I imagine a long time. Child avatars know where to seek the adult where that is their knk. and yes! I know most Child Avatars are not doing this. Please don't quote me and say that. Unfortunately, I fear that in time, the ones causing all the trouble will simply do it on M or G rated land and the cycle continues.
  15. To dismiss a group of people that have been wearing and BOUGHT skins for years along with clothing and accessories is ridiculous. Imagine if all of a sudden LL said you can't use the Maitreya or Lara X body anymore. I guarantee you that thread would have 200 pages in a day, not over a four day period of time. Ok so they are trying to prevent pervs from being able to strip down to a naked body. I do get it BUT there has got to be a better solution out there for that. I'll admit I do not know what it is but it's not what they have proposed. A simple BOM layer doesn't work as the pervs can still take it off. Yes there are SO many ways to get around it but I'm not going to spell it all out here. This would be the only change that I have a problem with because it involves real money people have spent. Believe it or not I do have a child avatar that I sometimes took out to interact. I haven't spent A LOT of money on it but it is a Zooby avatar so the whole account needs to now be trashed as that was the only body I had on that account. I am a bit sad that I no longer can use her because she used to be fun to go to a G or PG club once in awhile and RP her. Normally I would also log in my adult avatar and run them both. I never actually interacted with any avatars on that avatar except in local chat. The other changes I think are needed but this modesty panel? wooo wheee, they have to rethink that one. I do not have the solution. I hope LL comes up with a better one that they have proposed. The only thing I have come up with, and I admit it's not a great idea by any means, is if you want to play a child avatar then you purchase a subscription similar to PLUS that allows you to have a child avatar. Make it so you need to use a payment method that links back to your real life, not a throw away gift card or anything like that. Perhaps a debit from your Bank account. I doubt many ***players will be willing to do that but if they are and get caught at least there are RL legal ramifications that can be taken. When it involves Real life money I believe LL has a responsibility to come up with a solution that drastically limits the loss of inventory that the RL adult purchased at a time when it was legal to purchase said items.
  16. Wow, as an adult avatar I maybe have run into a naked avatar 3 times in the 6 years I've been here. Maybe you should rethink where you take your kids?
  17. I haven't seen ONE post by a creator of body's or skins questioning anything...like what a modesty panel should look like. I still find that odd. Probably a good thing or they would get piled on. I'm still thinking they got some sort of separate communication about it.
  18. I just figured that if they shut down this thread people will go other places to voice their frustration. Might as well keep it in a tiny box. I just hope people don't get comfortable with the lack of moderation in the thread. Especially the newcomers that inevitably will remain after this has been resolved. They've obviously been told to leave it alone. More than half the posts here would have either gotten removed or the thread locked if this was any other thread.
  19. We are not pretending to be children. We will fight for the right to be naked, as adults, ON A ADULT PLATFORM!
  20. I was waiting for you to come back. I was gonna warn people that you demanded this thread be up to 200 pages by the time you got back but I didn't want to scare people. Let 'em have it!
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