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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Kaifuyem = getting loaded, by the way. "Living it up".
  2. I notice someone said all a person over 50 has to look forward to is old age and death. I feel that's horrifically unenlightened. Realizing old age and death are inevitable shouldn't cause one to give up on life, they should inspire one to make the most of it. I've found that if all a person can see is poop, they probably have their head in the wrong place. I'm over 50 and learn new things every day. My RL would be intolerable to most people I know, and yet, I can be happy, because the world is still full of things I haven't experienced, and I still have time to experience so many of them. People stop learning too soon, and feeling like you already know everything only makes life look like a pit of despair. I feel sorry for people who can't see the infinity for the vacuum of space. Also, I'm actually feeling good about the age reveals, and not because so many people here are older than myself. It's given me some perspective, and, actually, a lot more respect for a lot of my fellow forum-goers, seeing how long they've been in SL, when they joined, and at what ages. I don't normally pry very deeply into anyone's profiles on the forums, so getting to see things like the year someone joined is cool, and adds depth to their other posts, contextually. It's kinda neato, really. Thanks for this thread.
  3. LOL, my disclosed age is actually younger than my character's age, despite her apparent age being 9. So you'll have to pick between knowing she's about 32,000 years old, and having been hoodwinked with everyone else into thinking she's actually a kid. And a bipedal humanoid organism. From Earth. But yeah, despite being honest on the forum, I really do wish people inworld would play more and just pretend it's all as it seems. It'd be way more magical/surreal/immersive/fun for them if they did. And for me. I get tired of people "coming out" to me, as if I was somehow being damaged by not knowing what I could probably figure out on my own if I bothered to try. I really don't need to know how you pee or how you vote in order to have a helathy SL. I feel a major failing in today's mindset is everyone wanting to know the secret to a magic trick, and then being disappointed when the trick doesn't work because they had to know the secret before even seeing the magic. The truth doesn't set you free in the land of make-believe, quite the opposite. It can utterly destroy any hopes of really experiencing the best part of being there. Then it might as well be Facebutt or something. PROTIP: Nobody is being saved from anything by insisting on dragging reality into our escape from reality. I'm fine with people pretending. It's why I love SL. We can play, like when we were little and nobody had forced us to box up our imaginations and look down on them as somehow inferior. Imagination is what makes us special, and makes life worth living. Even if it's just someone else's imagination being spoon-fed to you on TV, without it, you'd all be so bored you'd find life intolerable. It is no sin to have a magical life full of make-believe, it's a blessing I wish everyone could enjoy. Without a healthy and vigorous imagination, life on Earth becomes a life sentence on a dull, grey, prison planet, so if you ever feel like you're living on a prison planet, it can only mean one thing. Your imagination needs to get out more.
  4. It's not about actual harm, it's about being the enlightened, civilized society they purport to be. I mean, the replicator doesn't offer barbecued human. I'm working on it though, they'll advance, or they'll die. When my kind finally reveal ourselves in our true form, anyone eating potatoes on that ship will be sorry. And they'll make great fertilizer, too. To their credit as a species though, at least they don't require all officers to be caucasian male humans, at least not since joining the Federation. I'm glad they realize that humanity is one. Now if they can just realize that humans and potatoes are one, we can all evolve together. Until then I'll just have to keep my eyes on them. Good thing I have so many.
  5. I'll remember that, thanks. And I do my best to avoid anything resembling a microwave. I already lodged a complaint about the food replicator serving mashed potatoes, as well.
  6. Over 50, that's my story and I'm stuck with it~! I think it's funny how many people freak out when they find out, too. I've met people in their 20s who don't seem to understand how it's even possible that they met me online and I'm so "old", and yet still "cool" and relatable somehow. I tell them it's something you learn how to do when you get old, trick young people into thinking you're cool, smart, and might have ideas that are worth a dern. XD Doesn't mean I trust anyone under 30, though. XD Most of my real friends in SL are older than I am IRL, which suits me fine, too. Even when I was really a kid I preferred hanging out with people older than myself. Kids my age all seemed like idiots.
  7. Here I am on the Tarkus, in full regalia. Yeah, I haven't managed to find a red shirt that fits me yet. Working on it. Not a lot of outfit choices if you aren't using the classic potato, but the market is improving daily. I still have hope. Glad it's an adult sim, I can be naked and it's okay. Never let it be said that Starfleet isn't inclusive and an equal-opportunity recruiter. Also Retro Trek for the win. I love the ship builds. And where else can I be a space potato? Don't answer that, it was just a rhetorical question.
  8. See, that's sensible. Like making a FB group for your SL friends, or having a Discord channel for keeping in contact outside SL. But I'd only do that for close friends whom I didn't mind knowing outside of SL. I currently have one friend in SL that gets to contact me outside SL, because I just really suck at multi-platforming in general, and while my phone was still on, he had my number, so he could text me and see if I was okay if I was offline for too long. Now we use email for this. It does help, because when everyone asks him if I'm still alive or whatever, at least he can let them know I'm okay. Ideally, I mean. I suck at email too. ^-^;
  9. Calling on the Lindens for inworld help in a forum post is a bit like asking me or others to fix problems with your account... If you feel it's harrassment or abuse you can always try reporting it, but I have no idea if it's the sort of thing that would be prioritized. I mean, you might get an answer from a Linden here, just not sure what they could do about people having requirements for joining groups. I've never been pushed to go anywhere outworld just to join a group, unless it was to read a website for a sim community and their rules, etc., before joining. A lot of people do find Discord useful, and easier than dealing with people having problems with voice inworld, or whatever, but really, I have no idea why anyone would insist people join their Discord server or they couldn't be in a group. A lot of people are just used to using Discord for everything, many of them to communicate with friends while gaming on multiple platforms at once, simply because it's one big, decentralized communication platform independent of any specific game, or social media or thing like SL, I guess. Me, I've never needed anything beyond group chat. If it's for SL tips, well, most people tend to look here, or just ask people they know inworld. You don't have to join some group that insists on Discord, there's plenty of places to find anything you want, and loads of people who are only inworld or here. If you don't want to do something, by all means, don't do it. It's a big grid, and you can probably find whatever you're looking for without being groomed into glorified IRC if you try. I've resisted everything that ever tried to take me away from SL, and I'm fine. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. If it feels poopy, don't do it, and don't worry about it.
  10. I still change into jammies when I go to bed to log off, at least when I bother with having a house and a bed and all. Most of the time I just perch on whatever I'm building and log back in there when I "wake up". And yeah, you don't need to own a home in SL. The whole grid can be your home, or you might make friends somewhere and they say hey, you can set this place to home. I've never owned land in SL, though I've actually had owner privileges set as part of living with friends/SL family members on land they owned (which was extra cool because I could landscape if I wanted). Some people like to just wander and explore, and some like to own land and not allow anyone else on it, and some people make nice places and want to share them with others who can appreciate it. The sim I currently live on is the one I work on and help with, and nobody asks me for rent or anything. So far I've been lucky, and have dodged paying rent in SL for oh, about seven years now. I was paying 25L$ a week for a place that wouldn't even let me rezz enough items to sit or sleep on, and my stuff kept getting chucked back into my Lost & Found every four hours, boy was that annoying. I like to think that I'm virtual proof that anyone can have a fun and meaningful Second Life, no matter how humble their beginnings. Long post short, it's cool, you can live for free in SL. Heck, you don't even have to eat, pay a light bill, or even do laundry, how cool is that?
  11. Allright, Hallowe'''''''''en is over, back to normal. And yeah, it's dark. It's Innsmouth. I'd have used a facelight, but yeah... nah.
  12. I've never seen this on any login screen anywhere... Maybe I'm missing something. Could be their viewer login screen, Iunno.
  13. I cannot unsee this now. And speaking of cannot unsee, where can I find a good neck fader? I'm really not used to this mesh body yet, so any help is welcome.
  14. Eyes lie, especially on a virtual potato. You know it as well as I do. That other potato could be ANYbody. Heck, I bet half the people playing potatoes aren't even Idahoans. I mean, I'm not either, but still. I can't stand seeing all that horticultural appropriation, even if I'm sort of a part of it. At least MY potato persona is aiming for accuracy, and being respectful of real potatoes' feelings. Ask any real potato on the forums, or inworld. I never play to stereotypes, like assuming all fries are French, or thinking russets are "dirty" somehow, compared to smoother, lighter-skinned potatoes. And NO, they do NOT taste funny. And if I can pass well enough, maybe really deep down in my soul I AM a potato. But no worries, I won't get political about it, or drag medical authorities into it. It's just an inner knowing. Until I change my mind later and decide I'm a carrot instead.
  15. Now the only problem is that I can't tell which other potatoes are guys and which are ladies, either in SL or RL. It's okay though, I'm used to being paranoid.
  16. Took me forever to find the right skin. Snapshots don't do it justice, cos of my viewer settings. But it feels right, you know? I haven't felt this attractive in a long time.
  17. Everyone happy now? Look, I'm naked and everything. 18+, SLT+2, age and potato verified, happily taken, single, married, up for anything, not looking, poly, monogamous, and sometimes even curly fried. RP Limits: No idea, I've never played a potato before. And yes, this photo was taken on an A-rated sim.
  18. It's too late to turn back noooow~ I believe, I believe, I believe, I've already blooocked youuuu~
  19. Additional Peeve: When a troll drops all attempts at artistry and subtlety, and just starts making duplicates of already existing threads and acting like a mentally challenged bot. Trolling used to be an art form, and wasn't even negative in nature. New people would join a community, and someone would trick them into something silly, all would laugh, and then the new person would be considered part of the community, because everyone'd had the same jokes played on them when they were new. It was like joining a club, becoming part of it all. Being one of the "cool kids". Now it's just people wiping their butt on others because they don't care about anyone else's feelings. I grew out of that bulldooky before the 2010's, and I really thought that everyone else had, also. Not even /b/ quality, and that's REALLY sad. Probably thinks he's making fun of autistic people. I'm autistic, and really dislike that sort of thing.
  20. I've found that my graphics settings can affect the neck seam appearing to myself, at least, and the majority of mesh bodies these days seem to recognize the need for a smooth, seamless neck and include things (either in the body/head HUD and/or as an accessory item of sorts) like neck faders to help blend the colors more smoothly. I'd certainly look into neck fade options if your body includes them. It's kinda weird how even head and body skins made by the same creators can differ in the tones, also. Either way, you can fix it, so deep breaths, calm and relaxed, and it will be okay. Also expect lots of far more helpful responses than mine, especially once you give Ceka the info she's asked for. Never fear, experienced help is near~! Personally, I sort of like the neck seam sometimes. One of my inworld costumes is a haunted doll, and having a neck seam just makes her more realistic. XD
  21. Peeve O' The Day: People who don't place any value on my kindness and friendliness, and would rather see me angry, hurt, or vindictive. Especially when I've gone to bat in defense of them and their own feelings on multiple occasions. For the record, I make a far better ally than I do an enemy. Ask anyone who's survived it. They'll tell you real quick.
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