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Coffee Pancake

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Everything posted by Coffee Pancake

  1. It's a well loved project, that doesn't mean it's a tangled web of lucky gibberish that happens to keep working by pixie dust alone. As anyone who has submitted code to them will tell you, LL do have some fairly robust coding standards.
  2. As far as we can tell from all the available documentation, the only limitation on horizons are no terraforming and no parcel editing. Any thematic suggestions, are just that, suggestions.
  3. Shoes are the exception, I generally only buy shoes in fatpacks
  4. Or worse ... I refuse to buy a fatpack just to get a minor colour option on an item ... Say red trim on a black dress.
  5. "Public Knowledge" does not equate to an actionable reproduction that the Lab can investigate and correct.
  6. No. BAD. Really. Really really bad. Alpha blended texture rendering is one of the most expensive parts of the render pipeline. It should be avoided like the plague.
  7. Then maybe you need to verify this with a repro and file a JIRA .. and not discuss it on the public forums.
  8. You keep bumping .. but neither this or the other thread has a link to the location in world.
  9. Please edit your original post to include a link to the location - Just click on your viewer address bar and copy paste the entire link.
  10. This is kind of important to state as not everyone realizes it. While not suitable for everything .... ALPHA MASKING IS SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER THAN ALPHA BLENDING .... and should be used everywhere you can. When you press CTRL+ALT+T .. all those red textures are blended alpha, they are super expensive to render. RED = BAD !!
  11. I don't care. 1L$ is .. nothing. Like literally nothing. I'm not going to waste time getting my knickers in a bunch over 0.003 US pennies. Sure there is the principal, and if getting all high and mighty floats your boat then don't pretend otherwise. Me, I've tried the demo, binned it and hold no hard feelings for anyone involved. Life is just too short. I have a floating bunny "quest giver" who gives 1L$ to anyone who pokes him for a quest.
  12. BOM is much safer than an applier .. as you seem to be talking about people using copybot viewers and thinking they can just rip the texture from the clothing item, then you're neglecting those same viewers being able to rip the texture right off the mesh body. So for those people, an applier is no more a hurdle than an avatar layer item. Your encrypted scripted magic .. it adds nothing to the equation for dedicated thieves, making it 100% pure snake oil. However BOM + avatar layer also defeats people trying to get the texture from the cache as the original texture willl never be in the cache, only the final bake. This is a bigger issue as many are scared to run a fully evil client as it will be stealing their account information at the same time. LL have stated they are reworking the image cache
  13. Some even do that in Second Life ... I can't even fathom. I mean, I'm pretty sure a couple of hours in world is enough to convince those of a god bothering disposition that we all need Jesus, but to then seek out the afore mentioned deity in world just boggles the mind.
  14. As I have said, the creator of RLVa would be up for porting the code to the official viewer, but we are under no illusions. The end result would NOT be the RLV everyone is used to and more like script extensions to experience tools.. it wouldn't even be fair to call the ends result RLV. Ironically.. this would probably be more useful to more people than what we have now.
  15. Security is SL is based entirely on the region playing middle man - There is no viewer to viewer communication. The SL permission system has no concept of a one-time-pass. Once you grant a script permissions, it has them till it gives them up, if placed in inventory it retains them. Copies inherit permissions. Experiences grant permission grid wide to ALL scripts tied to that one experience till such time as you remember to revoke it. The SL permission systems as provided are wholly unsuitable to giving another player even limited one time access to view part of your inventory. We will never get blanket read access outside of that provided by RLV. We do not want write access, ever. "Here, let me help you sort your inventory!" CTRL+A, DELETE, Empty trash, "There! All tidy!"
  16. Whoa whoa time out. You let your own 16 year old daughter join SL ?
  17. No. It's the exact opposite of what your Second Life experience will lead you to expect. At this point, not having played Minecraft is a bit like not having seen StarWars. Seriously though people .. Youtube - Planetside2 Zerg - This game has no NPCs. Every combatant is a human player. Vehicles can contain multiple players. The continents are VAST and HUNDREDS of people can be in the same place at the same time. Sure graphics optimization and game limitations have a whole lot to say, but the real star here is the netcode and physics engine. But unlike Mincraft, we're not children. We have money and we spend it month after month. A sizable portion of the SL economy ends up paying for server time.
  18. Use the feedback .. don't ever depend on our memory to have something in if it's important .. even if we say "oh sure, no probs".
  19. Use the feedback button and ask for it ^^ It's fixed.. Will be in next release. LL changed it and we missed it.
  20. Um .. Maybe we need to go over that folder sometime, we probably have a couple of years worth of headline new Catznip features just sat there all unloved.
  21. Firestorm uses RLVa which is developed by the Catznip viewer by Kitty Barnett. Kitty has said that she would be willing to let LL have RLVa should they want it, and she is planning on making RLVa commands specifically for mesh baking anyway. It's worth mentioning that we have tried to get wider usage of RLVa outside of the adulting community (and being able to script the viewer via commands is broadly useful), but there has never been much uptake or interest, the association between this technology and kink is set in stone. If (and it's a HUGE if) LL did take the code then we would fully expect it to end up rolled into experience tools and the end result would almost certainly not be the RLVa we have and use now. (It's also worth pointing out that due to licensing issues, LL can not just take third party viewer code, there is a process to be followed inc handing over some rights.)
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