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Anna Salyx

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Everything posted by Anna Salyx

  1. I just tested on fresh unboxed copies of a few of the items I have: Recent versions of OC (OpenCollar) does ship with a relay, but it is turned off out of the box. You have to turn it on. Whim does not act as a relay as far I can tell. You need to buy in to the Whim system and use it's HUD to have any RLV functions with your collars/cuffs. The most recent (I think) version of Peanut does come with a Relay and it does come turned on out of the box, however, it is in "ask" mode which means it's not going to snipe people unexpectedly or without positive permission. You get pop-up from the collar asking if "named object" can use the relay to ask on you. (yes ignore block). I don't have any Mars products to test with.
  2. That does make more sense. Basically an attachment that broadcasts to the sim when you enter (CHANGED_REGION) that you can accept this experience key. Or would it be more along the lines that when the experience is checked/requested that the server sends a targeted "IM" to you that your attachment must answer? Either adds some overhead, but the latter allows for someone to take off the attachment mid session without having to leave the region... <ponders> unless the act of detaching also sends a message to the simulator. There is a lot of checks and overhead that will need to be built in. Now that said and someone pointed out I think that if you were only dealing with one Experience (such as AVSitter) that'd be mostly well and good, but if you needed to be in "a few" experiences simultaneously you'd need to either wear all the attachments, or swap them out as needed or desired. Which means you need to know which attachments to have one at a given time *before* interacting with something that is going to ask for the Experience. This means things will have the chance to easily get very complicated or very tedious/cumbersome. Or both. Because of that I'm not sure how much traction it might get. That's just my take on this mind you. I"m going to boost the signal this here. There is already enough misconception of the risks and dangers of what RLV is and what it can do 'to the unsuspecting', and we don't need to add more. And I'll add, that of all the TPV that I know of (and I'll gladly be corrected if I'm mistaken) there is maybe only 1 that come with RLV turned on by default. You have to consciously decide to turn it on, and reload second life. So, in most cases, for people who do not wish to be using RLV products (which can be very handy in a G rated sense (but that's a different discussion)) aren't going to be take over unawares. It's simply not possible. And if they do have RLV turned for one more of the hand quality of life utilities, the chances of being taken unaware by some malicious item is still incredibly slim. No vendor of general product that might also cater to a RLV audience is going to do anything that can damage their reputations that way. At least that's my belief.
  3. I guess my real question is: what would an Experience be doing that would be benefited by making it carry along. Most uses I see for it are for props, special events that are region/sim bound, or for RP purposes which again is region/sim bound. Neither of those scenarios in my mind benefit from being able to carry along the Experience in a worn object. The only benefit I can see is that it takes some underlying "paperwork" away from the region/sim/parcel owner in that they don't have to explicitly allow the Experience on their land. I think, personally again, that the resources and time is better spent in making a less scary pop up asking for permission and maybe some PSA's about what experiences can do, what they *cannot do* and the likely hood of each ranked most common to least common. And for Experience Teleports, to ease concerns about abuse of them, maybe make anything that takes you to a different sim still require an explicit pop up acknowledgment to proceed, but teleports within the sim would be automagic. == Edit: After looking at some of the experience tools in LSL I see that environment is one that might be handy to have on a carry along. For that I'd rather see a couple of LSL commands that auto-grant on being worn that do the same thing (and and maybe can't work on non-owner avatars) instead of reworking the Experience system.
  4. In my mind, it'd be a form of fail safe escape. If some Experience goes rogue, or goes in directions one doesn't like, the worst case scenario is to log out and log in at a "safe" zone that doesn't have the experience. Similar to disabling RLV and relogging that is sometimes needed. If you carry the Experience along with you as an attachment (not temp), easily escaping it becomes more frustrating maybe. I don't know, that might not ever be a thing, but that is that idea that drove my reason there. But the thing is, those Experience enabled props are really only useful in that sense when combined with the actual furniture or associated land object. The furniture rezzes the object, tells the object your UID Key and the prop's Experience script does the rest. If you take the prop along with you to use in places where the experience is not enabled, you'd still have to manually find it inventory and attach it yourself. Any added functionality at that time can be achieved w/out actually needing the Experience. Additionally to get the prop to take along the furniture or object would have to give it to you, which further defeats the reason for the Experience. And that all combined functionally nullifies the usefulness of the Experience itself. At least for prop based furniture/objects. It might be useful if you are carrying your own future around and wearing to use (or rezzing if you have rights), but honestly that's so much an edge case that I can't see the need to devote development time to a carry along Experience. GraceBlakeley's comment "I never Accept, but I don't want to Block Experience either as I wouldn't know how to reverse that decision if I ever wanted to.", aside, most people who don't want to be bothered by the experience query pop up are going to block the experience and so won't be constantly bothered by them. It'd be once ever for that given experience block and no matter where they go after, no pop-up. So that's not really a good reason either, IMO.
  5. I really do like certain aspect of Experiences. I like being able to touch my coffee/tea maker in my home and have it make coffee then auto attach to me so I can "drink" it, then detach after a time when the cup is supposed to be empty. I like when I choose a sit in a Sofa/Chair/Bed that if has props that they can just be there when they are needed without me having to either accept an inventory offer and manually attach it, or give permission every time it wants to do the temp attach thing. I like some of the Experience teleport items too that make moving around an area (or even to related regions) fairly effortless and mostly seamless. There are aspects of the Experience I have never personally ever had acted on (cameras and controls in specific) and I'm opted into some 40ish Experiences, and none blocked.* But I can see where those options might be useful in a niche sort of way. I do generally accept most experiences when they are offer up because revoking them if they turn...unsavory is quick and easy. That said, I do like that experiences are land based and not something we carry along with us. (KVP aside, but that feature has been detached from the land if I recall correctly). I personally think that the perceived dangers of Experiences, as with RLV, is overly amplified (if not exaggerated by some). I also do think that they permission pop up is a bit overly dramatic and frightening the first time or 3 that it's presented to the user and that really doesn't help. With some work it could be made more informative, less scary, and lessen the trepidation that people might have about Experiences be more inclined to give them a try. (RLV is a different discussion not suited for here.) and as easy as it is to revoke an experience should the need/want arise, I think a viewer option (kind of like a HUD button) that would appear and tell you when and what Experience actively starts operating operating on your avatar, with an easy to click button to revoke permissions right there screen. The script still has to check to see if you are in the experience and when it does, it *should* be fairly simple for the simulator software to send a flag to the user that could be caught by the viewer to do it's thing. --- * I should probably go in and clean out some of those, but I'm lazy.
  6. From the Server Users Group meeting today: the server version that has the new note card sync function should move the rest of the RC regions tomorrow and possibly to the main grid next week. I guessed wrong, or remembered wrong.
  7. thanks for the opinions. I've already rewritten that part of the code and moved it up to the on_rez event to do its thing. I didn't think I really needed it, but I was just wanting a moment of second eyes on it, as it were, to be sure I wasn't overlooking something.
  8. I have an object that can be worn or rezzed on the ground. The on_rez event will be raised in either case and always runs before the attach event. Since I'm not worried about capturing the ID of who it's attached to not needing to know if it's been detached and I can detect if it's been attached or ground rezzed via the llGetAttached() command, I'm wondering is there any logical or functional need for me to define and process the attached event handler since I can do everything I need from the on_rez event handler. Right now I've got both defined, with the attach event doing just a few basic things that, IMO, could be moved up to on_rez, (or even to a custom function and call that function from on_rez), if llGetAttached returns data that says it has been attached. So far it seems to me that the only unique benefit that the attach event offers is to detect when an object has been detached and try to perform some housekeeping. So...I'm thinking no, I don't need it. But that said, I am curious if there is a best practice reason to use both that I've overlooked or not considered. Edit 2: to add: yes, I do realize that if i were doing some attaches to avatars via llAttachToAvatar/llAttachToAvatarTemp there would be the very important benefit of getting the attached to avatar key, but is not needed in my case here, so this query is just for no_trans objects that the owner will be attaching themselves.
  9. I'm on Bluesteel. The server version the new notecard is included in went out to Blue Steel 2 weeks ago, but there was an issue that was revealed (I don't think it was with the notecard function) that forced a delay. An updated server version went out again to Blue Steel last Wed. providing nothing else broke it should roll on out to the main channel tomorrow (maybe).
  10. at the risk of straying a bit off topic, I have seen not a few creators going to vendors that are setup by body. It's a little extra work on your part, but then the customer then just pays the specific vendor for the body they want and you don't need to do any extra work trying to figure out what they have one at the time. This would probably be the best solution for you based on your stated idea. For more information on that you might ask about best practices and systems in the merchants forum.
  11. Perhaps not. And be that as it may, it's still the officially published policy and is subject to enforcement should Linden Lab choose to do so.
  12. See, I do it just the opposite. I have an alt for testing permissions and related activities when creating items to put up for sale, but I also use my alt as a bank: I park my lindens on the alt and withdraw some every time I want to go shopping -- it helps curb some of the impulse buying habits I have. --- You can have 5 free alts. Official Alt Policy
  13. Might just be a touch of chat lag on your sim. I mean it just that you're spitting out all 7 numbers on the llSay line as rapidly as it can go, it's very possible that the chat messages are simply coming to you out of order. You might try putting very tiny pause between says and see what happens.
  14. The marketplace also uses an Automatic Notifications System Direct Delivery and Automatic Notification System to forward out sales data to downstream systems for auditing and recording. It was used by magic boxes and then leveraged by Casper later. I had to set it up specifically so that Casper could get my MP sales data and as far as I can figure, it's a one way street though. While not useful for updating MP listing for sales made in world, it might allow for MP sales to update display vendors in world. Maybe.
  15. I don't mind the extra cost, if we're being honest. If there is a significant amount of labor involved it deserves to be compensated. I guess how much extra labor it is going to be will have to be seen, but I"m sure there are probably new animations in the pipeline for the new butt moving ability. Maitreya giving existing customers the new body for free (and then flipping and giving the old body for free to new customers when they buy the new body) is a fairly shrewd business decision for general adoption of the new body and keeping market share, and so is not really an equal conversation point. Nor is clothing makers giving free updates. Most of my favorite designers are "nope, we're not updating*, and we are only supporting LaraX's going forward", which is fair. My comment is that The V makers had to know there was going to be a probable large market for the new product but seems to have had a very blasé attitude toward it, a seemingly 'we don't care'. Which in all truth, is also fine in an academic sense. First estimate for the new The V was about a month, 10 days later it's now maybe 2 months and 2 months later just a often repeated "soon" with vague assurances it's being worked on. I get not wanting to be pinned down because deadlines slip, but with that first estimate they had already said at that time that there at least one, maybe more, other projects in front and they'd get to it when time allowed. And so I really do wonder how much it's being worked on how much it's being back burnered. I guess as we get deeper into Feb we'll have a clearer picture. But we are also approaching 3 months now since the new body has been released, and I've functionally stopped wearing the older body now that i have a lot more clothing options. So, long story short (too late), maybe I'll look at Sensations now to get my bits dollars instead. I'm not going to wait forever, no matter how much I like The V. == *there are a few notable exceptions which are doing some general back catalogue updates, some which are doing targeted back catalogue, and some which are "we had this in the works why not sell it". but all my stores are pretty much going to the Lara X varients as an exclusive option giving me less and less reasons to go back except for some very special and favorite outfits that might not get an update.
  16. I saw that behavior noted somewhere else and I believe it's recognized as a proper bug. I tried a quick search in my usual places for seeing things like that but came up blank. if I find it I'll update.
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