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Everything posted by ZoeTick

  1. irihapeti wrote: most people have a limited range of skills which they are pretty good at. They seek employment of those skills to generate a surplus for themselves. To use the surplus to obtain products and services that they need, which they do not generate themself Hey, you just reinvented Marxism!
  2. Kless wrote: I fell out of bed once. You would have been twice as safe there. Two out of every three people die in bed. I sleep on the floor, and stand a better than evens chance of living forever.
  3. I thought the world was supposed to move. Not you.
  4. It is stupid of LL to fail to distinguish General Discussions in the People section from General Discussions in the Land section, for example, in the Latest Posts listings. Wouldn't it be simpler to rename the Land General Discussions section to Land Discussions. Same for the Adult version. And may be I should be posting this explanation and recommendation in the Forums Feedback section, which, although classified as part of the People forum, is not included as a subforum in that section. You will be examined on this at a later date.
  5. Deltango Vale wrote: Second Life is the Model-T of virtual worlds Hey Del, are you ABSOLUTELY sure that SL isn't actually the Edsel of virtual worlds? It sounds more like it.
  6. Lesyonn wrote: Kenbro Utu wrote: I would suggest you do exactly as was told to you last month in this thread when you were seeing French. You might also want to work on your memory. You might want to work on people skills. I think Ken is doing just fine. in that respect. Lesyonn wrote: Yes, we know it's a forum and everyone is entitled to be rude. As Benson was in wasting even more of the time of participants here; despite being informed of his ill-mannered ignorance in lazily posting in the incorrect section, he demands further public embarrassment. And you are encouraging him to make a fool of himself!
  7. irihapeti wrote: a persons contribution to political debate is equal to their contribution at the polling booth. That's fine by me. As long as everybody who votes for criminals also gets put in jail. irihapeti wrote: If a person doesnt vote bc they think their vote has no value then their contribution is exactly zero If a person doesn't vote because he is abstaining from voting for those who he does not want to support, then his contribution is significantly greater than those who vote because they haven't got a clue what is going on and believe all the lies the politicians tell them. irihapeti wrote: the world is run by those who turn up. That's a load of naive b***bleep***ollocks. The world is run by those with money, influence and power. They employ people to "turn up".
  8. Dillon Levenque wrote: I might have over-reacted Surely not... (Got to keep that role play going, eh.) Dillon Levenque wrote: I live in a country that has had four heads of state murdered in less than 200 years, to say nothing of many assassinations of lesser political figures—a sitting or former governor in your state, a presidential candidate in mine. Whereas Marigold and I live in a considerably more civilised country where they don't allow access to guns to dangerous morons.
  9. Vulpinus wrote: A not-quite-quote from someone I can't quite recall: "The very worst people to have as leaders, are those who strive the most to be your leaders." It's the political version of Catch#22 - anybody who actually wants to be a politician should be prevented from being one.
  10. And what makes their business model more viable than SL Go's? Don't pay them anything up front . . .
  11. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: If I write here that I hope someone assassinates Cameron, smug tw4t that he is, if he does get assassinated, will they be looking for me ... or my avatar? (edited for spacing) Wow. Thank you for so emphatically taking yourself off the list of people I respect. While I do find what Marigold wrote to be quite contentious, I wouldn't necessarily write her off as unworthy of any sort of respect. Most people who are politically conscious and human have fantasized about the destruction of their political adversaries. It's not difficult to understand that someone, when highly emotional, would blurt out or write that they wished such-and-such would just die, without actually advocating that something of the sort should actually take place. I have no idea how Marigold actually feels, but, I've known her long enough to be able to give her the benefit of the doubt and understand that she probably wouldn't actually advocate for the death of a fellow human being simply to prop up her own political position... maybe that's just me. ...Dres Cameron has been brain-dead for years. Switching off whatever android mechanisms are maintaining a facsimile of "life" might be considered a mercy-killing. Then we could have William Hague as temporary leader! For ten years? It could be worse; there is a rumour that the other Milliband will replace his brother as Leader of the Defeated. There is another rumour that the Steve Miller Band will be invited to join the Shadow Cabinet, with this as the new Labour theme song: Ooops, sorry, that was Tony Blair's Mission Statement, wasn't it...
  12. DejaHo wrote: ZoeTick wrote: Although the death toll is likely to increase beyond the leaders of the Labour, Liberal Democrat and UK Independence parties as socialists and reformers across the nation (or should that now be nations) slash their wrists as they recognise the moribund nature of socialism, even in a post-recession economy. My oh my, when that pendulum swings. ... the Scots, who will doubtless take their local landslide as approval to secede from the UK, thereby sparking an internal banking crisis as the new Scottish currency loses parity immediately against the Pound Sterling, Rumor has it the new currency will be trading as bitcoin. You can bet on it! Of course, the other main winners will be the English, who will cut off those moaning northern ninnies, who don't seem to have noticed that their recent comparative affluence was a result of North Sea Oil and Gas, the flow of which has now almost completely dried up. This model worked perfectly well for the Greeks. Pretty soon every nation in the EU will be looking for a handout from the Brits, Germans and French fries. Me? I gave at the office. If only there was an equivalent of the San Andreas fault along Hadrian's wall, so Wales could float off towards the Atlantic, and apply for membership of the USA. Welcomes his Welsh friends. I'll have a Martini ready. I realise that the globally dispersed participants of SL's forums are probably as disinterested as I am in British politics, but I thought I would update you so you might appear to be informed next time you venture out into the real world and come across a potential mate who has wasted their university time studying International Relations. If this post is useful, I am happy to accept contributions to the "Don't Vote - It Only Encourages Them" movement Politics, and especially British politics interest me. Jeez, it was only 70 years ago the British ruled the world! . You are PJ O'Rourke and I claim my $5! In other news . . . has anybody seen Larry recently?
  13. ZoeTick


    May I point out that, following the recent election, the United Kingdom is a complete misnomer.
  14. irihapeti wrote: can do all this pro bono for the United Nations. They be ever so grateful. Why do you think I am here talking to you - when I asked the UN how I could help they said they would give me their greatest challenge - trying to bring New Zealand into the 20th Century.
  15. irihapeti wrote: you will be legend. Been there, done that. irihapeti wrote: The No.1 goto guy in the whole world. That too.
  16. Do you mean forum bans or inworld bans, Pam?
  17. Senobia Xenga wrote: ZoeTick wrote: Maybe you should think about what you are going to type before you start ranting. Why? You don't - neither do any of your equally heinous and ignore-worthy forum alts. LOL! As any fule do no I am extremely careful about what I do and don't post. And the fact that you have noticed my omnipresence suggests that you find it difficult to take your own advice to ignore me. I love it! I'm impressed with your spelling (and usage of) heinous correctly though.
  18. Hmm, your post reminds me of someone pretty wonderful, Kless. But she's gone.
  19. You may well be on the police's list, Marigold, but there are likely to be another 30 million possible suspects.
  20. irihapeti wrote: ZoeTick wrote: I value my leisure time much more highly. so whats your leisure time worth now? can see why you would spend that time tho on this forums. You seem to have missed the point. It is the time I do NOT spend on the forums which is my leisure time. This is pro bono work, which you might consider a penance - although I feel no contrition for my sins - attempting to educate the disadvantaged.
  21. BeautifulDiscordia wrote: Although, BloodyKitty being your name doesn't make much sense why people wouldn't talk to you either.. Discordia means Discord in Latin but how it's used is for Eris the Goddess of Chaos, Strife and Discord.. Kind of a play on words in the end meaning chaos and distruction is a beautiful thing.. And everyone knows that females are contradictory and fickle anyway.
  22. irihapeti wrote: ZoeTick wrote: irihapeti wrote: ZoeTick wrote: irihapeti wrote: ps. dunno if LL will actually do this kinda ID system. Is speculation A waste of time for both of us then. for you maybe Then you must value your time considerably less than I value mine. That figures. the time blackboard monitors spend on monitoring blackboards is valuable yes. Is right up there with hall monitors I charged £1,200 a day for my services just before I started charging by results instead of for my time. But that was back in the 1980s, when football players didn't earn a million pounds a month, and I still thought I should be working for a living. I value my leisure time much more highly.
  23. Marigold Devin wrote: Yes, 80% can be wrong. A billion flies eat cow dung every day. It still doesn't smell good to me.
  24. DejaHo wrote: Politics, and especially British politics interest me. Jeez, it was only 70 years ago the British ruled the world! I am afraid my attitude to politics is tainted, being a development of this classic (or should that be classist) "joke" about the difference between students from London, Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The London student walks down a street as if he owns it. The Oxford student walks down a street and probably does own it. The Cambridge student walks down a street and couldn't care a ***bleep*** WHO owns it. Guess my alumni status...
  25. Hoshi Kenin wrote: Like too many of the 'sheeple' you clearly believe what you see on the tv and read in newspapers. Even Cameron, an out of touch disaster who is more slick PR man than a political tour de force, looked visibly surprised at the result. Effectively, what happened was nothing to do with labels like left wing, socialism, etc etc, it was due to the power of the media outlets owned and controlled by the very rich...(whose wealth has doubled this last 5 years under this mendacious government whilst the poor have sufffered in the opposite direction.) People were 'influenced' by the frighteningly transparent smears against the Labour party mixing it with the Scots (who at this precise moment are the only ones with any brains in this excuse of a democracy), and also at Ukip...who the controlling interests loathed for being a genuine, alternative voice to the illusion of choice that has plagued the UK for decades, and who campaigned against the out of touch westminster political elite. Giving the £10 million Cameron wastes on being in europe each week back to the UK, would have built a lot of hospitals...as Ukip championed......putting it mildly! Especially bearing in mind the savage cuts the tories used to attack the most vulnerable in society under the flimsy lie that anyone on benefit was a lazy loafer, where the reality was the genuine system freeloaders were a minute percentage, even given IDS's bull**bleep** figures. At least that other tory reptile, Ester McVey lost her seat....one tiny sliver of light in the darkness. Immigration control is not racism. Yet, this lie, this constant media smear of racism at Ukip were seized on by the pc brigade, SNP, the clown like Greens, and labour to the tories delight. Farage underestimated the ruthlessness of the corporate media fatally. He never joined in the negative campaigning, or defended his corner as robustly as he should. Again, to the torys delight. Against the labour party (hardly a socialist party anymore, a centre left one at best; never forget the rich got richer under the last labout government like no other) the corporate media laid the lie that labour were responsible for the criminal banksters bankrupting the world in 2008. Labour may or may not have been profligate, but they did not cause the world wide recession. Also according to Cameron and his cronies, labour and those awful scots who see the tories for the total scum they actually are, were going to join forces and dear old Blighty was going to be in a right mess. Be under no illusion, this is a black day for 75% of the UK, many of whom stupidly believe when Camergoon talks about 'hard working families', he means them, when in fact he represents 10% of the population at best. Many will rue before the year is out that they voted for the most heartless, venal, out of touch and elitist government I have experienced. God help us all in the next 5 years. Hmm, you seem to have made the mistake of taking me seriously. Or perhaps it is just politics which you take seriously, which I certainly don't. Did you delay slashing your wrists simply so that you could post this? You don't really think I would waste my time watching tv or reading newspapers when I could be getting insightful comment such as yours direct from the horse's arse mouth online. And of course I am on record as saying I don't believe everything I read online, so why should I make an exception for hyper-emotional unrealpolitik as opposed to cyber-feminazi propaganda which is much more prevalent, if not so amusing. I am surprised that you haven't made the assertion that it is a minority government since only 25% of the population voted Conservative (which tallies neatly with your claim that it is a black - careful of that casual racism, particularly when your post seems to implicitly endorse UKIP's eugenic philosophies - day for the other 25%. I am also surprised that you denigrate Cameron for being a "slick pr man" when he has obviously learned most of his moves from the Blair juggernaut which changed British politics from being based on class dogma to the equivalent of a Coke-Pepsi competitive advertising campaign based on lies and puffery - for calorie-free substitute content-free. May I invite you to further expound on your belief that the Scots are rational, when they voted against independence less than a year ago, but have now resoundingly returned parliamentary representatives whose prime manifesto point is independence? (By the way, I am all for building more hospitals; my involvement with PFI (Private Finance Initiative) projects is what has made me my fortune. Do you think you might persuade someone to build a few more, as I could do with another holiday home in the Caribbean.) (I also believe in immigration control; in fact, like Gordon Brown - who broke the mould on fairness in taxation management in this respect - I believe in retrospective legislation, and would like to return all those descendants of Anglo-Saxons, Gauls, Scandinavians and shipwrecked monkeys Iberians back to the continent so that we Celts and Picts can enjoy our island in peace.)
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