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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. Sometimes it's better not to know much. I've had stuff vanish. Sometimes its sticking out of the side of a building, and sometimes in a basement I don't have. Oh I just shrug it off.....and sooner or later hey presto it appears in lost and found!
  2. Telling Love "You screwed up Love" @Love Zhaoying Wonder Woman >>>> Woman xxxxxxx
  3. It never bothers me at all, but having crosshairs in my neck, and an avi name stuck over my head forever is weird.
  4. The only odd experience I had a few days ago was that a sofa I'd previously tried in my bedroom, but removed....was phasing in and out. It never stayed long enough for me to click on it, but was fully rezzed for less than a second. That cycled in and out for the whole session, but disappeared after relogging.
  5. Never Expect Regular Virtual Experiences PATIE(nce)
  6. 2. I change my name to..... "IDontHaveTimeForThis" Soon as possible....haha.
  7. The Relatively Young Inspire Trust. NAIVE
  8. Actually I think HairHead is a better description.
  9. Something I got to say Orwar. After two glasses of wine. I'm damn sure you're getting cuter. Maybe it's my wine goggles.
  10. Will you take me for a ride? ………………….*coughs*
  11. Skye went hunting, and popped over to Gregfield in the dead of night. It was quiet, but she did find one decent conversation while she was guarding the bridge. Not quite "Who goes there?"...…….. The answer of course, is...……"2020"...……..
  12. Yesterday for only the third time in my SL, I encountered extreme rudeness from a sim owner. I asked this individual if I could ask a question, being aware that they might not have time, and I got a curt, short and rude response. So that sim is now number three on my blacklist. I don't stand for rudeness in RL, and I'm certainly not taking it here in world. There, I feel better now.
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