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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. There is no official manual, or any books on creating Mesh for SL, in order to keep the knowledge in the hands of the few.
  2. Was thinking the other day, there’s so many books (even if they are like “Dummie” books) - there should be books on creating mesh for SL. It’s a conspiracy, to keep the knowledge in the hands of the few!
  3. I saw a thread the other day where someone made their viewer too big, and were told to change the Debug setting um.. UIScaleFactor. *Edit: Found here:* http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Settings
  4. Having trouble distinguishing this thread from the “Daft things I have done” thread.
  5. “Do you know The Way?” ”Have you heard the Good News about Jesus?” ”Let’s animate and ‘bate!”
  6. Theory: Prok thinks all feral furry avatars are breedables. *Edit* That was too easy.
  7. They should have made the error “Whoopsie!”
  8. Lol Bleeding cash cow was cooked rare..
  9. My custom tail script menu does a “Who did what to Who” and “did they like it”.
  10. In the movie where Arnold Schwarzeneggar gets pregnant, there’s a line where he says, “It’s not a tumor!”
  11. Thanks, fixed. Could brain tumours cause paranoia and generation of conspiracy theories?
  12. “..whether a BDSM third-party viewer called RLV and its coding should be imposed as a solution to sim crossing.”
  13. I’ve put a max of L$200k in a sploder before. That seems to make a club busy.
  14. I confess that “Para” roleplay tests my patience..HIT SEND ALREADY OR ARE YOU DOING COPY/PASTE?!? ..because SQUIRREL!! *gets whiplash*
  15. I thought the biggest recurring problems in SL fashion were: - No demo - Can’t find matching skins - Not enough clothes for some bodies - Poorly-fitting mesh clothing - Appliers/HUDS that stop working - Appearing naked to everyone but you - Appearing as a cloud - Appearing as a jelly baby to everyone - Bought as a gift but no-Trans - Outfits borked/can’t figure out how to use outfits - Deleting no-copy worn item from outfit instead of link to it - No place to change in privacy - “Wardrobe Malfunctions”
  16. When offering friendship, always change the default message from “Would you be my friend?” to something else.
  17. LL inflates / overstates new signups and individual logins.
  18. Why are Madlands residents so sociable? They aren’t, their homes are just all at infohubs.
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