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Everything posted by Talligurl

  1. Over the last 5 years that I have been a part of SL I have had many homes here. Each one a "dream home" because each one let me live out some fantasy. From little apartments in the seedy side of town to huge mansions on tropical islands. This is one of the beauties of SL, you do not have to sign a lease or a mortgage. I am already planning the next new place. Look for pictures soon.
  2. People no longer need to think. We have machines to do that for us, and usually a government to remove any danger from our path.
  3. Are the avi mods you have designed for your brand avi?
  4. You have to give flying a try. Dont worry you cant die, if you could I would be dead.
  5. Really? and who might that be? because from where I am I can't see you listening to anyone.
  6. You mean spend some linden, right?
  7. Exactly, one of the states where you cannot access gambling in SL is Nevada.
  8. You are not wrong, people do post here to find friends. I was just expressing my opinion that there are better ways.
  9. I am only defending my post trying to help out by giving advice on how to meet people which you attacked.
  10. So two weeks ago, in 2020 you could go, but now in 2021 you can't. Where do you live? I live in Florida and I cannot go because of Florida laws against gambling (rather Florida Laws to support Florida gambling) Perhaps some law in your area went into effect on January 1 and now no one where you live can access these areas.
  11. And Tom Brady has a Super Bowl ring, it does not mean he stops playing football.
  12. Did you repost this, Did you get my message in world?
  13. Read the line under the title of the forum it says "It’s easy to make friends in Second Life. Discuss the best ways to connect to other Residents." It does not say just come here to meet friends. I am doing what the forum is actually for, discussing ways to make friends.
  14. Your avatar has died and now is an angel.
  15. I think she is reaching out in a non-productive place, and that she would have more success in world. If i find someone in the grocery store looking for tomatoes in the bread isle, is it counterproductive to tell them to go to produce?
  16. We are being scammed. Neither the "left" or the "right" are anything like thier opposition portrays them as. Every election we are told that we have to vote for the Democrat or the Republican, because the other one will distroy America. Meanwhile they both are in the back pocket of huge corporations who just want to suck more money out of the common person. Those corporation want to maintain the status quo, not destroy anything.
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