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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Do some child avatars like to RP as the "classic childhood careers", i.e. "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Examples: Astronaut, Fire Fighter, cowboy, policeman, etc. Second Life would give unique opportunities for those kinds of RP!
  2. Ever considered having an "imaginary friend" in Second Life?
  3. Besides what's listed above, what does a child avatar do for fun? There's a lot in Second Life.
  4. Peeve: When you're delighted about successful conclusion of a contentious topic! (Peeve that this is something we should deal with / be delighted about.)
  5. You did not provide any meaningful details on why you think some would report it - except there was a young profile pic. No useful information. A profile pic is meaningless. There is no reason to discuss this. Goodbye.
  6. Who cares? Why tell us? We don't owe you; you already know the answer.
  7. The solution is to add a rule to the TOS, "If you SEE something, SAY something. Residents should report TOS violations." That way, for example, if BJ starts a thread "I saw something against the TOS!" we only need to reply: "You should have reported it. The end."
  8. So, pay no attention to viewer problems, RLVa works great! Hooray!
  9. If the OP of this thread can't regulate themselves from posting garbage like this, what makes them think AP'ers will regulate themselves? It's not a false equivalence.
  10. I agree with Zal more and more lately! (That maybe hard for you Zal, sorry.)
  11. It also reminds me of a "Sphinx Cat" head someone posted recently that I thought was something else. I like how you have stuck with a consistent color palette for these pics!
  12. Hmm.. if Bots delivered Pizza, we'd love Bots!
  13. Oh, great! If you agree with her, we're truly screwed! * panics *
  14. @Coffee Pancake, it only took a minute or so maximum. On cell data, at a mobile destination, and I rezzed ok. Second pic is what I got when I tried to start at my Adult home. This is on iPhone XS (Not in production since 2019).
  15. Good point. I only have WiFi on the iPad. I haven't tried "cell / mobile data" on the iPhone (old iPhone XS) in awhile. Will post info after doing a trial.
  16. Just heard on the news that the RL "dogecoin" dog died today!
  17. Found other pics - first is Mobile, second is Official viewer (PBR). This is with a new Lelutka head. The main reason I hate this is, again the Flexi-hair doesn't work. This impacts my hair, whiskers, and tail; I dealt with the whiskers and tail by switching to non-Flexi in early Mobile testing. However, I really liked this hair.
  18. All "sideloading" means, is installing something outside of the normal procedure (for example, not from the official store or website). I could be wrong of course, dumb lion.
  19. At least 'sideloading' doesn't imply you need to also "rootkit".. 🙂
  20. Found the thread I started that included the pics above. Not sure where I posted my avatar pics.
  21. 👍 I posted a few threads and pictures here and there on the Forums and didn't have the issues you had. I use an iPhone XS (production ended 2019) which is not really useable, and a brand new iPad (9th gen with A13 chip) which works pretty well. I have not necessarily tried it in the same types of places you went to. Of course, NOW I can't try it at home anymore. These pics (taken with my iPad and PC) show regular viewer vs. iPad in Luna (examples showing differences in a Sculty). These pics show examples in my home with Mobile vs Official viewer showing different Sculpties. You can see in the second picture below (and the picture directly above) that my flexi-hair wouldn't render properly in the Mobile viewer.
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