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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Thanks, I wasn't sure if you wanted them added to the viewer, or as scripting options for people who create HUDs.
  2. I was disappointed and surprised that when I did a "plagiarism check" of ChatGPT quote posted here, using a Google Docs add-on (a free one, just a test) - that it did not find anything except the post here.
  3. I'll try! Maybe today. Easiest example: Think of a gum ball machine with loose gum balls inside. (They are not attached to the machine.)
  4. The people hurt the most by the fee changes have to choose between feeding their Prim Babies, or feeding their Breedables.
  5. I hope you got it: "pair 'o docks sicle".
  6. I know it's not allowed to have businesses in Bellisseria, but I've got a fantastic idea for an ice cream stand, set it up at a couple of docks out on the water. They could sell all kinds of frozen treats. ..or would that be too paradoxical?
  7. Goal post shifting and hair splitting. The past, present, and future all run together a the "Restaurant at the End of the Universe". It was there long before "He Who Remains" came along.
  8. Yes, it was. But I used is. Maybe the problem is, they need to be studying maths instead of just math.
  9. Just so long as you're not saying Truthers are "average", that would be just..mean. <= is maths joke!
  10. Just like some people paint everything golden when it comes from LL, no questions asked. Thank goodness there's people like you and me, "realists" somewhere on either side of the middle!
  11. Irony, as that is how most "thought" works (last I heard)! But ChatGPT emulates it very poorly.
  12. Isn't MacOS going to "stop working" with Second Life viewers, once Apple stops supporting OpenGL completely?
  13. Yes, but on a hunch I had to lookup "The Animals". They are British! Go figure.. All the best early Rock bands came from Britain. BONUS: They were from "Newcastle upon Tyne"..(i.e., OnTyne!). What the heck would they know about a hoorhouse in New Orleans, Louisiana USA?
  14. These sound like fairly reasonable requests. For "whose HUD is controlling me", that may be something like: "Please add a viewer feature to optionally show the name of the object which I granted Animation permissions to, and the name of the object's owner". For "the name of the animation being used", that may be something like: "Please add a viewer feature to optionally show the name of the current animation being run by my Avatar (possibly only when the animation is being run by another user's objects)". Adding these as "viewer" options means, it would be "universal". Adding these as "scripting options" means, separate HUDs / Attachments would need to run new LSL functions to show the information. Wow, I see a lot of use-cases for this. Like, if you become the victim of a practical joke ("Why am I acting like a chicken?"), or you want to know who is controlling your RLV, etc.
  15. Perhaps, some complaints are from people who "feel" they are affected, even if they never buy anywhere near the L$ "limit". Similar to those who may complain "the bank only insures my deposits to US$250K" but they have $5 on deposit. Or as always, people just love to complain.
  16. What if, you again take advantage of physics and - for example - make them toroids with a "rod" through them, keeping them "grouped"? This way, they would be "more than just coalesced". ETA: I didn't "need" the physics, I just need them to "not be attached to one another".
  17. Are you like one of those majyck floating nuns, who actually is hiding roller skates under her habit?
  18. Greetings, I put this in "Building and Texturing" since it is more about that than Scripting. 1. I want to have several small objects "in a box". Not attached to anything. Not "in the box's inventory". For my purposes, I think they have to be physical. 2. Then, I want to be able to "close the box" - whether by putting lid on it, or by changing the "open" box's "cut shape" - so the objects don't "fall out". 3. Then, I want to be able to "carry the box around" - either by "holding it" (as an attachment to my avatar), or by attaching the box to my HUD. "Why?" Addressing this first since the question will come up. Because: Objects only retain their own separate / independent Linkset Data when not attached to other objects. They can be attached to your avatar, either worn or as a HUD, and still retain their own Linkset Data. But for fairly obvious reasons, neither do I not want to attach many small objects to my avatar, nor do I want to attach many small objects to my HUD. "Putting them in a box" certainly sounds like an option. Each object will have a script that listens for specific commands (llSayTo() / llRegionSayTo(), to read / write its own Linkset Data). Does all this seem possible? Are there any specific difficulties or steps I would need to follow for 1, 2, or 3 above? (For example, should the box be made a "right size" so that the objects don't "rattle around", causing physics lag? Or, is there a way to do this - NOT attach the objects, but still have them non-physical and be carried around?) Thanks in advance, Love
  19. This doesn't shock me, I was more surprised to see JIRA being used by End-Users. ETA - because, JIRA is more of a developer-centric tool (and/or for testers, project managers, etc.). IMHO.
  20. It is "Spring Break" for many in the US, maybe whoever fixed the MP is just on vacation, and will have a nasty surprise when they return.
  21. I think "bad writing" for ChatGPT can be blamed on bad teachers. Like "classical" methods, it is "learning by rote" and being fed garbage.
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