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Louise Vandervoort

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Everything posted by Louise Vandervoort

  1. I was going to recommend ItGirls, but then I saw the request for classic heads. I don't know whether they provide classic skins, actually. The last skin maker that I used wiuth a classic skin and that is still around is Pink Fuel. I'm quite sure they still sell classic skins and Maitreya Lara skins as well.
  2. I was about to post exactly this. That is the method I use to save my camera position. It woks perfectly. Once I have found a camera angle, I save it, and then go about dressing the scene, with props, artificial lighting, pose(stand), avatar. Then I use the eye with up arrow button, and everything is back to the chosen camera angle. It's built in FireStorm, so no huds needed either.
  3. I've showed it to my friend and this is exactly the dress he was looking for! Apparently his sense of time was a bit off, but it's fairly recent nonetheless. Thank you @Iki Kimono
  4. I've had the same issue with the HUD earlier this week, after which I tried this solution, which fortunately helped for me. I could not figure out what caused the issue though. The issue with bodies becoming invisible for others happens with almost all body brands, and is caused by wearing 2 or more attachments on avatar center. It's easily avoided by attaching the body on another attachment point which is not used. The bodies are rigger after all, and it does not matter which attachment point they are attached to. I believe my Maitreya body is attached to the tail tip attachment point with me...
  5. For me Refresh attachments usually works when that happens. I don't know whether that function is in the Official Viewer, but it is in FireStorm, under the avatar menu -> Avatar Health. That function also helps when your body seems detached to others, but you can see it normally and cannot detach it.
  6. I'll tell him about this, although he was talking about a long dress and is was last month or the month before, but thanks for this anyway!
  7. A friend of mine thought he saw a dress for male bodies on a fair recently, but he couldn't for the life of him remember which one it was or which creator it was from. He thought the dress had a fit for Signature Gianni and Belleza, as well, as some female bodies. Does anyone over here know what he is talking about?
  8. This top-ic would probably fit better in the Wanted forum.
  9. You could create a single folder called Hidden Items, and keep it collapsed? I know it's not exactly hiding, but it's a lot easier than scripting a fiunction into a viewer which isn't there.
  10. I got mine just around noon SLT yesterday... Was hoping for a houseboat, but will keep this one for a while untill they are more readily available.
  11. Yes, but If you need to take the opposite side of your parcel into account, you could also argue that the house you put up also might be an offense to your neighbour's view. As far as I am concerned, my neighbours do not get to complain about the sides of my parcel they are not neighbouring to.
  12. Hell no! Out is out. If you're not on security you're being escorted out on the minimum setting on my land. Premium or not. Unless I invited you, you're trespassing, and not welcome.
  13. I believe that in Firestorm (I don't know whether it also is available in other viewers) there is an option to mute Gestures, so you don't hear applause or anything.
  14. I usually call those people by their legacy name or some made up name, depending on difficulty and length of the legacy name. That, or people mass-conferencing all of their friends. I have dropped blog sponsors for doing that. Send a notice in a group! - DJ's/hosts who send notices in a group more than once per hour I usually just make fun of people doijng that, and blatantly refuse to call them by their self appointed title; See 'unreadable fancy fonts' -Facelights: Some places are lit up like the center of the sun because of facelights. With proper windlight settings nobody needs a facelight. I usually have attached lights derendered by default because of this. There was a decline in use of Facelights for a while, but because of materials a lot of people started wearing bodylights again, especially people in shiny clothing such as latex or sequin. - Personal one that luckily doesn't appear that often anymore since mesh: People that walk around with unfitted Bax Coen Prestige boots. On a previous Avatar I've worked for Bax for nearly 4 years, and I just don't understand why you won't have your boots fitted, when the store offers that service for free? Mostly when I saw people with unfitted boots, I asked them if I could refit them for them. And I could always see when I had previously fitted someone, as I would always save their fit in the notes section of their profile.
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