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Sammy Huntsman

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Everything posted by Sammy Huntsman

  1. Speaking of Gacha's, Halloween is fast approaching and then Christmas. Most designers pump out Gacha's even in normal non Gacha events. Which then you have to wade through all of that, just to maybe find 10 normal retail items. Like please stop making it all about Gacha's during these big holidays. I don't want to have to wade through 300 different Gachas of say a certain costume I want. Just let me buy my stuff and go. It's like they want to bump up their sales, and don't realize that people don't want to wade through ocean of Gachas. And even then, during the holiday sales. The gachas are somehow better quality, and it's like. We get the half bummed item at full retail, yet the Gacha's get the higher quality looking products.
  2. I would have to say this seems legit and good, now let me explain. For one, it allows for recognition and some communities within SL need some sort of recognition than most. It also allows the outside world to see what SL is all about. Albeit the whole assumption that SL is mainly about sexual interactions. Yes I agree with some points, especially Beth Macbain. Certain aspects of SL are being put underground. But for the exact opposite reasons, most people who take those pictures are into SL porno. I really can't change the word, or think of another word to say. The one thing that bugs me though, that throughout SL's history, there have been these cynics and naysayers that seem to only shed the negative light. But even then, form and speculate your own opinion, and then on top of that, give it a try. There is nothing wrong with giving something new a try. I will kinda keep my eye on it and see if it is to my liking or not. But yeah, it's in its infant stages right now. Give it a chance, and see what it has to offer before you make a judgement on it.
  3. Seriously, you know how many times I have had to ask to be taken off these subscription lists? Either due to an autosubscribe or they just go to events or crowded sims and add your username and then put you in their list. The worst is when you step into a sim, and just by stepping into a sim, you unknowingly consent to being a subscriber. Oxymoron I know, but this stuff happens.
  4. This is why I like places like Epiphany, or DRD and miss PocketGacha. They all give you a choice to pull or just buy the no mod, no transfer set.
  5. The only way I am gonna get one, is if I can buy the full set without the heartache of having to gamble away all my money. Maybe if they were considerate, and not about dolla dolla bills. They would realize, they have a major market for people who would buy the whole set, if they had the choice. Effectively doubling or tripling their profits. Yeah I had a run in with that, went to a Gacha event with a friend, either got a gift or pulled once, the event instantly put me on their subscriber list, and I had to deal with it. Ultimately got banned, cause asking to get removed 3-4 times, over 5 or 6 months is classified as harassment.
  6. Lawyers have been fighting this, but because Gacha is on the cusp of gambling, like just slightly at the line where Gambling and purchasing meets. They are effectively able to still do it. I do hope that these lawyers find a loophole and finally can label Gacha's for what they actually are.
  7. They actually do that a lot at Epiphany, I will not shop any other Gacha events other than Epiphany. When I get the choice to buy the full set at a higher price, that sounds better to me. Especially when I am having to play a pseudo slot machine just to get 1000s of the same commons. I am totally over exaggerating here, but yeah I don't play gacha machines. It also kinda makes me miss PocketGacha, all Gacha items gave you a choice to buy the full set/outfit, or pull for it. We really need more events like this, I would rather not waste my money on gambling for a freakin item I really want.
  8. This picture and the other two, started out as me just wanting to be non cliche in the cyberpunk/sci-fi genre. But it ultimately turned into me talking about how I feel this way too. I hope you enjoy
  9. I am currently dating someone, and I have seen a few people. Which I didn't say all. I am not gonna let my opinions become facts here. But He is very afraid to come out as himself, because everytime he does. The constant hate in his FB and SL IM's is ridiculous. They have literally broke down his confidence, and I have to pep talk him to try and boost his confidence and insecurities. I really do feel bad, that he constantly goes through with it, and that people are just this way. But if you look at FB, especially one group in particular. The people who attack this ideal or lifestyle, are the ones who have set standards on what is normal and what is not normal in SL. And everyone has to follow them, or your shunned and made fun of and attacked for being outside the norms.
  10. But today that is becoming part of the norm, the unique look of a furry, or a neko or even the person with the kawaii look. They are slowly starting come out of hiding, and when people basically lambast them, and practically attack them. No wonder why they went into hiding in the first place. It reminds me of a sim I lived on once, a close friend owned it. And for like the first year or two, they allowed furries and other people like that. Then around late 2014, they totally changed that. So basically people were expected to change, or GTFO for short. I can see why you see a lot more normal looking people, because they are scared to express themselves. Essentially the same in RL. But this needs to stop, this discrimination of people who are classified as "creepy, weird and not normal" It really needs to stop. But because it's not seen as much on SL because they have other platforms to make fun of these people. There is nothing LL can do, and anyone who stands up for them. Gets labelled with such horrible and disgusting labels. Really makes you want to just give up, but I am too stubborn and will keep on fighting the good fight.
  11. Yes, but my point is that these people are being attacked. Just because of how they look. Somehow these people seem to go this look, and then somehow first thing that pops in there head is coitus and intercourse. But yet, for most it's not all about that. They just want to look cute, and feel cute. That is all. How hard is that for people to fathom?
  12. I would have to agree with you there, like I am so scared to ask questions sometimes due to me being possibly attacked and wrongfully ousted as ignorant or discriminating or shaming someone. But yet that is not my intention, and never will be my intention. I just want to know, I am very curious and inquisitive. Excuse me for trying to learn and understand certain looks and lifestyles. This is why you rarely see me ask questions on my FB. Which i am not gonna assume you have one. But even then, yeah my behaviour in the past can make people a bit on the up goes the wall side. Now I am just naturally curious, and it feels like if I ask a question, that I do my best to word it appropriately. As to make it sound like I want to know, and want to understand. That somehow I am part of the problem itself, and that I am ignorant. And I don't want to get all my knowledge from books and the internet. Especially videos on YouTube, as this person is talking from their own personal experiences and why they like said look and lifestyle. And each person may have different individual reasons as to why they do this and that, so if you get your sources straight from the horses mouth, instead of the internet and books. You are gonna have a better understanding, as to why each individual does it.
  13. That is how I was raised, instead of assuming and getting my info from books and the internet. Get my info straight from the source, you will learn way more than what a book or the internet can teach you.
  14. I think the issue is, and this is just me. You may disagree, and that is totally fine. In today's world, whether it be SL or RL. People would rather live blissfully ignorant, rather than taking the time to learn stuff, ask questions, figure out what makes people tick. But even when asked, just in say Facebook groups. Which to be honest, some of them could have worded it better. Instead of feeling like you are attacked, maybe take the time and talk to them about it. Help them understand, we won't know why people like a certain look or lifestyle, or understand that lifestyle unless we ask. I totally understand it's personal, but you don't need to get into the semantics.
  15. But at the same time, I don't mind people asking me about being trans. I would rather ask questions, than have to deal with the discrimination or like they know everything. The more you know. That is what I am getting at, I would rather take the time to explain about who I am, than having to sit there and endure attacks or having people act like they know more about me being trans, and somehow I know less then them. As they say, Ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power. Yet, knowing is half the battle. We live in a world, both SL and RL. Where people would rather live in ignorance, than take the few minutes it takes to ask questions and educate themselves. I am all for an educated populace, not an ignorant populace.
  16. At that point in time, this had nothing to do with the curvy look. I was using that argument as an example. Basically what I was trying to say, is people need to take the time and ask questions, to understand people better. Instead of bringing them down, take the time to learn about them. You might find out you have a lot in common. Sorry for using that example, I will try not to use an example such as that again. But at the same time, if you read up. It was also kinda going on about the hypocrisies here. Basically it's not okay to ask questions, but it's okay for these same people who feel attacked, to attack others.
  17. Well I would think that asking someone what attracts them to the specific look they are in is the best approach. I don't think anyone is meaning to be condescending, I think they are merely curious and want to try to understand what attracts people to those specific looks. I think that people do word it wrong, but I don't think their intentions are to shame or to be condescending. I think they are just plain curious. Like asking why are people interested in the furry lifestyle. People are very inquisitive and curious by nature, today not so much. They tend to want to put down people instead of taking the time to understand and educate themselves.
  18. But even in RL, there will people who will look exactly like that. There will be people into those lifestyles, or want to look Kawaii. Do they have a problem with these people in RL too? There is no set standard look of an adult, when it comes to the face. Hell, there are adults who are underdeveloped or who are vertically challenged.
  19. I don't know, I just wish everyone could walk the grid freely while following TOS. Without those need for standards in how they look act, or present themselves. That is all I am asking.
  20. I think I may have been there once. I found i honestly boring, a club where people casually stand around and chit chat. No one was dancing when I went there. But yeah it just feels like the people who are fighting to stop discrimination, are the ones who are causing it for people they just don't understand in SL. Because what you will notice, it is mainly the women who have the HG or Freya body, who are curvy, who tend to constantly have their claws out and will attack anyone for not looking like them. Yet you point out or just ask why someone looks this way, because you are purely just curious as to what attracts them to that specific look. You literally are lambasted and attacked, cause somehow you are shaming them. Well if you don't like being shamed yourself in RL, stop doing it to others in SL. But yeah I just wish people would let people express themselves in SL and not feel like they are gonna be forced underground to be able to do it.
  21. It shouldn't matter how you look or what lifestyle you are in, you should be able to enjoy the grid without the abuse like everyone else. I am getting sick and tired of seeing this all the time, and you have a bunch of people who will join in on it. Take a few seconds to learn about lifestyles or certain looks, instead of being so ignorant and bullying them to the point they are scared to even be themselves. This is what happened to furries, and they went into hiding for many years.
  22. The biggest one was the whole Kawaii look. If I remember someone posted that they found it creepy, and hundreds of people were just on attack mode. Basically attacking anyone who weren't like them. This is getting kinda tiring, especially when it comes to your topic. You can't bring up your topic, or anything about curvy avatars. But they can bring up anything about, not being HG or Freya, having a system avatar or having that kawaii look. Bunch of hypocrites in my opinion, and this has been going on for as long as I can remember. At one point in time, they had it out for the furries. It's getting annoying actually, just let people who they want on SL. It isn't harming them at all.
  23. This photo was actually inspired by my love of sports as a kid. Now to recap, I was the geekiest kid you would ever see. Reading, video games, and cartoons and anime were my thing. Just got back into Anime recently. But I still had this love and passion for sports. I hope you guys enjoy.
  24. The only reason I am on it, is to stand up for these people who are constantly judged. We were all noobs once, we all went through phases to find our trueselves. So why do we need to bring others down, we are supposed to stand together and lift each other up. So basically I just tend to debate, but at the same time try to be a voice of reason and good.
  25. You see it on people's SL Facebook a lot, especially within one group. Second Life Friends, they are the worst for it, and most people are the most judgemental people I have ever seen. Yet if you make a comment about them, or ask why they find something attractive. They will attack you, and act like you are judging them.
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