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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. When hoarding becomes an issue is also because others see it happening then decide they ought to as well and before you know it everyone is doing it then people like me who just wanted a can of tomato soup have to make do with some foul flavour like cauliflower and wensleydale
  2. For those who don't have it stay safe. I have and its not pleasant
  3. I havent read any of this thread apart from the title, in general though if something on twitter is putting people who use twitter off coming here then I think we should all be thankful
  4. For comparison and checked date of purchase was mid 2016, originally a 980gtx 4gb
  5. Also can I advise shopping around a bit, my system is about the same age and similar specs the only difference I can see is mine is an i7 5720, my data drive only 1 tb. I paid 1400 for mine and that price included two asus 24inch monitors, about half what you paid
  6. I had a problem with my machine not booting reliably for a while. I traced it down to booting with my phone connected to the usb socket eventually. Might just be a dodgy peripheral. As to fans try cleaning the filters etc
  7. Consensual pvp can be fun not what the op wanted though, his complaint was basically when someone insults my gf all I can respond is "no you" because I dont have any skill with putdowns so I should be allowed to beat them up and knock them off line
  8. hmmm I did? goes to look back....my main comments have been op doesnt need a full homestead and nothing about internet but may have accidentally replied to you by mistake
  9. why are you quoting me bb speeds and costs when I never complained about them?
  10. in this day and age of unwanted junk mail everyone has an ample supply of unwanted paper no worse than the waxed stuff available when I grew up
  11. luxury some of us use the free newspapers and cut it into squares and hang it on a string
  12. Op might well be in a wheelchair and sl is important, however that doesnt mean they need to be able to afford a full homestead to make it worthwhile. I am in the uk, I earn enough to be in the top 20% of uk earners. I know I couldnt justify a full homestead without cutting down on my expenses elsewhere and bear in mind I dont have a car, I walk to work. I dont buy coffees out and go home for lunch. I dont visit bars or take drugs. I have a low cost life. Still a whole homestead is something I couldn't justify nor do I see it as if I cant have a whole homestead sl is worthless. I rent a quarter of a sim. It is enough for me to manage a good sl. including providing free homes for my sl sister and daughters and house guests The op could just go ok I cant afford this I will rent half a homestead
  13. Dont pander to it....I am in the UK I work I cant afford to rent nearly as much land you dont see me complaining and claiming Linden labs should make it cheaper. SL is a hobby if its too expensive either scale back or quit simple as that it is not one of lifes essentials. Besides which I wouldnt be surprised if the op is richer than many uk residents being retired as a lot of that generation had the opportunity of final salary pension schemes and fairly cheap housing
  14. The fact remains you dont need a whole homestead....cant afford it downgrade just like everyone else cut your cloth to what you can afford. Would I like more land off course I would but because I cant afford it I merely rent what I can afford for probably half of what you wish to spend
  15. There wasn't really a topic in the first place its another I can't afford to have all the things I want on sl for [insert reason of choice here] Linden labs should make it cheaper for me as they dont need to make a profit. Nothing that hasn't been discussed a thousand times before
  16. Probably enough men, it is whether we have enough men that present as men
  17. A lot of the problem was the uk's own parliament as well, as we saw after the referendum most mp's were still wedded to the eu . We never had a party to vote for that could win and be in governement that wasn't happy to drag us deeper in. If we had referendums on maastricht and lisbon I am pretty sure that one or the other would have been rejected
  18. Eve, world of warcraft, tsw, the original conan mmo, still play eve
  19. The term you are looking for I think is that it's free and the point of delivery. You don't have to think can I afford it before going to the doctor/hospital
  20. I certainly am not saying the eu had no advantages, for me personally though the disadvantages outweighed the advantages by a huge amount. For example I am extremely pleased that the UK wont be implementing the madness of the new eu copyright rules (specifically article 13 which was changed to article 17)
  21. You do know most of that petrol price is tax? mostly imposed by the infamous fuel escalator of Gordon Brown. You dont need to spend money in sl. Your crap about so you dont want to have a good skin....sorry one off purchase....you dont need a homestead. Cant afford it then scale down like anyone sensible would do
  22. For a lot of those of us that voted leave it was for reasons of control of our own destinies scylla. It has been an open secret admitted by many in national governments that if you want to put in something you wont get past your own parliament get the eu to implement. One of britains ministers came out and openly admitted this in about 2012. As a country we could elect who we liked to our governement, we could love their manifesto, elect them on the basis of what they said they wanted to do....then get told when they got to power sorry we cant do that after all because its against eu rules. Sorry not acceptable to a lot of us.
  23. Homelessness increases everywhere sadly for a mix of reasons, here its because everyone comes to the south east to find work and pushes rents up as places to live are in short supply at the same time as the influx keeps wages down as the supply of labour exceeds demand. Other places it is lack of jobs etc where again the number looking keeps wages down to the point people cannot afford to pay rent and food. There is an answer that might actually help and its not redistribution but sadly left nor right will implement it.
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