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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Breaking News: Sony are looking for a "Director of Vulnerability Management" (LL security employees are not encouraged to apply for the post)
  2. OK, so it wasn't North Korea who hacked Sony, it was hirelings of the MPAA/RIAA, possibly with the collusion of the FBI/CIA/DoHS and Seth Rogan himself (what's the publicity going to be worth eventually to a limp one-trick-pony of a movie?) because they wanted to put more pressure on Obama to do something about the Darknet and divert attention away from their hamfistedly unsuccessful "secret" attempts to revive SOPA and in particular restrict Google's abilities, which didn't work out so well with the Spanish Press - and the Belgians, and Germans - did It! I feel sorry for all those mom'n'pop corner shops who are frantically checking their $2.99 dvd carousels to make sure they are not carrying copies of Team America:World Police that might be the next target for the demented crazies who orchestrated this pathetic "terrorist" action.
  3. DrMichaelMorrison wrote: At this stage in our research we are not able to provide compensation. Then by definition your volunteer subjects will be dilettante charity-workers rather than real entrepreneurs. Which rather destroys the point, eh?
  4. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: And for the record, Mr. Chairman, I have not, nor have I ever been, a member of the LWL. I think I was invited once, but I'm a solitary luncher, mostly. Ah, a member of the select sub-committee, the LWLOTO.
  5. That video should make any lurking paedophiles extremely happy . . . There's a widespread belief that the only thing worse than kids acting like grownups is grownups pretending to be kids.
  6. Rhys Goode wrote: I don't know a safer way to store Lindens. Hermetically sealed coffins? Ooops, you meant Linden dollars . . .
  7. The acme of stupidity is repeating the same egregious errors. Offering LL kudos for this is like congratulating a surgeon for the job he has done sewing a leg back on when he had amputated the wrong one in the first place.
  8. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Magnus Brody wrote: Experience has taught me that a lot of elderly and ugly folks, some even older than 40 (!!!) can be quite interesting. Way back when I was 28 (16 years ago), I flirted online with a gentleman who set the bar for interesting pretty damned high. He was witty, observant, full of funny stories, and let me talk on and on and on. I knew he was older than me, older than anyone else in the chat room. But, I never asked. When the news of his death reached us, I discovered he was 93. Magnus Brody also wrote: At the massively ancient (mature) age of 49, I no longer make the kind of shallow judgements I did when in my late teens and twenties. Well, Mr. Brody, I'm gonna call hypocrisy on ya. Stating that 49 is massively ancient seems shallow to me. I think you got a li'l growing up to do, you whippersnapper. The most beautiful part of the human anatomy is the mind. It's got work to do to make up for the growing deficiencies of an aging body, but it's the only part that can do that, and when it does, it's fantastic. Women get older; men get better.
  9. Ardvinna wrote: You seem not only to be a misogynist, you are also a misanthrope. You're against "live and let live", against women - I never encountered anyone who is so superficial and ignorant. - I understand that Pep's lawyers will soon be getting in touch for this derogatory libel on his reputation.
  10. My daughter has recently developed an interest in musical theatre, as I discovered when I asked her why she was prancing about in her jammies singing "Try a little priest". Don't even ask why I was reading this thread. Especially don't ask why I thought it was worth a necropost.
  11. Their world . . . their (arbitrary) omnipotence.
  12. Perrie Juran wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: How much you are willing to pay? Well, you wanted entrepreneurs. I don't think he is funded by the NSA or Homeland Security. http://www.edinboro.edu/departments/bus_econ/faculty.dot Wot! No questions on money laundering?
  13. I thought her name was Virna Lisi? τὸν τεθνηκóτα μὴ κακολογεῖν
  14. How much you are willing to pay? Well, you wanted entrepreneurs.
  15. Dresden Ceriano wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Nuke Ungren. That'll solve the problem. But, how do you expect them to get a nuclear bomb working with scripts disabled? Such a sad situation. ...Dres *cries* Lindens got God Mode.
  16. I suggested LL makes a Suggestion Box that deletes stuff unread *after* it's posted, rather than before . . .
  17. Nuke Ungren. That'll solve the problem.
  18. How about a competition, in line with the Hogmanay theme, entitled "What's worn under the kilt?" My answer is nothing . . . . . . as it's all in perfect working order.
  19. Just fake one. I once got pulled over in LA by a black and white who wanted to see my driving licence - which I didn't have on me - so I showed him my 8-year-old son's Legoland certificate, which he perused carefully, then returned with the usual "Have a good day" wish. And it's even easier to knock documentation up with colour photocopiers nowadays . . .
  20. How about a competition to find the best image of the two-faced Roman god Janus, after whom January is named? No Lindens should enter of course, as they would have a head start. And anybody who submitted an avatar with a massive posterior with a supposed first name of Hugh would be disqualified for obscenity.
  21. Since the general definition of "Native American" is vague and historically ambiguous (it covers all the "original" inhabitants of North, Central and South America as well as the Caribbean and other islands), and there are over 50 "specific" (as implied here of North American Indians) legal definitions, added to which DNA testing of those who claim "100% true-blood" has revealed up to 60% European/African/Asian heritage, which is unsurprising given that the dual continent was largely poulated by emigres over the land bridge where the Bering Straits now exists, then the OP's question would appear moot, if not disingenuous. It might make a good programme for Oprah/Dr Phil though . . .
  22. AlianaDiaz wrote: Really, I wouldn't assume so posting it at 3 am smh. Many don't have much else to do but to find flaws in the next. We all are entitled to make mistakes. Grow up and please be an adult about this or not speak at all if it will hurt the next person. Congratulations on your realistic roleplay! I envisage you clapping your hands together and making shooing movements while you were typing your post - you sound like most of the bad teachers I have experienced! They also used to get annoyed with me when I pointed out their spelling mistakes - just as much when I was in university as when I was in kindergarten. Oh, and isn't the fake doctorate pretentious as well as misleading?
  23. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Actually I wish there were two forums, one social, and another for land and products. I wish there were two forums too; one social and one anti-social. Or is that what you mean?
  24. Derek Torvalar wrote: See, I needed that "c" after all. Otherwise you'd have had to call Ms Solo a runt, I suppose?
  25. Dillon Levenque wrote: what has that to do with anything in this thread? Well, if Scylla is going to claim that a few women getting killed made her a feminist, then I thought that the hundredth anniversary of the greatest ever global slaughter of men might offer some justification for the rest of us becoming even more entrenched in the belief that her minority interests are trivial and tiresome.
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