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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. LaskyaClaren wrote: Far better to have hope, surely, than to succumb to self-fulfilling misanthropic tunnel-vision! It's not just me; I have on my side the top man in an official religion who says: "Christmas spirit is not a fairytale" or "some fantasy kind of happy ever after" and "that is not the world in which we live".
  2. I'm with the dog on this one. My favourite Christmas Song Gotta love those brass riffs! (Actually, except for the danger of being accused of endorsing date-rape I might have said this one was my favourite.)
  3. I ate two packets of liqueur chocolates for breafast, washed down with rum and cherry coffee (don't ask - my daughter has some funny ideas about "fusion") and at the moment I am snacking on mint truffles while laughing at people who have nothing else to do over Christmas except post to forums. In an hour or so I shall eat all the non-vegetable elements of whatever is put in front of me, unless it's burnt, again, then pig out on a whole four-portion christmas pudding washed down with a pint of armagnac sauce and drink most of a bottle of port to accompany a selection of English, French, Dutch and Spanish cheeses before snoring through the Queen's Speech only to awake for a TV programme featuring a time-travelling doctor, mention of which apparently "is not permitted in this community", during which I will annoy my fangirl daughter by criticising the showrunner's choice of actors for the Doctor and Companion before retiring early to bed while my wife entertains the neighbours and apologises for my absence, so I can read the December edition of Wired guest-edited by Christopher Nolan and finish The Rise of Endymion by Dan SImmons while scoffing Twiglets. Pretty much the same as last year.
  4. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I'm content to think that our survival depends on us, and that we can do it if all (most?) of us pull together. If you (and Laskya) take off your rose tinted spectacles for a second you might notice that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell - if such a thing exists in a secular worldview - of this. The human race is 100% either selfish or non compos mentis, by nature's design. Civilisation has generated a degree of recognition of deferred gratification among the more intelligent who present their hidden self-centredness as a charitable attitude, although it would have been difficult to identify this characteristic in the bars of the western world last weekend, or even in recent weeks among the parents competing to video their little darlings singing better than all the rest (or at least louder) in their school nativity events. I wish you the Christmas you would wish yourselves, but don't drag me into the fake "love to all men" thing.
  5. Dresden Ceriano wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: one of those infinite number of monkeys writing Shakespeare May I please borrow this phrase to use in my signature? ...Dres I'd be honoured. If you like you can even mis-spell one or more of the words in it. That would be self-referentially amusing. Although Shakespeare changed his mind about how his name was spelled several times during his lifetime, apparently.
  6. Canoro Philipp wrote: both statements that you wrote i understood, i had the ability to understand your phrases, with didnt get to me was your intention. now, a phrase that say "it is very common for all types of birds to fly, but there are some who don't have that abiliti." there is a typo there. did you understood the information that phrase was trying to deliver to the reader? maybe based on the context? or the way that all the other words, that are gramatically correct, are arranged? if you couldn't understood the phrase, just because one letter was exchanged for another, then you have a problem with reading comprehension, and that problem is limiting your capacity of understanding, hampering your ability to enhance yourself with knowledge. If a writer gets even one letter wrong and allows it to stand because he or she is too ignorant, arrogant, or lazy to correct the error, then I am entitled to question every other letter and punctuation mark in his or her post, since he or she may be one of those infinite number of monkeys writing Shakespeare who do not have a clue what their words mean.
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: a greater reason for embarrasment should be to have the inability to understand an idea based on typos in a paragraph. You are not wrong. Actually, I meant to type "you are now wrong". About typos preventing accurate understanding, that is.
  8. Crissy Palianta wrote: I still managed to find many true friends (and a husband) who I still talk to until today and it's been what..7-8 years. You still talk to your husband after 7-8 years? That's a long honeymoon period! Actually, of more interest would be whether he is still listening to you . . .
  9. My advice is to go away, get a life and come back in a few years when you know what being a loser is really like.
  10. Vandris wrote: comprehionsly challeneged I love it when they do that.
  11. If someone asks me a real life question I generally respond by asking them what colour (color) knickers (panties) they are wearing. Well, fair's fair!
  12. Ceka Cianci wrote: I thought Gor was people eating each other N stuff. That's "Vore." Short for "vorarephilia". Dolcett is when you eat your female meat spit-roasted. All part and parcel of gynophagia. No, that's not another name for cunnilingus. Which is not the second Irish airline.
  13. LaskyaClaren wrote: I wonder if LL does restraining orders????? Yes, yes, they do. But they are ineffective.
  14. LaskyaClaren wrote: I think that identity in SL -- even when apparently at its most distant from our RL "selves" -- always reflects something about how we see ourselves. Speak for yourself. You can't speak for others and in my case you are definitely wrong. If you wanted to omit "how we see" from your comment I would have to agree. But you didn't say that, did you.
  15. SL becomes a game as soon as you interact with someone inworld who treats it as a game. Your main problem is that you won't necessarily know that you are interacting with someone who is treating it as a game. Consequently, if you don't treat it as a game I guarantee you will be hurt. Note that THIS is the game I shall be playing this Christmas - you can get a feel for it from the rule: "The person who most recently pooped begins."
  16. DrMichaelMorrison wrote: Alts are parts of the same individual. Wrong.
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: Be very careful about who you share your RL info with or you could easily end up going through what I've been going through for some years.now. I shared my RL name and address with one person, and the fact that I don't put up any Christmas decorations at home, and, out of the blue, she sent me a fully decorated Christmas tree - all the way from New York (I'm in the UK) - that I have to put up every Christmas. It's only about 1'6" tall but I feel obliged to put it up every year. Sharing RL info can cause real suffering, so be careful. That's true, btw. Hice, huh? We all have our own views on sharing RL info, and we are all right for ourselves. Personally, I don't mind sharing my RL self with people because, as someone said earlier, SL is just an extension of RL for me. That's sick!
  18. Look away NOW, Scylla! Adam Buxton is a very funny man.
  19. But all the responses WILL be unique. Don't you understand the concept of alts in virtual worlds, Doc? It's a bit like having a "university" called something similar to a real one, situated on a road with a name the same as the original's country.
  20. Do you have a position available for a Paedophile Monitor?
  21. Perhaps some people should be informed of the capabilities of Google Reverse Image Search and TinEye, inter alia. The truth is usually unverifiable, but lies are more easily proved.
  22. It doesn't really matter, as anything you say is unverifiable, as I was saying to Elvis Presley on SL just the other day.
  23. Breaking news: The most ridiculous information to be revealed by the Sony hack is that there is to be a crossover sequel between Men In Black and Jump Street. Next thing you know they'll be planning a Lives of the Great Composers/Terminator crossover - tagline "I'll be Bach"
  24. More breaking news: Sony has announced the 2016 release of a blockbuster thriller with a plotline that involves Hollywood hacking, global politics and a foul-mouthed bear, which suggests some confusion between Seth Rogen and Seth Macfarlane. A Playstation game, complete with a do-it-yourself rootkit will be issued to coincide with the movie's opening.
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