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Anna Salyx

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Everything posted by Anna Salyx

  1. from: llGetLinkKey: So, I would surmise (with no evidence to support mind you) that in regards to links the HUD will act similarly a "chair" in regards to link order. That when the HUD is attached, if there is a ad-hoc linkset created, the avatar would be added as the *last* link in the chain always and never the root.
  2. Sounds, textures, object, animations, etc are assets. So Maitimo is mostly factually correct: the UUID given is either a user (or group) ID OR it's an asset ID, or it's just a "blank" UUID that is not associated either. There are easy ways to tell if it's associated with a user (or group) or not with a simple chat command. If it's not a user ID then, yes, you can't know if it's either an asset or a "blank" key, or what the asset is if there is one associated with it.
  3. You think the sky will stop falling then? I love your optimism...
  4. From my understanding the new 2k textures are meant primarily for big thing: terrain, buildings, etc. To this end the system that serves up the final texture to the person viewing them will make a determination on the best resolution to make available via MIP mapping. With that understanding* my take is that sure designers can create and upload 2k textures for skin, clothes, accessories, and make up and if the logic says "this object/thing only really needs the 512x texture that's all you'll get. If that is the case we might never see many of the "ultra-high" resolutions except in special circumstances like "big" things and texture dictionaries. (and even texture dictionaries might even get auto-scaled.) So for wearables I don't think it'll have that big of an impact. *I grants that my understanding might be flawed and and someone with more knowledge on the whole thing will gently correct me.
  5. Just "put your balls to the wall, man." <ponders> whoops, still the wrong song....
  6. One think you might consider to is on the on_rez event to have the object announce itself on a/the control channel with it's UUID key. The greenBall can then store this for later use. You could do it both ways even, if the redBall is already in world, when the greenBall is rezzed it can broadcast out "hey I'm here, redBall report in", and capture any replies. Expand from there for however many objects you need to have communicating back and forth.
  7. You're still missing the most important element.....
  8. I'll echo this as others have. I used to buy a lot of outfits from that store, but I looked at my redelivery page yesterday when I heard the news and noticed that i had not bought anything since mid/late last summer. And all of last year was somewhat sporadic with mostly TSS/Weekend specials. It just seemed to me that most of the new products coming out there were just variations on a theme/style/look and I didn't really need to buy new since I had it basically already..... more or less. I don't say this to be overly critical. Blueberry has been around for ~13 years or so, and put out a lot of product. I imagine that the creative well for coming up with new can, on the best of days, be a struggle. So.... I moved on to other designers who have different perspectives, different aesthetics, different styles. It's just the way of things, here and in IRL. With the pressures to produce, having to juggle so many bodies, and doing work on other platforms (as I have come to understand), I wouldn't blame anyone in that environment to need to pull back some and decompress for sanity if nothing else. Burnout is a real thing. Especially among creatives. all speculation aside, I'll say that 13 years, that's a career really and sometimes we just need new horizons, personally or professionally.
  9. Solar power? how gauche. any true wastelander is going to be using the bicycle generator to power their personal grid. You gotta keep in shape somehow so you can fun from the zombie mutant vampires when they inevitably break in..... <ponders> or is that mutant zombie vampires? vampire zombie mutants? hmmmm..... oh heck, I can never remember the proper order of descriptors there....
  10. Same really. I like event shopping in that it has the feel of going someplace and fairly well replicates the window shopping at the mall experience. Or what call wander shipping. HUD shopping for events is too much like catalog / website shopping. Sure it gets me the things, but I miss out on the dopamine and endorphins that come from in person retail therapy. and maybe that's just me, dunno, but it's what makes my second life brighter at least.
  11. I have 2 alts the first is used for: Primary reason is for testing products: checking I have the permissions all set right making sure that it actually works for another avatar. Secondary reason is for hanging out in peace. Sometimes I just want some me time to explore or create things without being IM a lot. Tertiary reason - Cheers. IE everyone knows your name and there is no way to be really anonymous. it's the equivalent of going to a new club and giving the rando hitting on you a fake name. I never do this with regular hangout, just places I want to check out along the way and if I decide after a visit or 2 that I might want to hang out there more regular like I'll start taking my main there instead and exclusively. and thee second is, like some others have said, a bank alt to store my lindens and keep me honest in my spending. they never go anywhere. I also refer to my main in the third person in most cases. She is her own being and I'm just along for the ride. Mostly. 😛 My testing alt does have her own personality to that's slowly grown over time of being an exploring wanderer of the digital landscape. Yeah that bugs me to from time to time. But it is the framework we exist in. We don't create a primary account then create avatars under that that can be easily linked for inventory sharing. Rather each avatar is its own unique account despite being able to share key contact and payment details. Establishing a link between accounts that would be able to bypass no-transfer flag of products would at this point in time be highly difficult to do that wouldn't create a myriad of related bugs. something like that probably would have had to be baked in at the very beginning so you could have 'bound to account' as a separate restriction in addition to 'bound to avatar'.
  12. The original post aside, this is acceptable use. In 1864, the Geneva Conventions established the Red Cross emblem (also Crescent and Diamond) as the universal symbols of neutrality and protection in armed conflict. Under the Geneva Conventions, the emblems of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement are to be worn by all medical and humanitarian personnel and also displayed on their vehicles and buildings while they are in an active warzone ensuring protection from hostilities. All military forces operating in an active warzone must not attack entities displaying these emblems.
  13. You have a greater confidence in detecting alts by paying attention to how they "talk". Turns of phrases, shared typos, how they spell things out sometime, sometimes even proximity. (No one has seen me and Taylor Swift in the same room...I keep missing her by |> <| this much! 😛) People trying to hide alt identities are generally careful about these things, but slip ups happen and complacency eventually wins... usually. (that right there is one of my tells lol) Hardly concrete and foolproof I'll be the first to admit, but it's more accurate than trying to any so called IP matching... probably.
  14. Well.... another fix is to invest in a head that uses the EvoX UV layout. According to the LeL discord there are some 10ish head makers that are licensed to use their UV layout, so our OP would not forced to buy only from LeL, there are choices.
  15. First though is you bought and are wearing a one of the high definition "head" skins. The current most popular HD line is the LeLutka EvoX. If you wear that on an avatar (or head if you have a mesh head) that is not compatible with the high definition standard of the skin it can look.....very weird. and kinda like yo have to face.
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