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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. To be bitten by a vampire in a mall, and have one's soul thus taken, surely would make one indistinguishable from other denizens of any mall, in any city, whether in RL or SL?
  2. That worked, thank you! Handy if you actually notice the "Activity" option and have a clue, not so handy if you don't.
  3. Useta be, clicking on "Answers" showed newest-first questions. Now they are all stuffed in categories! Is there any way to see "Unanswered" questions newest first without respect to category (i.e., not making you "dig into" the category to see the questions)?
  4. You mean the Chinese spam?
  5. But OP said "but don't want to prevent event queues from mounting up during this time-period"..
  6. I like these approaches, like a "flight feather" but opposite.
  7. Won't this only work if you are sitting on it, and it is non-physical?
  8. No liking is for haters, and a haters' gonna hate. DO NOT LIKE
  9. There's a trick I've seen where people can attach stuff and just squat, and make it look as if they have a house and land but really they are just sad, sad squatters pretending. Go do that! :-)
  10. "lulz give me munneez" - said every n00b, ever.
  11. Long silences during an otherwise romantic conversation could "mean" something..
  12. The peer pressure for mesh is getting ridiculous. Even in the furry community. I prefer my old avatars, more to choose from and more easily customizable.
  13. /me is a guy, so hi back
  14. Love Zhaoying


    Could be that the OP is trolling us.
  15. ..I don't think the old forum had it. It ALMOST makes up for the fact that the forum "summary" page does not show the newest post the same as the old forum.
  16. Click the "Quote" button or select the text then a "quote" button pops up. There's a third way but I tire..
  17. You're welcome, I didn't know but found it on the "TEMP_ON_REZ" page.
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