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LucidiaErsatz Littlepaws

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Everything posted by LucidiaErsatz Littlepaws

  1. Probably because not every SIM in SL are created and inhabited by English speaking users, hence the mentioning of the other languages.
  2. - *Taking time to go through the preferences to configure stuff to your liking. [in Firestorm] - If you prefer moving using the WASD, check the box under Preferences -> Move&View -> Movement > Pressing letter keys ... ... local chat - if you prefer to cam around with some privacy, under Preferences -> Privacy -> LookAt -> My look at targets (check the boxes accordingly) - you can remove the camera constraints under Preferences -> Move&View -> View - you can 'show friends' only, which hides all other non-friend avatars in the viewer under World -> Show Friends Only - I often press Avatar -> Avatar Health -> Refresh Attachments if I TP about, so as to not have any invisible body parts (am using maitreya). - Preferences -> Firestorm -> Limit Select Distance (check / uncheck), helps when cam shopping - have as little script as possible being worn when travelling by vehicle, i.e., sailing, flying, etc - normal chat range is 20m, whispers are 10m and shouts are 100m. - Organise the inventory otherwise it might get cluttered over time - clearing items/vehicles/poseballs that you rezzed out before TP-ing away - ctrl + 4 is build - ctrl + shift + R shows wireframe mode - ctrl + shift + alt + U shows/hides the updates being done by objects, represented by coloured squares - ctrl + alt + T shows / hides transparency - ctrl + alt + shift + T while selecting an object shows you the texture informations used on said object
  3. Oo hi!! could meet up in-world some time. Which part of Asia are you from? By the way, it would be more fun to make friends with everyone from everywhere too~.
  4. Hello Hello, It's been awhile since I looked for this genre of clothing, but here's a list of brands that I know of that hopefully might fit what you're looking for :3. Not sure if you've came across any of these but... Hope this list helps -> AZOURY: in-world | marketplace -> LAB737: in-world | marketplace -> Shu Mesh: in-world | marketplace -> Cerberus Xing (mostly accessories I think): in-world -> The Forge (some covered clothing/armor, like the Cypher runner gacha set): in-world | marketplace -> Remarkable Oblivion (some accessories): in-world | marketplace -> Nerox (for kemono but not all items are rigged): ?? | marketplace (sorry, can't find an in-world) -> KROVA (dug through my notecards and found this): in-world (only a few vendors) | marketplace -> KI (dug through my notecards and found this. Weapons and accessories): in-world | marketplace -> SOSUMI (found this while checking the in-world for KROVA): in-world (only few vendors) | -> VRSION (found from going through someone's groups. mostly male, bummer.... clothing but there's some unisex accessories, masks etc): in-world | -> SOLE* (accessories): | marketplace (no in-world) -> aichi cyberworks*: | marketplace (no in-world) *just found could also give these a shot, they might have some stuff but would need to look -> !gO: in-world -> Tentacio (some of their gachas might have parts, but really have to dig through): in-world (Axix, on the same sim might have some accessories that might fit, but they're not sci-fi per se) -> PSYCHO Byts (some; a gacha set and some accessories): in-world -> VALE KOER (not really sci-fi but the aesthetics on some items [especially the male side, bummer...] can fit, depending on the look you're going for. Worth browsing ): in-world | marketplace
  5. Saw this post just after I saw the other one regarding Korean fashion. (will copy and paste and also add in more) Maybe you could check these brands, but I personally feel the skin makes the biggest difference. More towards Korean style -> M.BIRDIE: in-world -> MiWAS (miwa's airship): in-world | marketplace -> AMITOMO: in-world | marketplace -> MUDSKIN (skin, towards Korean style): in-world -> monso (hairstyle, some towards the Korean style): in-world | marketplace -> NYU: in-world | marketplace -> More towards the Japanese style -> C'EST LA VIE: in-world | marketplace -> Mikunch: in-world | marketplace -> kokorotayori (mostly yukatas): in-world & in-world2 | marketplace -> Silvery K: in-world | marketplace -> Aii~ The Ugly and Beautiful (more towards Asian Fantasy style): in-world | marketplace -> NAMINOKE (Japanese fantasy / cultural style): in-world | marketplace -> COCO: in-world | marketplace -> MELONBUNNY: in-world | marketplace -> Ayashi (hairstyles): in-world | marketplace -> Yumyum (hairstyles): in-world | marketplace -> bonbon/nani: in-world | marketplace -> Some Chinese styled types. -> JOMO (the in-world store has some chinese fantasy type clothing): in-world | marketplace -> Cila: in-world | marketplace -> EMBW (hairstyles): in-world | marketplace Other general.. not sure where to classify this. -> taketomi: in-world | marketplace -> Insol (some Asian skins here): in-world | marketplace -> Pixicat (have some Asian themed clothing): in-world | marketplace -> SONG (eyes, these should be neutral but the avatars in the vendor pictures are more Asian-looking): in-world | marketplace -> Could also visit these sims to look see at the people there: China Town KoTA - Korea Town District Love this item too, often use it to look see look see, recommend this too. Probably missed out a whole bunch of other shops... Like those for other body types (kemono / avatar 2.0)
  6. Hello, you could maybe check these brands too, hope that helps (not too sure if they have it for your body type though) - M.BIRDIE: in-world - MiWAS (miwa's airship): in-world | marketplace - AMITOMO: in-world | marketplace - MUDSKIN (this is for skin but the look is towards K fashion as well): in-world - monso (hairstyle, they have some towards the K fashion look): in-world | marketplace may want to try these too, (personally find that they're more towards Japanese style but there might be some overlaps) -> C'EST LA VIE: in-world | marketplace or one thing i sometimes do is to hang around at places selling such clothing and look up what the people visiting are wearing to get to know more brands.
  7. I always felt that SL is what we take it to be. For me i discovered SL pretty late, joining just about two years ago in 2016. First discovering SL through a YouTube video of a bunch of people 'trolling' around. Even though the context of the video was such, it made me realize that you could just about make anything you wanted to (of course with some limitations ) as long as possessed the skills to. That made me jump straight into SL and trying to learn such said skills Ever since then, I have found that there's so much to be done in SL and in fact, I often wish that I had more time so as to explore more aspects of it. The exploring (walking, driving, sailing, flying) although bogged with some issues, is still so much fun. The creating, learning, trying and problem solving although has caused some casualties amongst the hair strands, feels so good at the end. Maybe its because I'm fairly new and my views might change in the years to come. As of yet I don't find it stagnant and I really like SL (what it lets others bring out). Wished I had discovered this world earlier.
  8. I see I see, thanks for the response ?, and really good to know that it does get looked into and that it may get resolved / looked into. Ah, saw the link provided and that comment (by Maestro) as mentioned. Thanks again!! ? I added a crude 'workaround' (sort of) to try and minimise the times the TextureAnimation freeze occurring, based on TextureAnimation working as it should during it's stationary moments. During the at_target() event, I added a SET_STATUS | PHYSICS FALSE to stop it instantly rather then let it ease in. Noticed that this forces the TextureAnimation to resume (unsure if it resumes or just restarts), it only seems to reduce the times of said issue happening. ? [Further Edit: changing the PRIM_SPECULAR values yields the same results; resets the TextureAnimations. Have added a timer that fires up every 4s when in motion to toggle PRIM_SPECULAR changes] Previously I assumed the TextureAnimation continued because of the object being stationary. But after reading the comment by Maestro, am not sure if it's due to it being still or if it's due to TextureAnimations being reset due to a full object update. Either case it seems have the same effects you mentioned in JIRA (right clicking or camming in and out). } For documentation (if any), below is how to recreate, with a script using a listen() event to trigger the state switches (without contact with said object). 1. Rez a cube 2. Insert the script below. [Note: I used a timer () in this recreation but using a at_target will replicate it as well] [Any texture can be used] 3. Set Object to be Physical and Phantom (optional)4. There will be moments where the Texture animations just freezes up and the texture is displayed incorrectly (unlike any of the four cells) (more specifically, the same appearance as having a non-animated texture with Horizontal scale: 0.25, Vertical scale: 0.25, Horizontal Offset: 0.375, Vertical Offset: 0.375.) 5. When said object's TextureAnimation freezes up, triggering SET_STATUS | PHYSICS, FALSE enables TextureAnimation to function [Note: this works with changing the values of PRIM_SPECULAR as well] vector oriPos; default { state_entry() { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams (LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "c3187dbc-fbad-0544-f137-7568530451a9", <1.0, 1.0, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0] ); llSetTextureAnim( ANIM_ON | LOOP, ALL_SIDES, 2, 2, 0.0, 4.0, 5.0 ); llListen (88, "", llGetOwner(), ""); oriPos = llGetPos(); llSetTimerEvent (4.0); } timer () { llMoveToTarget ( (<oriPos.x + llFrand(3.0), oriPos.y + llFrand(3.0), oriPos.z>), 4.0 ); llSetTimerEvent (8.0); } listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string msg) { if (channel == 88 && msg == "on") { llSetStatus (STATUS_PHYSICS , TRUE); } else if (channel == 88 && msg =="off") { llSetStatus (STATUS_PHYSICS, FALSE); } else {} } } Would also like to add on: The issue seem to occur although at random, but if you have various number of the objects (at varying TextureAnimation speeds even), the TextureAnimation freezing occurs at the same time (visually) as long as said objects are in motion. The TextureAnimation also resumes at the same time. To reproduce the following, 1. Rez any number of cubes [Note: I rezzed three] 2. Insert the script from here and change the values of TextureAnimation speed --> Script. [Note: I used a timer () in this recreation but using a at_target will replicate it as well] [Any texture can be used] 3. Set Object to be Physical and Phantom (optional)4. There will be moments where the Texture animations just freezes up and the texture is displayed incorrectly (unlike any of the four cells) for all cubes at the same time as long as said objects are in motion. (more specifically, the same appearance as having a non-animated texture with Horizontal scale: 0.25, Vertical scale: 0.25, Horizontal Offset: 0.375, Vertical Offset: 0.375.)
  9. Thanks thanks!! I haven't seen that link yet, will do and read through it to get a better understanding too. Will do as you suggest and attempt to file it on JIRA, (haven't done it before but will figure it out ?). Does the issue usually get resolved once it's on JIRA (just curious)? Further edit: Have posted on JIRA as advised, https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-225792.
  10. Unable to edit the post as it's over 24 hours. ? Would like to add on to the post (additonal information for any documentation of sorts) on how to recreate the issue with a simple cube and a animated texture. 1. Rez a cube 2. Insert the script below. [Note: I used a timer () in this recreation but using a at_target will replicate it as well] [Any texture can be used] 3. Set Object to be Physical and Phantom (optional) 4. There will be moments where the Texture animations just freezes up and the texture is displayed incorrectly (unlike any of the four cells) (more specifically, the same appearance as having a non-animated texture with Horizontal scale: 0.25, Vertical scale: 0.25, Horizontal Offset: 0.375, Vertical Offset: 0.375.) vector oriPos; default { state_entry() { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams (LINK_THIS, [PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, "c3187dbc-fbad-0544-f137-7568530451a9", <1.0, 1.0, 0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0] ); llSetTextureAnim( ANIM_ON | LOOP, ALL_SIDES, 2, 2, 0.0, 4.0, 5.0 ); oriPos = llGetPos(); llSetTimerEvent (4.0); } timer () { llMoveToTarget ( (<oriPos.x + llFrand(3.0), oriPos.y + llFrand(3.0), oriPos.z>), 4.0 ); llSetTimerEvent (8.0); } }
  11. Ok, will do!! (Had to look around for the report button). Thanks again! ? Hopefully there is something that can be done on my side other than to live with it.
  12. Thanks!! mmm, was originally only at the State:Entry() part, will keep it there. Bummer.. that the TextureAnimation + a movement results in that. I've always thought that out of all the ways to animate a mesh, TextureAnimation would be one of the more ideal methods.. I guess each method has their own problems. Thanks so much again!! ?
  13. Hello, Sorry to trouble/disturb anyone but I've encountered an issue and Googling hasn't helped much. Would like to ask if anyone knows the reason for this 'error' or perhaps could point me in the right direction which I could look for answers. Would really really appreciate it. ? I made a mesh object that simulates animation using llSetTextureAnim, (4 frames, 2 by 2) and cycles through the four frames of mesh, giving the illusion that the object 'Jumps'. The object animates without any issue when stationary. However when I script it to wander about, there are instances (random) where the texture / textureAnimation gets funky and freezes at the botched up state as it moves from point A to point B. For movement (from Point A to B) I have tried using: 1. llSetKeyframedMotion 2. llMoveToTarget methods individually with both yielding the same results. Is there anything i could do to reduce the instances of it happening (if not) solve it? Have summarised the scripting but it is essentially a combination of llSetTextureAnim (to simulate a upward jumping motion) and llMoveToTarget + llLookAt to move forward and give the illusion of jumping forwards. Things I have tried that didn't work: > placing llSetTextureAnim in not_at_target event hoping it would fire and over write the issue > placing llEventDelay just before llMoveToTarget (as advised by someone else) I have tried asking in a group in-world with someone mentioning that it is likely a server to client issue. Is there anything I could do on my side regarding this issue? Best Regards, Lucidia.
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