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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. I saw no flattened Moles and no police caution tape anywhere so we must all be doing pretty well driving! 😉
  2. I spotted a fishing chair today Then as I was passing I wondered what was on the upper deck under a tarp and I've not stopped laughing since!! Brilliant Creators! And a wonderful sense of humour this Houseboat owner has! I'm so thankful I can't smell what attracted the flies to that dumpster!
  3. I loved your driving adventure! I was cycling on one the same roads earlier today!
  4. There is the new Linden Homes Preview SIM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/25 It shows all the current models. Each plot has a mailbox and you can choose which style of House you want... so visit them all at the Preview, grab any plot and rez your favourite using the mailbox! (life Preserver for the Houseboat model selection) and anyone can come and visit and explore Bellissaria and see what the current residents are so excited about! There's another thread in this Linden Homes section which has Landmarks and points of interest including Rez Zones so anyone can come and have a good look at all the different areas and to visit, walk, ride, drive, sail, fly and explore. The whole continent is just beautiful and wonderfully planned with connected streets and paths to all sorts of community parks and little surprises! So much to see and so much still to come... looking at the World Map every few days, the Moles are working like crazy and getting more set up every day for the next batch release!
  5. Still enough prims left for rezzing sailboats and maybe something interesting underwater in the future \0/ Maybe my RL aversion to dusting clutter has crossed over into SL !!
  6. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Normandale/195/217/25 Here is Apple Pie (Apple Fall's Open House)
  7. Went for a bike ride along the river after visiting Jake Vordun's Open House. Beautiful neighbourhood!
  8. I found out these new Linden Homes were available when I opened my Dashboard and read the Blog Feeds. I quickly abandoned my old 512 Premium and got a Houseboat which we wanted since we first saw them at the Preview! I'm rather slow decorating though. I'm just not very good at doing it in RL or SL but my partner is ... and also very patient while I experiment! I didn't re-roll and never even thought of trying. I'm no gambler and not usually very lucky so I'm not tempted at all. Our houseboat isn't connected by walkable land to the mainland but it is close enough to see easily and enjoy it and our spot on Bowhead is very handy for sailing! My partner is also Premium but already has a 1024 on Gaeta Mainland and we also have a 4096 on the open navigable southern shore of Corsica so we're in no hurry to grab an extra on Bellissaria in the foreseeable future. If I was as good at decorating as some of the amazing homeowners who have posted pics here I would probably feel differently I'm happily impressed everyday at the ingenuity and creativity I've seen and read posted here in the forums and excited everyday as we explore Bellissaria that somehow Karma looked after us and we got to be among the first to live on this beautiful new continent and be part of such a lovely community! I think connecting the Premium Housing to the existing Mainland Continents is a wonderful idea and one I hoped for since I first started SL in 2015. I hope such a well planned and designed introduction to Premium Membership in SL will be contagious and spread to the rest of the Mainland continents ♥ I'm already dreaming of sailing from Corsica to Bellissaria... and beyond!! 🤩
  9. A foggy Bristol morning. I hope this burns off for some sailing later 😉
  10. Websearches Assy Mole (just in case) 😉 Nope, maybe Rumplestiltskin
  11. The prim allowance in the older LL Homes went up to 175 from 117 quite a while ago, when LL increased prims everywhere. I can't remember when exactly that happened, perhaps in 2018 or maybe even 2017. Sorry for repeating! Oops! I should have read further... this is a HOT forum today!
  12. I just renamed the LMs I made in my Folder adding Water Rez and Land Rez to their names, if that may help you?
  13. Thanks Chic Aeon! I thought that only affected the sounds I generate and not the sounds from outside but I hadn’t checked to see if mine had been reset or messed up.
  14. I noticed that there are some Linden trees which allowed me to Take Copy. They are nice and only 1 LI. I found them planted roadside on Corsica and at the SL15 birthday celebrations last June, if that helps. Dysfunctionality has some bushes called Swaying Leafy Bush that have a lot of colours, seasonal options and sizes and shapes at only 1 LI each. Happy tree planting! 😃
  15. I think I have checked those options already and still hear noises from the surrounding parcels but maybe I just need to toggle them or maybe something corrupted or changed my choices as I don’t think I’ve even looked at them since I moved in. Thanks very much for your helpful advice! I’d not have thought to try that!
  16. That picture is just beautiful. I want to go sailing RIGHT NOW ❤️
  17. Or be able to turn off Sounds and/or Media from outside your own parcel in the Land settings or on the Control Panel. That would be nice if you want to watch a video or listen to media in your home but don't want to hear the neighbours' sounds and media.
  18. Which side(s) of this marker are VOID and which are navigable, if there is a way to tell? I do know now that seeing these means I'm approaching a Region corner, but I usually find out the hard way it's an outside corner.... and sailing vessels don't always have a Reverse so I bump along like a fly against a pane of glass until I can catch some wind and get my bearings... or crash bouncing back and forth over a SIM crossing. I'm a rather lazy sailor, gawking at whatever catches my eye, easily distracted by "ohh, shiny, pretty" things and all water just looks like beautiful open water when I putter along without paying enough attention to the Map... but maybe I'm the only one!
  19. Norse Auk Lighthouse and most Northerly Bellissaria Public Rez Zone near water passage to Sansara http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Norse Auk/151/129/22
  20. Each plot has a Rezzer so you can choose the House style (or Houseboat model) you wish, and change at any time! Very clever idea I think! I hope you got one, I'm so far behind in reading posts.
  21. Hopefully you will find a way to squeeze that back into your budget soon! At least now there's a handy Rez Zone so you can sail in for lots of visits... and get to know all the neighbourhoods. Best of luck in finding those Premium Membership funds soon! ♥
  22. I visited this LM and.... YAY!!! Now there'a a Rez Zone!!! This is currently the most Southerly bit of Bellissaria and the water passage to Jeogeot is on the west side by the rez zone! Thank you Randy Pole for your LM and keen eye on those Clever Busy Moles!! AHOY THERE and welcome sailors!!
  23. Indeed Zoya... they are setting the bar high and I see already that we’re going to reap big rewards in more and more high quality low land impact items! WoOoOoOoo HOoOoOo!!
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