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Dragon Mommy

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  1. I am surprised they do not have a secure web form or other means of providing this information. I deal with SSNs at work all the time and we end nearly every email with a reminder not to send that or other sensitive info over email.
  2. Re: Battery. It drains about as fast as any other 3D game, I'd say it's on par with pokemon go when you keep it active. My phone does warm up some but not much, unless I charge and run the app at the same time.
  3. Just got the alpha installed and time to begin testing. It's an Alpha for sure, limited capabilities and some bugs, but the foundation feels solid so far. I'll save my deeper feedback for official channels though.
  4. Any Co-branded debt card (a debit card connected to a current account that shows a Visa or MasterCard logo) should work just fine, but you can always check with your bank if there are any issues.
  5. I think the answers to your questions are more likely to come from a tax specialist in your area than LL themselves.
  6. I'm wary of any rating or number system even without incentive. I understand the need to gameify some of the social experience because it helps push people out of their comfort zones and into new things. Upvote / favorites/ karma/ headpats whatever aren't really a good example of what I want to see in SL. I've been in communities with similar systems and overall I think it was a social net negative. In the past in a different SL it may have lead to a lot of social events and such, but this is SL of 2023. Online behaviour shifts and changes over time, and I don't see this having a net positive effect.
  7. I'd vote for optional (default off) sounds. I wouldn't mind my small groups alerting me when messages come in but I wouldn't want that for larger groups. But in general groups could really do with an overhaul. This past year I moved from a roleplay group that used SL for everything to one that uses Discord to manage itself. The second group is far more social and it's far easier to get answers and communicate with my fellow players. Information isn't lost after 2 weeks when notices disappear.
  8. This doesn't really seem like it's within LL's capabilities or concern to moderate.
  9. Can you point me to them? Last time I shopped around most were over 7500. I've had my current one for awhile. I'm not above moving to save money long term, much as I like my current company.
  10. This is something I've wanted for a long time, as I much prefer a homestead for the privacy. I share one right now with a friend. Doing the math based on my current rental (7200/week) it comes out to a little more when taking into account the L stipend. It might be worth it just to have full control and avoid issues like my rental company going under. I'll consider it in the new year. This is doing the math for 365 days of rental and not just short-handing 4 weeks = one month.
  11. Any appear offline feature would be for use as a means to not signal to your friends you are online. It would fail as a privacy tool. Scripted objects can track your online status. That said, I still think that an online status option would be a net benifit. Arguments about what development time should be spent on miss the point that not every developer or employee of LL is going to be working on the same part of a product or be qualified to. Whoever handles the backend of the forums might not be qualified to code a new option into the viewer. The person who codes a new option into the viewer might not be the one working on the engine or netcode for improvements.
  12. It's my very favorite ride of all time! Im about as far from FL as you can get and still be near an international airport in North America so my trips are every few years now. I'll have to locate the surl of the one in SL as it was very lovingly created.
  13. I know somewhere on the grid someone has recreated the Haunted Mansion from Disneyland... I always enjoyed that.
  14. If I want something I don't wait to buy it, but I buy the occasional sale as an impulse buy. My friend I share a homestead with has their store there and weekend sales drive tons of traffic and buyers, which always makes them happy.
  15. I always feel like it's either frequented by a social group I don't know who all post about each other or it's just screaming into the void and nobody knows anyone posted.
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