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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Oh, that's fantastically creepy and perfectly safe (except for those with arachnophobia, lol)! I like it. Who is it that usually has the huge spider avatar with the human face? (A Forumite)
  2. They also still sell "full body" Furry anthropomorphic (2-legged) avatars too, of course!
  3. Peeve: When my mom was in "home hospice care", at one point she said, "This hospital has the best ice cream!" (They let you eat as much ice cream as you want, at that point.)
  4. I would like to humbly submit the question: Since non-human avatars ("Furries") which have non-human bodies (example: an avatar that walks on 4 legs, i.e. a "feral") cannot depict "human children", are they exempt from wearing clothing, so long as they do not have any genitals? Assume they are "not presenting as under 18 years of age" - as it is irrelevant for the type of avatar. I feel like this was not covered well (except the "presenting age" mention) in the blanket statement about "Furries" that came out of the meeting (as I posted earlier in the thread):
  5. Yep! Those are "grandfathered in" because they existed before the crackdown. If I were you though, I'd keep going and see what happens. People may post a mix of SL and non-SL food stuff.
  6. They won't, I predict it. Possibly just nobody's reported it yet (as not being SL-related), and the mods didn't notice it.
  7. Pet Delight: Annual job review resulted in pay increase, ordered a kitchen gadget as a small reward.
  8. That's just clothing for Maitreya, Reborn, Jake, Kario, CZ Slim, Anatomy, Legacy M/F, etc. Most current furries use human bodies and shop in like...Addams. I don't care for most "human body lions" (except my own Nekos), so gravitate more towards full lions (ferals). Luckily, there are only so many of them. Just a "thing"! To me, all the "human body lions" look about the same. @Robberinthemuseumtold me about a nice one awhile back, but have I worn it? Nope. Will I? Maybe. Same with one I got from a teaser at the Skin Fair.
  9. Don't take it personally, some people just have to get the last word, and keep going if anyone disagrees with them. It's normal, but super annoying until you get used to whoever it is and just ignore them.
  10. Surprise, Surprise - I have a large collection 😉 I was going in the direction of hoo-mon style garb. On lions. LOL. But yeah, a feral lion can wear a loincloth too. I guess (will try).
  11. Almost missed this! Who DOESN'T need a "tailhole ornament"?
  12. Personally, I LIKE the new "Woke" version of Second Life. Now I feel safer from evil children, AND if I want to be an "innocent" child, I will be safer from evil adults! YAY! It's figuring out all the crap in-between that is hard. We are in a "Liminal" period.
  13. You're right! Sorry, I did not see you list that option, or say that was an option you planned to follow. To be fair, a LOT of people say "I'm going to quit because I hate the new rules", etc. Sure, not so many in the last threads. But once in awhile you see one. I usually assume it is an empty threat. Like a "flounce".
  14. ...and Skype. The gummint don't record sexytimes on Discord and Skype?
  15. Option 1: "I am afraid I will get AR'd and lose all my stuff." Option 2: "I am mad so I am going to leave and lose all my stuff." Must be hard, only having those 2 options.
  16. I like how people "seem" to go far off topic, but you're (I'm) not..quite..sure. lol
  17. Plus, do we really need art in SL of Romulus and Remus sucking at their wolf-mom's teat? Possibly nawt!
  18. Sorry if other people including myself seem confused, at least "some of us" are used to seeing the GDPR mentioned mostly in conjunction with "privacy" (protecting your data), and "the right to be forgotten", etc. Anyway, good luck with your idea! 🙂
  19. I wish others could understand that. It really is as easy as, "just follow the rules then there is no reason to worry about it".
  20. I was about to say "OMG, this is a thing?" but it's SL so a) not gonna look, and b) nothing surprises me anymore. Yeah, just in my own feral search just now, most of what came back was sexy "feral human" outfits and skins, etc.
  21. Assuming some of the chatter is about "why won't LL tell us their process for handling AR's"? This actually comes up quite often. The general consensus is: If LL details the process of their AR's, it enables people to find ways to get around the rules. This is similar to my understanding of why discussing Forum "moderation" is mostly disallowed (besides Forum "moderation" being off-topic). If you disagree with this, I'm sorry! I think it is a reasonable theory. Plus, I do remember discussing it a lot in the past.
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