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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Don't know if I entirely agree with the sentiment, but that phrase just made me almost snort my morning coffee over the keyboard! My brain's having a field day picturing that parade right now (and they are clothed, just for the record!) I wish I was an artist; I would draw it for you. It makes me hungry for "tater tots"!
  2. Why is that a problem, if it is perfectly allowed? Because you don't like it? Because you don't want to see it or be around it? I'm confused by the issue here, sorry! On the surface, it seems a little like going to a "strip club" and saying, "I have a problem with strip clubs". In that analogy, consider "all of Mature" land a big "strip club"; nobody forces you to go there, do they? The reason I ask is, by phrasing your statement as, "I have a problem with..", most people use this type of statement when they want to change something. Perhaps a more granular ratings system will help? Edited to add: I used "Mature" when I should have used "Moderate". Brain fart! I guess if the "Rating" was actually called "Mature", then my general reasoning makes more sense. Since it is "Moderate", then people can overlay more easily their interpretations of "what 'moderate' should be like".
  3. That's ironic, if both the Thread and Canny are "Necro'd"!
  4. Porcelain clown doll If she was a CHILD clown doll, that would be close to a BINGO card full!
  5. Now I feel dumb, I thought she was "just a clown"!!
  6. On the subject of "Prims are Dead".. 1) ..Aren't Mirrors and Probes Prims? 2) ..When I have to add Local Lights because it's too dark inside now with PBR, I generally add them to an (invisible) Prim.. Are these edge cases for when Prims are still needed? Or, could I just have easily used Mesh objects (if I had suitable mesh objects)? Using a Mesh object for #2 seems a bit overkill since I just need a light..and it doesn't need to "come from anywhere"..
  7. Me seeing a convo of "hidden messages" between 2 people:
  8. I keep that profile picture because they're both looking backwards while laying on top of me, and look like Muppets or something!
  9. In RL I have two very large Huskies, which gives me an excuse to also post Husky stickers.
  10. SL's first mobile viewer was 3rd party., the second was LL, but tyext only, and got pulled shortly after getting awful mac app store approval, presumably when a) somebody at LL actually read the awful mac app store ToS, and/or b) realised their new Awful Mac only text client was at least 5 years behind the 3rd party mobile client, and thus at least 10 years out of date the day it went live. What about the "Metaverse" app? That was "text only" but wasn't from LL. (I had that one before it stopped being in the Apple store.) It was for multiple platforms (not just Second Life), thus the name. It doesn't come up often, thought I'd mention it since you are listing a few. 🙂
  11. Mobile Viewer project items 🙂 Otherwise, I don't really pay much attention to Canny. (Sorry!)
  12. The "land tier" means how much land you can own.
  13. Irony: If you Google "Second Life Citizens", you get primarily - 1) A "Community-run Portal" named "New Citizens Incorporated" (in the Destination Guide) 2) A horror movie titled, "Second Life Citizens" with the tagline, "It all started when people ROSE FROM THE DEAD.."
  14. What if they could combine the streams? Like, who wouldn't want to shoot horny zombies?
  15. Yes. Details at the link: https://secondlife.com/premium - click on "See Even More Benefits".
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