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Everything posted by ChoiceRider

  1. Thanks, HunniHope. I followed your advice and in chat with them, it was suggested I right-click on the pad for options, and doing so, I found the "try it" option which solved that problem.
  2. Thanks to all who did there level best to help me. God Bless You, ChoiceRider
  3. WOW Parhelion Palou, excellent knowledge! You showed me exactly where to find Movelock. And it was greyed out, and by your directions, it was made accessible again, tho it hadn't been turned on. I just joined the Firestorm in-world group and in a chat with them, it was suggested that I right-clicked the pad for options. Doing so, I discovered a "try it" option that solved all my problems. Thanks, Parhelion Palou for your exacting assistances. Soooo embarrassed =/, At least now I know the ins-and-outs of using Movelock.
  4. I do have the Avatar drop-down menu, tho there are no other Avatar links within it, but there is no "Movement" selection in it either. And the path Preferences > Move & View > Movement tab > (contains no Movelock). As far as gesture shortcuts are concerned, I've never added/created or edited any of them, much less used them. So I don't think there should be any conflict. I heard of a Gesture Editor, but where is the thing? In web search, there's only reference to creating gestures that I've found. When I right-click on my avi and choose gestures, I see the list showing very few shortcuts, none of which using cntrl+alt+P. Thanks unniHope
  5. Somehow in the past, I did manage to turn on the command [movelock]. I remember doing so, but can't seem to be able to find it again to turn it off. Searching the web resulted in this single direction: CTRL+ALT+P(doesn't work in my FS viewer) > Avatar(no such link) > Movement > Movelock I think I've looked everywhere for Movelock but haven't found it. Preferences > Move & View > Movement tab > (contains no Movelock). This is the second post I've created tonight involving my visits to Vista Animations. They have these square pads to stand on that serve to sample there AOs and other animations, but my avatar no longer responds to the animations supplied by these pads. I'm thinking that this is due to having Moveblock turned on keeping my avi from responding. My viewer is Firestorm-Releasex64 Any help in finding this Moveblock command or any other ideas for why my avi just stands unmoved by these animation pads would be much appreciated. Thanks, ChoiceRider P.S. I tried using not only Firestorm but also SL-viewer, and Alchemy with no change. Also, I detached everything including the AO.
  6. I like going to Vista Animations. They have square pads you can stand on to sample their animations. But in Firestorm's default settings(can't find them) it makes the smallest movement of the avatar too big for accuracy. I can't place my avi in the center of the pads because the smallest movement is so large that it displaces it off the pad. Is there a Firestorm parameter that controls the accuracy of avi movements? Thanks, ChoiceRider
  7. ,Thanks, Qa Boa, for the excellent example. I will start in on it right away!
  8. As always LittleMe Jewell, thank you so much putting me on the right path.
  9. Hello everyone! I'm trying to place my first time ever bid on a parcel, and I would like to place a maximum bid. What has me confused is there's a text link that reads "My Maximum Proxy Bid" and also a large green button that reads "Place Your Bid". Once I have entered my maximum amount, do I then just click the "My Maximum Proxy Bid" link, or just click the "Place Your Bid" button? What worries me is that if I click the "Place Your Bid" button, it will then enter my current bid at my maximum amount. So, how do I set my maximum bid amount with confidence? Thanks, ChoiceRider AKA Robert
  10. Yes, the tango must be protected. I'm acquiring land for the skybox, and the so-called "free" linden house, I gave to a lady friend, and she wants me to install security measures at that place as well. So your suggestion to "close the land off to visitors" is intriguing, but how is it implemented? Thanks, Lexbot Sinister
  11. My avi starts clicking and aimlessly walking/running without an active AO. This guy must have no life. Thanks, Parhelion Palou
  12. Secrecy can be good, but common, secret picnic spot? And where, pray tell, did this rug come from, Vista Animations? hehe Thanks, Cindy Evanier
  13. YOU FOLKS ARE KILLING MY CHILDHOOD ASTHMA..."the secret skybox" my word. I've learned that it's not allowed to have a skybox above any structure. Perhaps you're thinking of a picnic? Thanks, Cindy Evanier P.S. you need something for that cough = P
  14. "an incredibly-curious newbie" There are serious-minded monogamous pursuers out there that are nasty. Land Security Orb, the ORIGINAL since 2006, by Thomas Conover Version 3.5.75 L$300 = less than $2.50 USD Excellent value. Thanks, Qa Boa
  15. From what I've gathered from all this wonderful input, I might imagine placing the landing point just outside the orb so that any tp to my home would place them just outside the security orb. Or am I missing something? Thanks, LittleMe Jewell
  16. Now, I wish to provide a brief update on this string and for my many new friends, here in Second Life Forums. While online and logged in, I keep away from Social Island. This has been a benefit in that I have begun to explore into the deeper portions of SL. In hindsight, I've become aware that this guy causing the havoc, doesn't know if I've arrived at Social Island because I would generally land in a secluded and somewhat private area to gather my thoughts. I can't believe he sits around watching for me. Yet, within a few minutes, my avatar goes wild and the obscene message appears. Teleporting off the Island corrects this effect. So I ask you, has he embedded some script into Social Island's sim that instigates automatically upon my arriving? Robert AKA ChoiceRider - SL resident
  17. Yes, there are many differences between the SL default viewer and Firestorm obviously. Despite my very limited knowledge concerning SL, I still try, what I can, to help especially the 1-day olders just to function. So I keep the default viewer to refer to, in order to know just what they're looking at. Thanks for making that distinction Whirly Fizzle
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