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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Scenario: "Halt! Show me your papers!" "..I don't have any papers.." "No entry! Next! Show me your papers!" "Here you are, I am verified." "What is your purpose to visit here?" "Shopping." "Where is your official badge?" "I have not been issued one yet." "In you go. Next! Show me your papers!" "Here are my papers, sir." "Everything seems in order. What is your purpose to visit here?" "I need to visit my partner at their home." "Your status does not allow a partner!" "But..but..I have an Adult avatar too.." "Irrelevant! I am close to reporting you!" "I am sorry!" "Denied! Next! Show me your papers!" "Here you go." "Your papers are in order. Purpose for visit?" "I am a courtesan, sir." "This is not allowed, you look too young even with papers. You have been reported!!"
  2. When my huskies let me, they got me up around midnight for food and a walk.
  3. Avatars with "verified adult avatar" badges sounds like a very dystopian scenario.
  4. I hope that was a joke! I wear pink at times as a boy. Actually yes, but now that you mention it: a non-binary person could choose one or the other as a visual cue depending on how they feel on a given day. I hope that makes sense!
  5. My avatar is a boy. Is that a male boy or female boy? 😹
  6. We don't know if either person in the IM's shared the convo with someone else, who reported it. We don't know a lot.
  7. Oh really? But please, do go on. I very rarely wear pink. My mother dressed my sister and I in red (for her) and blue (for me). She disliked pink, as well. An article titled “Pink or Blue,” published in the trade journal The Infants’ Department in 1918, said that the generally accepted rule is pink for boys and blue for girls. “The reason is that pink being a decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy,” it said. Yep! "Traditional" colors are pretty new. Most people don't know that, or that small boys wore dresses too. In some countries, infants and "untrained" children don't wear anything over lower parts so there is nothing to "soil" that way.
  8. There is an obvious difference here that would be lost on those who disagree with us. "Bad people" (and the ignorant) see it as sexual. Wanting to protect the "innocent" from the "bad" by merely covering up does NOT mean we agree it is "sexual". I hope you understand that nuance, I can't put it much more simply. To take your apparent logic to a somewhat natural conclusion that I agree with: bodies aren't "sexual". People are "sexual". Why should we have to wear clothing at all, to appease the ignorant and avoid the gaze of those who consider it "sexual"? My answer is, because bad people shouldn't be rewarded by getting their jollies from our awesome natural genders, and the ignorant are never going to understand anyway. ETA: Society sucks. Second Life is somewhat bound by the "norms" of Society.
  9. Yes. Exaggeration, but I'd hope the modesty "panels" are sufficient. I think we're only talking about "children and teens" in second life, not "women". Nice stretch, though!
  10. Of course. I'm sorry, I don't understand your objections to what I'm saying. Thank you. It's all good.
  11. Not enforcing it gives something for the CA / CP / AP baddies to leer at. So..choose?
  12. Which you have been poo poohing if I remember correctly as you didn't believe there was sufficient proof? I started suggesting the possibility, recently. 🙂
  13. It makes my initial point, that the tendency of this conversation is to open us up to this kind of argument. Nope. The ignorant are always there, always making that same argument.
  14. Who is "you"? I only said if they WANT: (sorry, can't multi-quote across pages on phone) "How about this: if someone WANTS to present more ambiguously, wouldn't that also include (for some people) dressing as ambiguously as possible?" I guess that's the confusing part for some! Please just stop. 🙂
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