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Everything posted by KanryDrago

  1. Long story short some one posted this image in the Why is sl so laggy thread saying it would be a suitable substitute with a little tweaking for our current mesh. My reaction to it was fairly negative how ever I am only one person. Lets see others reactions to this. We will find out who thinks they would trade their mesh for something like this because as the original poster of the image said "They would barely notice the difference"
  2. Heres a fun thought I will start a new thread shall I using this image and ask people to indicate yes or no as to whether they would find this body style a suitable substitute for their mesh. I am pretty sure it would be a resounding hell no
  3. On top of which one of the biggest niches in SL are photographers and I am damn sure they don't want to photograph cartoons
  4. Of course people would notice the difference, the vast majority come here for a social experience, they want as near to real as it gets they don't come here to pew pew
  5. You are kidding right, that is far far below the standard of current mesh bodies its a freaking cartoon See this is exactly why those of opposed to these "lets bring in optimisations you won't know the difference" crowd are dubious when someone can tout this monstrosity as anywhere near the standard of current mesh
  6. Just took the test to see how my pc performs, interestingly it gives component costs on the output and totting up my component costs my pc is just over 800. However 320 of that comes from a graphics card I put in a couple of weeks ago when my gtx 980 bit the dust which I picked up second hand for 200. so for about 700£ you could have a pc not much different to mine which runs sl perfectly adequately which shows all the people going on about 2000 to 3000 gaming rigs being necessary isnt at all true. ratings were Gaming Nuclear submarine Desktop Aircraft Carrier Workstation Battle ship
  7. So given that creator's are going to do what they do now because its the easy option why do you not agree that there won't of necessity have to be a coercive element to make them toe the line? You obviously think there won't need to be but I would bet on human nature taking its course and most just shrugging and ignoring it
  8. I can find plenty of stuff at a quality that I find acceptable so not my issue, if however you insist SL items must be restricted because you want to run it on a pc that could of been found on the ark then you are trying to make your problem (not wanting to get a reasonable pc) into my problem. I find SL runs just fine as is, it is others asking for that to be changed because they don't want to spend any money bringing their pc into the 21st century yet somehow I am the selfish one for saying I prefer things as they are. The problem with all the things suggested is that to work they can't be voluntary. If I can go on buying what I like and find good regardless of optimisation then its not going to help you at all. I don't in the least object to things being optimised, I will buy them if they are good enough, if not I will buy the unoptimised stuff. It is the element of coercion I object to where for you to have the experience you want I have to be forced to accept my experience might change. If you play SL it's a hobby , if you take up golf you expect to spend money on the equipement needed to pursue your hobby. If you don't want to spend the money then perhaps not the hobby for you and you don't need to spend much compared at least to a reasonable set of golf clubs. Maybe 600$ would get you a pc more than adequate enough to handle most of sl.
  9. Normally when people show pictures of their "Optimised content" here I have found that I look it at and shrug because while it doesn't look much different to the "unoptimised" version it is not of a quality that I would consider worthy of rezzing. So forgive me when I take that opinion with a pinch of salt. In fact I think Chin Rey did earlier in this very thread and it was exactly the comment I made
  10. No one is saying optimisation is bad unless it affects quality. However it is also true that quite a few complain that sl doesnt run smoothly on hardware that is 10+years out of date. Where optimisation can be done without affecting things then it should be done....there is however a caveat....too many times we get claims that suggested optimizations don't affect the QoL in sl because the one pushing the optimisation doesn't see the degradation as particularly important to them. Others may well look at that degradation and say no I find that unacceptable. As someone pointed out before people come to SL for different reasons.
  11. Australia no longer has privacy laws surely with the bill they pushed through at the last year to force australian companies to back door their systems upon request. What was it their pm said ? Something about the laws of Australia superceding the laws of mathematics. This is why no one should ever trust a company with a prescence in Australia with any of your data
  12. People who insist on holding onto ancient computers and saying SL should run fine on them are doing exactly that though, they dont want upgrading to be their problem so they want the experience to be degraded so they don't have to. Which reduces the experience for those of us that have more recent computers (ie the last 5 years). They very much want it to be not their problem and become others problem
  13. Which part of this isnt the labs requiring this information, its the law requiring they collect it and they have no choice whether or not to do it. Good luck taking them to court to make them act illegally
  14. well see thats where you exaggerate, my machine is 4 years old, it cost 900 at the time. You can pick up the same spec now for much less and it runs sl perfectly fine
  15. Yes I wasnt expecting you to put a lot of time into it and to be fair it may just be the way they were photographed. The point I was trying to make however is merely that when you can show this reduction with something that people consider to be usable then it would carry more weight. For me at least I find SL runs fine virtually everywhere with everything like shadows turned on and alm at ultra. Very occasionally at a hugely crowded sim I turn down to high, maybe once a month. Most of those that I see complain seem to have machines that would have been considered outdated 5 years ago. While I accept there is a balance between pitching sl at machines that are less able I personally don't think that a ten year old machine struggling so we should do something to make it work a reasonable balance. At some point you have to turn round to people and say....well yes its going to run like crap with that and the answer is upgrade your machine
  16. And neither of them are something I would consider good enough to use
  17. My fault, the bit you wandered around I think is the swamp top side, the commercial gallery is down a hatch in the landscape The reason I suspect its commercially successful is I see a lot of the works below in other sims and homes. Of course I havent seen the persons books so cant definitely say its commercially successful 100% but they are doing it without freebies and I know that people do buy the artists stuff. I have 3 or 4 pieces myself and as I said I have seen loads of the stuff from the gallery below scattered in other places
  18. Nope I have never been, mostly because apart from previous mentions in the forums I would have no idea it even exists. Yes maybe I am being unfair and its not full of art such as Tracy Emins unmade bed. I would be willing however to put money on it mostly being like that If an artist can support displaying their art in world by the sale of that art then I would class that as commercially sucessful. There are plenty of examples around however one of my favourites is Digital art cammino e vivo vapovolto. (spelling might be slightly off without checking the landmark). I also said or recommended to me by friends. None of my friends have ever suggested I would enjoy LEA exhibits to me . They have suggested plenty of other places though. Partly my stance is driven by my rl views. The arts should not be subsidised. Not because I think art is a waste of time or money but purely because the arts that get subsidised are ones that few enjoy and often I suspect even some of those that claim to don't enjoy but its the "done thing" to be seen to enjoy. That is to say it ends up being an elitist thing used to sneer down at the masses that are more honest and look at it and go "well its a bit naff really"
  19. firstly I didnt check who made the original post, so my comment about lingering wasnt directed at you My point is this really same as it is in rl There is art that is appreciated by few people and needs government funding because there are not enough people wanting to see it or buy it but a certain sector of government sees it as art even though most people dont care about it. In my country opera and ballet are examples of this There is art a lot of people like and that makes its own way in the marketplace, they can fund the sim they sell from quite happily, a lot of people like it and buy it Mostly the first type is the LEA type, pretentious twaddle that few will ever like or buy. I don't think the new LEA will be any different to the old LEA in that respect. As to what will make me go and see it....being commercially successful will make me go and see it, friends recommendations will make me go and see it. The stamp of the LEA is a reason not to see it. Art by committee is always bad art
  20. As far as I can tell my mesh body responds to all the sliders perfectly well. The fact that some mesh bodies may not is down to the creators
  21. I have been avoiding this thread sort of like the plague however as it hangs around like a bad smell going to comment Does the Lea old or new support art in sl whatsoever? I have never been to an lea thing nor do I know anyone that has said they have. I do goto a lot of art places but the only time I even am aware of LEA is when someone posts a thread here and frankly they dont make it seem worth visiting in the least. I think therefore before asking A New lea you should be asking really did it ever work. Sure some artists got to put up their work, did anyone ever come to see it though
  22. Totally against a standard decent mesh body from sl. dont want attack of the clones which is what it will result in when people can get mesh for nothing. Its bad enough already
  23. In addition to all of that I wouldn't trust the debs as far as I could throw them. There is a site that you can look up avid there to determine alt. The site takes bit coin and as 3dx has no scripting language or api it is difficult to see how that site gets all the info it does without development collusion. The only reason the animations are better is because the avatars are so limited in how you can change thrm
  24. I can tell you 3dx does not in anyway have all of that. Every 6th avatar looks identical because it follows the mmo format of chose from these 6 heads. It is in no way unusual to see two avatars on 3dx that look identical wearing identical clothes. It has a choice of about 6 or 7 for everything including such items as trousers and skirts etc. You also have around 15 dances to choose from and about 23 animations. Your chat is character limited so you have to break anything long up. On top of which it is sub only. 3dx doesn't even come close to sl
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