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Everything posted by xoRenaxo

  1. I was always able to see chat history of anyone that changed their username. Has that changed? Or did they make it so chat history for others is erased? I know the chat logs will still be the files on the computer but am referring to the SL chat window itself, if that will show chat history with previous username?
  2. Go to Avatar>Preferences>Move & View>Movement Make sure this box is UNCHECKED that says Turn avatars towards a selected object, screenshot: https://gyazo.com/e7ccda6b944683db90dcfb703e0f4b92 Then hit Ok See if that helps along with what you did above.
  3. My male alt had the male Slink body for years, unfortunately creators have been dropping it with their clothes etc. Therefore, I updated him with Gianni. I wish I would have waited, because Jake is now updated and only 1500L. Jake has a better butt and can get a better upper shape than Gianni, in my opinion. Gianni tends to be arm muscle heavy. In my opinion, I would say Jake is #1, Gianni #2 and Legacy last. Legacy is a great body but the way that the company has it set up, there are some cons. I am on my way to work so am sure others will explain about Legacy.
  4. https://youtu.be/txFeihoczb0 Someone introduced me to this song and I often play it on repeat over and over. I had no idea what he was singing about at first since I'm not Korean.
  5. Yes, tried the Hud deformer too. I'll add a pic soon.
  6. I'm having issues with the look of the breasts. I don't want them too big but when I get to 60 and under on the slider, they look awful. I've tried adjusting fat, cleavage and gravity but still look weird. Is anyone else having this problem? How did you set up your shape, the one included, did you custom make one, buy one?
  7. Does anyone know if it happened due to the club or FS freezing up or combo of both? Just wondering.
  8. Thank you, that worked, cleared inventory cache, relogged at Pooley region, opened inventory and let it run. You rock, Rowan!
  9. I was at a club that had high scripts due to light shows and particles. I tried to TP out and Firestorm froze up. Therefore I had to run my task manager (ctrl alt delete) and end Firestorm. I then logged back in. However, my Custom AO that I made in Firestorm is gone, no animations in it, totally empty. I then noticed my Fave Wearables list was gone as well (in the Avatar>Favorite Wearables in top left menu of FS). I then relogged and still they are missing. I am going to relog again and see if it works. Anyone have an idea what to do if it doesn't help?
  10. There is a cam hud that changes your view of sl. I'm not sure if it has an all mouse look option though. I'm on my phone so not able to look it up on the mp. However, do a search for cam view or cam hud.
  11. Also, do a search for these places: Burrow Muddy's Big Daddy's NCI Kuula Fog bound Blues Firestorm Social
  12. I made a thread about how to find friends
  13. Yes, there has been people there every day. I pop in at least once a day to play some games.
  14. I am not affiliated or do I know the owners of this place. I found it a few weeks ago and it's pretty cool. There are 3 buildings, one is for people looking for dating/relationships, one is for adult relationships and another is for people looking for just friends. You don't have to join their group or make a panel. You can simply IM the person that you want to reach out to. There are games throughout the buildings, so it can be a nice hang out as well. Actually Love Dating Agency The friend zone building http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gold Hollow/25/68/29
  15. Yes! It looks pretty much the same as her pic minus a few waves on the length. Maybe the waves are an add on.
  16. It looks like one that is from Sintiklia. I have it but am on mobile and can't access sl. Wish that I could remember the name.
  17. Am on my phone so don't have access to my inventory but Rowne has classy clothes. I was going to suggest Coco too but you have it.
  18. I had two of my accounts on at the same time at a beach.. they were not near each other. About 5 men IMed them both with the same line. I think a lot of men just go down the list of females, IMing them and seeing if they can get a response from anyone. Then they will juggle a few IMs and see which woman will be the "easiest to get in sl bed" lol. They think we are stupid.
  19. Happens to me as well. I think a lot of people come on SL for others to entertain them, like Rowan said. They do not have conversation skills and do not wish to even learn them to better themselves. They just want easy entertainment from someone to make their SL not boring. So. Damn. Annoying. And the text speak, ughhhhhhhhhh. *Shakes fists in the air*
  20. Ooh, although this is not what the OP was looking for, thanks for sharing it, going to check it out!
  21. I use the Firestorm AO like a lot of people. It's pretty easy to set up and am sure youtube has a tutorial or the Firestorm website. I buy breathing/non breathing poses on sale. One of my favorites is Stun Poses. I also buy 1L-50L AOs on the Marketplace and I am able to pull out the animations that I like to input them into my Firestorm AO. A lot of low cost Animation Overriders have some good animations, and you can pick and choose which ones to pull out.
  22. Looky here SL Destination Guide and on the left side are categories. You'll find lots of great sims to take some great photos!
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