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Everything posted by ChoiceRider

  1. So there is a solution to this issue of damaging the sensibilities of unaware SL residents. Thanks, BilliJo Aldrin
  2. ouch! But I don't wanna be a "D*ckheads" HAHAHA!!! I've laughed my guts out reading your post, though your insights are spot on. It will assuredly save me much time and frustration. Thank you for spending your time spelling it all out for me. Thanks, Qa Boa
  3. That bit of info comes from experience. You've been here with me from the start. Thanks, LittleMe Jewell
  4. Thanks, Whirly Fizzle for the suggestion and the link https://join.secondlife.com/, much appreciated!
  5. Yes, I've been extremely impressed with the quality and outpouring of responses here. I think I'll look into this idea of creating an "alt". But how do I get back to the Second Life home page, where I can create a brand new avatar with its own unique username? I try to be selective about what I focus on. Now I'm studying mesh shapes, skins, and appliers. The conversion rate of L$ to USD is amazing. I think its important for all noobies to understand this. Thanks, Marigold Devin
  6. I can see just how right you are by suggesting to ignore it all. I have never before had any contact with him, and have never responded to his attacks. Instead, I've taken the advice received here and blocked and deleted every person and thing possible, that might be involved. Unfortunately, anytime I return to Social Island, my avi goes wild and this message of "A**H***!" covers the right side of my viewer. Thanks, cykarushb
  7. I truly hope more mentors have such a beautiful perspective as yours. Thanks, Marigold Devin
  8. I keep running across this concept of an "alt" and even searched for a definition, but alas, still unsure of its real implication. Just slow noobie I suppose. BTW, I understand how to delete my avi, but how do I create an "alt". Does that change my identity/username? How do I is this possible? Thanks, Elora Lunasea
  9. I love your sensitive suggestion for the exodus of my beloved friends. I thank you for your heartfelt concern, and I was enthralled with the response I've received. Since being forced off the Island, I've actually broadened my horizons, with the effect of having a much richer SL experience. Thanks, Marigold Devin
  10. Thanks BilliJo Aldrin, Whirly Fizzle had just pointed me to "World -> About Land -> Options" to achieve your "set teleport landing point" option.
  11. I was turned on to the awesome recommendation from a mature SL resident early on, to install Firestorm viewer. A very wise mentor. I so appreciate your precise and clear instructions. Ideally, I would prefer, if possible, to block all inbound tp, yet be able to offer, teleport to my location' while in my home. Also, considering these suggested settings, would I myself be able to tp into my own home? Thank you, Whirly Fizzle
  12. Blondes have more fun? Your orb is so inexpensive as well. By adding a temporary visitor, do you mean to say that there is a "Teleport to my location" option? Thanks, Cindy Evanier
  13. "set a teleport landing point" I know the application of this concept from trying to landmark at specific location points from inside a particular site, yet it may continue to maintain its original landing point. Great idea and most useful! How is this implemented, is there some kind of option to edit, found in some land management tool? Thank you, BilliJo Aldrin
  14. First, I can't believe how fast you kind people were willing to reply to my post! Thank you so much. I use a security orb for areas on my sim that are private. (There are a few on the marketplace. Check for one that does what you need) The one I have can be set to only allow certain people on a whitelist, or grant temporary access ie if I wanted to have a friend over for a short period, only group members or just turn on and off as needed. You should check there are no restrictions to this in your covenant. In land settings you can untick the setting see and talk to people on this parcel (it might be worded slightly different to that) then "peeping toms" not on your parcel can't see any avatars. There is no way you can stop people land marking a spot though as far as I am aware. 4 "security orb" Never heard of this. Shopping now for your recommendation now. Awesome prospect = D. I'm studying the pros and cons of building on the land or installing a skybox home, but realize there must be regulations concerning this. Do you suppose the "security orb" might work with a skybox? Thanks, Cindy Evanier
  15. Hellow everyone! I'm purchasing a 512 sqm parcel to install a skybox home. Of course, I'll be inviting all my friends to visit. I need advice on how to setup security against peeping-toms and any other forms of intrusion. But I also would like to know if there is any way to prevent invited guests from landmarking while inside my home. I want to avoid any uninvited appearances. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you very much, Robert AKA ChoiceRider - SL resident (35 days old)
  16. Not sure how to give you what you want, but here is what is listed in the location bar, top of page: Social Island, Social Island 5 (13, 127, 68) - General Hope it will suffice, ChoiceRider - SL Resident(24 days old) P.S. It seems there must be a limit to how many attachments can be listed because it has stopped adding to it. So I'm able to delete the last printing of the message without subsequent printings.
  17. Great idea, but I don't know what I'm looking at, though still looking. While hovering over any of the blocks, they say "Second Life" Thanks Littleme
  18. You're all doing all you possibly can to help me. I thank you sincerely for that. The piling in of the huds keeps coming in every 8 sec. refreshing the message "A**H*LE ! The suggestion >>> "Enable Spam Protection" if it isn't already checked. Set "Max events from same source" to a low value" (I set it at its minimum of 2). This doesn't stop it. I've begun to block certain ppl who claim they are against my perpetrator, who have no response to how they know about my case, but in reality, are either working with him or actually are him. Moving to unknown regions should work, but I have many precious friends I don't want to be left behind. So I'll fight against this evil nonsense, and do everything I must do to end it. Any chance I might be equipped by LL with powerful tools to fight back against this guy, if they're so busy they can't or won't handle it themselves? All the best, ChoiceRider - SL Resident(24 days old)
  19. I was hopeful this ordeal was over, but no. He still is there attacking my avi rendering it useless. =/ Why won't SL ban this creep? Like so many other new residents, I'm just starting to understand the very basics. Why should SL leave us noobies to the mercy of this maniacal idiot? SL isn't even showing any amount of good faith... = O
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