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Everything posted by ChoiceRider

  1. Progress report: I created a new group and enabled allow to set home, but my residents are still unable to do so. They receive the message "you can only set home in your land or infohub"... What am I missing? How do I assign the parcel to the group, if that is what's needed? Does it have to be deeded, and if so, how is that accomplished?
  2. I want to thank you both, LittleMe Jewell and Parhelion Palou for your wonderful suggestions. As a result, I decided to create a new group and I found the allow set home permission. Thanks again, and God bless you both, Robert AKA ChoiceRider
  3. LittleMe Jewell, thanks once again for your quick and informative response. Thanks for pointing out where the Set Home permission is found in a group. I started a group some time ago, but don't remember how it was assigned to that specific parcel. Can it be transferred to another property?
  4. My parcel is 8,192m and I have a 5 apartment condo on it. How can I enable my residents the ability to "Set Home" to my parcel?
  5. I don't know if anyone has looked at this, as it really is, certainly some have, but I need to get this off my chest. We buy anything for L$ 1 including many demos (L$ 1 = US$ 0.01 or one-penny) and SL will charge our bank account the US$ 0.01 plus an additional "US$ 0.99 Transaction Fee". That comes to US$ 1.00 or one-dollar. So, what is the actual cost in terms of Linden Dollar equivalency? In today's market conversion, US$ 1.00 = L$ 249 So face the fact that the so called L$ 1 demo, actually is costing us L$ 250 for an item that should be free! OH! and one more thing. When our US$ amount is less than US$ 2.50, a RED warning pops up stating: "Total cost is US$ 1.00 which is less than the minimum buy of US$ 2.50" and that's all it says about this. So, what does this mean? Is there an extra amount charged to our bank account for being under this minimum? I have no idea because I've seen nothing to explain this, but I'm looking at my bank statements to see just what is really being charged against my account. If the final tally is actually US$ 2.51 then the L$ 1 demo is costing us L$ 624. That's one h*ll of an expensive demo! And how many of these L$ 1 demos have we bought? Do the math..
  6. I don't know if anyone has looked at this, as it really is, certainly some have, but I need to get this off my chest. We buy anything for L$1 including many demos (L$1 = USD$0.01 or one-penny) and SL will charge our bank account the USD$0.01 plus an additional USD$0.99 Transaction Fee. That comes to USD$1.00 or one-dollar. So, what is the actual cost in terms of Linden Dollar equivalency? In today's market conversion, USD$1.00 = L$249 So face the fact that the so called L$1 demo, actually is costing us L$250 for an item that should be fee!
  7. Rolig Loon.. Thanks for redirecting my thoughts for what sould/could be done in this area of security. It has kept me from wasting time. I've enjoyed making a huge dressing room with no door. Fore the only and best security I can think of, is to first set the range of my security orb correctly, and by doing so, keep all uninvited avatar/s outside of my property borders. Having done this, I then disable, all those kept off my property, the ability to see any avatar inside my property with logged access. Yes, they can see all objects, not attached to an avatar, but that's all they can see. No avatar with their attachments can be seen beyond the restricted area.
  8. I wish to begin building and learn its craft. For my first project, I've chosen to create a small simple changing room. Using the creation tool, I enlarged and elongated a hemisphere. Now I'm hoping to learn how to create a door on hinges with an inside lock to access and secure the inner space. Also, is it possible to texture the inside surface of the hemisphere different from the outside, perhaps with a texture changer in the shape of a control panel, that might also include an interior adjustable lighting switch? Any assistance with this first project of mine would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading this post, and your consideration. Robert, AKA ChoiceRider
  9. I bought this classic avatar for a friend https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/FIONA-Complete-Avatar-NEW/6788458 It's very nice, but the hands and feet are horribly missing detail. What I want to do is replace the hands and feet with far better detailed ones. Is this possible for classic avatars and if so, how is this done and where might I find a good vendor?
  10. Hellow everyone, and Happy New Year! My girlfriend loves to pole dance. So I'm in the market for the pole with the very best dance animations, and I'm here on the forums in hopes that someone might point me in the right direction. Any help with this is much appreciated. Thanks, Bob
  11. Hellow everyone! My girlfriend loves to pole dance. So I'm in the market for the pole with the very best dance animations, and I'm here on the forums in hopes that someone might point me in the right direction. Any help with this is much appreciated. Thanks, Bob
  12. Hellow everyone! My girlfriend loves to pole dance. So I'm in the market for the pole with the very best dance animations, and I'm here on the forums in hopes that someone might point me in the right direction. Any help with this is much appreciated. Thanks, Bob
  13. This is one complex command. Thanks, Rolig Loon for sharing your knowledge and experience.
  14. Windlight(R) Queen, tis a shame, but I understand.
  15. Well, Brat Wrangler, I haven't been building long at all, but I do lay claim to this one misfortune. Thanks for the moral support.
  16. You mean you can only use that command in the south-west part of the region?
  17. Well, I use Firestorm Pamela Galli, but don't recall running across that command. If that's the case, it would have saved me some time and trouble. How does it know where to start by gathering all the parts? Thanks
  18. How the heck do you LOCK it in place? That's what I want to know. I'm finished adjusting the box itself. Locking it in place wouldn't prevent me from editing its interior, would it?
  19. That's just too cute Cindy Evanier. Thanks for helping me feel better.
  20. Okay, this is a little embarrassing, but I need to find out if there's a solution to my problem, and in that process, maybe others will benefit as well. I have a SkyHome that I work hard to embellish. That's all fine and dandy until while selecting an object to edit, I inadvertently and unknowingly select the SkyHome itself. Because I like to select objects then hit my delete key to avoid taking it so as not to duplicate it in its folder. Problem is, sometimes I've accidentally selected the SkyHome and deleted it. I've done this on more than one occasion, at which point I find myself falling to the ground form 4,067 meters off the ground. So please tell me a way to fortify my SkyHome from these frustrating deletions. Thanks, ChoiceRider
  21. So, 175 prim allowance for a 512 sqm lot is an update from the historical 117 prim allowance. Thanks, Alwin Alcott
  22. Hello everyone! I've searched for clarification on this matter. Does 512 sqm land provide 117 or 175 prims? I keep seeing the description that 512 sqm land yields 117 prims, yet other times I've seen where it's stated that 512 sqm land yields 175 prims. What's the simple explanation for these two different figures for the same sized parcel? Thanks, ChoiceRider
  23. Thanks, Qa Boa. I've noticed that, which is very interesting.
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