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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. This flagrantly discriminatory thread has been reported for Daltonistic mopery.
  2. I presume that the picture shows Phase 1 of the world record attempt at a doggy fashion pyramid orgy?
  3. Why not just look a little into the future using the crystal ball and find out how it was decorated.
  4. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Obviously the deceased had psychological problems. Which, in my experience, is typical of most SL players. Just like RL.
  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Christians hold 55% of the World's wealth That would be the Catholic Church owning 50% and 5% people pretending to be christians. Because real christians would give their wealth away. Or is that communists? Although we are dependent upon the (limited) skill of interpreters, it was interesting to see that the pope, if not exactly condoning terrorism, apparently said that it should be expected that those who feel insulted will take disproportionate violent action. Just like these forums?
  6. Man dies after three day gaming binge. In other news, LL announced the satisfactory completion of testing of a new system giving moderators a more effective mechanism for the removal of persistent critics.
  7. Sy Beck wrote: I'd tip Peter André into one of their freezers regardless of his past its sell by date and shelf life. Congratulations, Sy! You have now completely befuddled 99% of forum users who have read this thread.
  8. LL is unlikely to help; it takes the not unreasonable view that you should police your own profile.
  9. My analysis of this thread suggests that IMVU proponents are, astonishingly enough, even more functionally illiterate than SL champions.
  10. It seems to me that you are all forgetting the lesson of the widow's mite. Theft is theft, whether it is copying a CD or looting Fort Knox. As a consequence, you may want to discuss who should cast the first stone. Me, I'm a believer in the Eleventh Commandment - and not Reagan's version of it!
  11. Kelli May wrote: CadenzaInVivace wrote: Aislin Ceawlin wrote: CadenzaInVivace wrote: I always find it amusing "adults" complain about slightest bit of nudity. Personally I find those fugly "child avatars" 100x more disturbing than breasts and butts, and the way they talk is 100x more freakier than that (what is probably a 60-year old homo sitting in his mom's basement talking like this in an online game: "wahh mommy I want the candy!"). Once someone threatened to "report me" because 1/5th of my nipple was showing from underneath my top. If you complain about nudity in a game designed for 18+ people then you're just beyond pathetic. Please go back to playing your Dora the Explorer kthnx. (My highlighting) WOW, really? "Homo"????? What is YOUR malfunction????? My "malfunction" is a simple typo, should read "hobo" not "homo". Your malfunction is much more severe unfortunately, for squealing like a 2-year old at a typo, unless of course you ARE one of those freaky fugly child av's, in which case fits your role. Calm down and have some Prozac. As a 60 year-old hobo, I find your tone offensive. As a 60 year-old boho, I find your note offensive.
  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote: No love seeking comet Lovejoy last night, Hippie. We were overcast. It doesn't look much better for the next few days. I hope you're able to get a peek. Happy Tuesday, Kids!!! You appear to be confusing the concepts of love and luck. And overtrusting either or both of word-prediction and spellcheck algorithms.
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Let's just hope the politicians learn Even less chance! (See above)
  14. Hippie Bowman wrote: Morning Val! Yes indeed. If the world would embrace love and tolerance then there would come peace. We can only hope! Hugs my friend! Peace! Perhaps you should ask one of the six foot high pink rabbits, that you are probably seeing, to do the embracing. Some hope . . .
  15. Don't tip anybody ever - it's insulting. If you tip anybody in Iceland in real life they will throw the money back at you! (That's Iceland the country, not the frozen foods retailer; although I am not sure why you would want to tip anyone in the latter.)
  16. Eravo wrote: 1) What the hell do I do? Hi Eravo. The best thing you can do to get started is to meet people and make friends by conversing with them. Try teleporting (tping in SL - that's SecondLife - jargon) to a busy place. You can find busy places using the Search function, which is surprisingly quick and effective, by typing in a keyword like "romance", "bar" or "BDSM". Once you are there, check the list of other avatars that are present and IM (that's "Instant Message") anybody with a silly name, especially if it includes numerals, as it is likely an indication of the avatar's long internet history, possibly starting on AOL or in an old shootemup like KillMeKwik.. The trick to starting a conversation is to say "WANNA F***???". The upper case letters and three question marks (it has to be exactly three) indicate that you are being ironic, sarcastic and sardonic, which are traits that are treasured by regular players in SL. You are likely to get three possible responses. 1. No reply at all probably means that the avatar is probably the alt (that's "alternative identity") of a Linden, which means you have hit the jackpot. Keep typing that initial phrase, and after ten repetitions the Linden is bound, by the Secret Rules of SL, to give you one of their personal bears, which you can either wear on your shoulder to provoke much admiration, or redeem for 10,000 Linden Dollars at the Russian Laundry sim. 2. The second response will involve some sort of suggestion that you tp away before you are ARd (Abuse Reported). This is a coded reply, and is actually an invitation to join that person at their home location, which will be the top entry on the relevant page of their Profile. TP there and wait for them to get there, at which point you will probably be given a tour of their residence; if they are held up, feel free to try out their poseball furniture. 3. The third response is potentially the most fun. The avatar you have communicated with will invite you to initiate a role play, by humorously mentioning, in a pseudo-angry tone, that they are there with their partner, and that your attentions are not required. This is true irony, and hides a request to interrupt their activity in a manner which onlookers might consider disruptive, but which you know is a piece of performance art which is likely to be fully appreciated by the participating parties. Oh, and If by any (unlikely) chance the response to your initial approach is along the lines of "Sure thing, big boy" I suggest that you exit the game immediately, as you have chosen an FBI agent training to identify paedophiles, a money launderering terrorist, or a member of a 1980s band trying to resurrect their reputation using SL to show how kool they are. I hope that this will be of assistance. If you would like clarification, or further hints please do not hesitate to ask more stupid newcomer questions here in the forums.
  17. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Well, I see the resident troll, full of snarkiness, has arrived. I am answering questions, relevantly. They might not be the responses which the hyperemotionally insecure might enjoy, but they represent valid opinions. Would you like to censor me because of that? Or perhaps assassinate me for disagreeing with you?
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: How about advising employees not to bring their kids to work with them? Oooh, Mr. Smartass, kid or not, enlighten our ignorant souls about what you would have done with a kalachnikof pointed at your remarkable brains? Enter the code or be killed? Or maybe you are made of the stuff heroes are? :smileymad: It is sufficient to imagine with what guilt this young woman will have to live for the rest of the life, even though SHE DID NOT HAVE THE CHOICE. Ignoring the needlessness, if not crass stupidity of taking a kid to work in a place of recognised potential danger, if alone I would have pointed out to them that killing me would not get the door opened. The probability of being killed would not be particularly impacted by collaborating or not in the massacre, and my decision would not have been affected by the blindly emotional protective attitude of the female of the species towards their young (she DID have a choice) which was perhaps exaggerated by the realisation that her stupidity had put her offspring into mortal danger. Guilty? Yes. Stupidity is always punished. Also, if I was the security consultant for a high-risk organisation such as the publishing house in question, I would have installed multiple entry codes (as banks and other financially concerned businesses use as standard) including a silent alarm number, which I would have insisted that staff knew and could use rather than their normal code when being coerced into providing access by criminals, terrorists or other unauthorised persons, to give warning to those inside and the police. At point of entry, the mother and child would be hostages and victims already, and a logical rather than emotional response would have offered some hope of protection for others.
  19. LL doesn't delete accounts mainly so it can exaggerate the number of users.
  20. mirbaz wrote: Would be great if we could win a million linden that way, what prevents that from happening here? Apart from various minor legal obstacles inconveniently put in the way by US legislation, there is perhaps the attitude of respect towards the muslim proscription of gambling: Satan’s plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain? Surah 5:91
  21. mirbaz wrote: Shame on those who mock others religious figures through these drawings. Have you thought of applying for a job with LL? Or prehaps you could sign up as security for the SL OBR event. Or perhaps THIS is what you think is appropriate punishment.
  22. Freya Mokusei wrote: Individual freedom can only be increased by the unapologetic and flagrant use of parody/satire. For that is how it works. I will pass on your support in this matter to Pep, wherever he may now be.
  23. Innula Zenovka wrote: RonR wrote: What everyone shouting about free speech never mentions is that with the RIGHT of free speech comes the CONSEQUENCES of your words. This was the direct consequence of what 3 extremists thought was an attack on their beliefs. Do I think the illustrators deserved what happened? No. Do I think they might have anticipated this kind of reaction in this day and age, and in light of the fact that the paper was firebombed in the past? Of course they should have, and taken proper measures to insure the staff's safety in light of the inflamatory pieces they publish. As it has been reported here in the UK, the terrorists gained entry to the building by ambushing one of the magazine's employees as she arrived at work with her young child and threatening to murder her child if she didn't let them into the building using her security code. Could you maybe outline some of the "proper measures" you say the magazine should have taken but neglected to take to protect its staff? How about advising employees not to bring their kids to work with them?
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