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Everything posted by Talligurl

  1. I never said games are simple, I said that the complexity or lack of it is the same for all participants. Chess (and all games) has a specific goal that is the same for everyone who participates, so all participants deal with the same rules.
  2. SL has allowed me to get in touch with my inner *****. She had been beaten down and locked in a closet for years, but now she has this huge back yard to play in. True it is a backyard surrounded by a ten foot wall with barbed wire at the top, with guard towers on the corners, but at least she can get out into the sunshine.
  3. SL is not a game, one of the differences between SL and a game is that games are equally simple or complex to everyone, but SL can be very simple or very complex depending on the preferences of the user. My SL is pretty simple, because I don't get, and have no desire to learn the more complex aspects of it. Yet I can still come here and do my thing and interact with the geniouses.
  4. LL provides the opportunity for a free market. Some people would prefer that LL acts like a Communist State, and dictates to everyone how things should be, those people are wrong.
  5. I had it up to 88, but than there was that sharp turn.
  6. I love to play the random pianos I find in SL, but somehow I think this isn't the best use of a dark warehouse.
  7. Trying out one of my favorite shirts with my new pants
  8. Hanging out in my kitchen still loving these jeans.
  9. For fun? I am usually working in SL, I take a break from that by going to my RL job.
  10. Today at this club I felt like the only black girl there.
  11. Just finished the latest painting and hung it in the new store, i love these new jeans from LeCastle, and the top came from there to from one of the lucky chairs.
  12. At my store i need to be framing the pictures i made recently. and I was asked recently for the location so here it is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ravencrest/20/23/24
  13. I only use appliers for tattoos, and once I add a new one it never comes off. There are plenty of clothing choices that are mesh so I very rarely have to worry about working the appliers.
  14. I snapped this this morning before i left for work but didnt have time to post and now I cant get in to get another one
  15. I am still not getting in, grrrrr, and my lunch hour is almost over.
  16. You can edit within 24 hours but you can't delete.
  17. No not yet, but now that I have discovered that everything is there in the SL viewer it has gone from an "all my stuff is lost" crisis, to a minor annoyance.
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