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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. I almost never join groups of places, I do however join groups where I find them useful to me. Why should I have to choose between utility and privacy. Simply ensure that tracking is opt in whereever it occurs and those of us that dont want to be tracked are happy. Those that want to be tracked will be happy. I suspect its because you know the feature will become useless when most people don't opt in
  2. So if I dont want to be tracked dont join any group ever is what you are saying?
  3. hmmm should have checked by going there, it still comes up in search
  4. pffft kiddo? Well that right there disqualifies you from having an opinion, not that all your previous comments hadn't
  5. Fine continue to harm sl with your assertions, you obviously don't care. You tell people its a game they expect a game. There is no game here, merely games within the world. I however care about SL and will continue to tell you that you are wrong because you are
  6. Which part of its mis selling it to others that then tell others its crap are you missing? You can call it what you like in your own head when you mislead others and bring them here under false pretences it hurts sl and therefore hurts my experience. Your claim it has no effect is therefore spurious and rejected your views are as valid as a 9$ bill
  7. No, We already have sufficient tech to do video conferencing yet people still travel to meetings
  8. I just told you exactly why....they tell people its a game, people come expecting a game, people leave and post about how crap SL is because they came expecting its something its not. Which part of that are you struggling with? For the vast majority of people SL has no game like qualities at all, they come to a virtual world and mainly socialise and make friends. The number of people that come and stay because they see it as a game is vanishingly small. You promote SL for what it is and then people dont come expecting something different
  9. Labelling it a game hurts sl for the simple reason people see game, they come they find none of what they expect such as quests, item drops, levelling up etc and then they quit and bad mouth SL. It leads to people joining SL with malformed expectations
  10. If it wasnt successful then it doesnt make the point that chin was trying to make which is that many mmorpgs struggle for years then become sucessful. It just isnt true
  11. No its not just ignore them, I dont want anything about my movements on there full stop. I do my best not to be tracked in rl. I don't have a phone thats turned on most of the time, I use cash for most payments, I don't have social media, I wear a hat to keep my face off camera's, I use tor and vpn's to browse. I no longer drive but take public transport. No I am not going to accept being tracking in SL and just ignore it. That is not good enough, dont track me in the first place end of story because if you do then I will be stopping coming to sl Why the hell is the default stance of those that think social media is a good idea and everyone should be tracked always "Well if you don't like it just ignore it" Tough you don't get to make choices for me
  12. You forgot one thing, this has to be totally by opt in only. There is a reason why many people avoid social media like the plague. Happy for you to have it if you want to but if you opt me in and I have to jump through hoops to avoid all of this then no thanks
  13. Care to name one of these most successful MMORPGS that struggled at first? I came to SL from MMPORGS and the experience was always the same A good start followed by a rapidly declining player base. The one exception to that being world of warcraft which grew its player base for several years before going into decline. However world of warcraft was never struggling
  14. Home sweet home with my own small village of friends and family
  15. I have tried Sansar I am heavily into VR There is a desire for a vr social platform as evidenced by VR chat The simple fact is that Sansar cant even manage to get to 1% of VR chats concurrency , this is largely the fault of the Lab who never seemed and still don't seem to have any idea what audience they are aiming for, or what vr users want. Sansar is already dead in the eyes of VR users. Companies don't want to use it to host their VR projects, why would pancake mode users want it when for them sl is a far better experience. The only reason Sansar is still alive is because someone is to stubborn to drop their pet project.
  16. sighs how many times do I need to explain this PRINCIPLES ARE WORTHLESS HOT AIR the whole of my point, I really dont care what you think your human rights are. They cease when they meet reality
  17. Sighs see you said it there The right exists in principle well you can eat principles, principles dont protect you from bullets knives, baseball bats or small wombats called gerald" A principle is merely a nice to have and until you accept its merely an aspiration and not an absolute right you think you have I will continue to shout at you
  18. You are also missing the point still ownership of property is only a right if you have means of enforcing it. That doesnt equate to me saying ethically might makes right. The whole argument I am having here can be boiled down to "There are ethics which are concepts, there are things you can enforce. The only thing that matters in day to day life is what you can enforce the concepts are merely an ephemeral wish list. You cannot claim the ethics are what we have. You can only claim the enforceable is what we have"
  19. and where there have been improvements it has had nothing to do with the un it has had to do with the people in that country voting in politicians that would change the status and its applicable to that country only. Go to iran with your male wife and tell them its your universal human right
  20. I said that me owning the car is a stupid fiction if I cant enforce it, whether thats by me doing something or a government body doing something. If I have something and you can walk away with it with no consequence then your concept of ownership is meaningless. This is the point I am trying to make and people seem to fail to grasp. Concepts are all well and good but if they arent enforced they are meaningless and worthless
  21. The arrogance is believing your ethical code supersedes others
  22. It is toothless and cant enforce anything, frankly it would be no loss to shut the whole thing down as all it actually does is cost people like you and me money sending useless people to have useless talks
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