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Everything posted by ZoeTick

  1. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: a wise man and a fool. Who is it that can tell me who I am?
  2. sirhc DeSantis wrote: Tick would be my vote. Excellent idea! I would create alts called Fantas and Sarcas. In fact, it would open up a myriad of opportunities. You could create one yourself called Pathe.
  3. Magnus Brody wrote: The less insecure wise believe it too. Like I said, the weak.
  4. I think this LL initiative should be boycotted. Stay away from the Residents' celebrations, LL. Like you have before.
  5. ScarletBegonias Boucher wrote: is there a way to have them joined? NO
  6. tagtoteach wrote: Could someone please help me? NO
  7. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Based on your forum posts, I see no evidence of it. You might have similar problems with the cosmological explanation of quantum entanglement . . . . . . but it doesn't make it any less true.
  8. Muletta wrote: To use one's skills, to taunt or mock other people, because they are not as skilled, as one self, is really not very intelligent or to act wisely. - But to use one's skills, to in a kind and polite way, to lead other people on the right track, is a sign of really superiority and wisdom.... Only the weak believe that.
  9. Innula Zenovka wrote: For some reason, Zoe makes me think of this cartoon: Is that because I am also too much of a gentleman to exact physical retribution upon a trivially vindictive person of the weaker sex who shamelessly takes advantage?
  10. Rufferto wrote: When you are talking about 'participants' are you referring to the personas created in Second Life, or the person who created the persona? It HAS to be the persona; WYSIWYG is the principle almost everybody insists should be used here, and it is apparently rude and inappropriate to treat, say, a male using a female persona here, as a deceitful liar. Rufferto wrote: I feel that having an avatar that looks nothing like the real life 'me' is in itself a form of deceit. Yeah, like that. Rufferto wrote: I am not a 'forumite'. You are now.
  11. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: What is probably most amusing about this thread is the way that nearly everyone, with the possible exception of Perrie, but myself included, has treated it as a serious question requiring an answer. Rather than as the satiric and rather nasty insult addressed to pretty much all of us that it actually is. We have been measured by the fastidious, the all-powerful Zoe, and found wanting, people. There's nothing else to see here . . . move along! It was Friday when I started the thread . . . . . . and there was no sign of a thread about a Canadian female reporter who got annoyed about sexist sports fans and got them fired.
  12. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: LOL Maybe you should lose your pompous superiority complex. It's not a superiority complex if you actually are superior.
  13. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Have you considered that there could just be a problem with people interested in being friends with you? Of course, but at least you can't fault their excellent taste and foolhardy bravery.
  14. I suppose the first set of names they will use in SL V2 will be Infamous Scandinavian Traitors, although apart from Quisling and one obvious other I don't know any more off hand.
  15. NatalyaCrump wrote: Real words that have been bastardised/bastardized such as Dreary to Dreery, Droop to Droup, Bigger to ... whupps! Interesting you should say that. There was a giant of a man who played for the Scottish international rugby team whose surname was Biggar, and he had a younger brother who also played, who was a little Biggar.
  16. Is the state Governor still gigging? My friend likes Brel.
  17. Dresden Ceriano wrote: I think they should start with sexually transmitted diseases, like Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. ...Dres Aren't those the names of King Lear's daughters in Shakespeare's play?
  18. A friend of mine, whose grasp of American geography is about on a par with most Americans' knowledge of Europe, wanted to spend a holiday in Wyoming because he had been told that buffalo steak is even better than cow meat. When he booked his flight, however, he got a bit confused and now he is spending two weeks in Wisconsin ("You mean they have two states starting with the same letter?" ) and apart from reading that they make 3,000 versions of exactly the same neo-cheddar cheese he knows nothing about the state. So what do you suggest I tell him? What should he eat and drink, where should he stay, which places should he visit, what clothes should he pack for July weather, where are the girls the friendliest, what souvenirs should he buy for his relatives, and what should he avoid.
  19. . . . what would you suggest. In the past they have had tranches named after South African Test Cricketers, French Rugby Players, German Performance Artistes and American Serial Killers. OK, I might have made some of those up. I am conscious of this since I live in a place where the roads in the grid squares are named in a consistent fashion; for example, one grid has road names which are fonts (eg Garamond Crescent), another dead rock stars (I am close to Hendrix Avenue) and another English castles (Windsor Road). What would you suggest? If it was me I would start with fish, like Flounder, Shark and Coelacanth. How about you?
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: ZoeTick wrote: I don't want to make friends in SL. Very few participants meet my high standards, and the small numbers who do do not seem to share the same interests.. Why should I drop those standards in SL when I refuse to do so in rl? I have wasted considerable amounts of time finding out that people who say they would like to be friends with me are lying about their educational prowess, their competence in supposed areas of expertise, their morals and ethics, and worst of all, their ability to communicate. Do you forumites find that you have to revise your expectations downwards to find people to talk to? Does it bother you that their may be people who won't lower their standards to be your friend? It would, if it were likely. But it's not.
  21. I don't want to make friends in SL. Very few participants meet my high standards, and the small numbers who do do not seem to share the same interests.. Why should I drop those standards in SL when I refuse to do so in rl? I have wasted considerable amounts of time finding out that people who say they would like to be friends with me are lying about their educational prowess, their competence in supposed areas of expertise, their morals and ethics, and worst of all, their ability to communicate. Do you forumites find that you have to revise your expectations downwards to find people to talk to?
  22. Dillon Levenque wrote: irihapeti wrote: in our case (NZ) we dont have a FTA with USA. bc we said "No nukes" and the US Navy has not liked us ever since. As I am both a US Navy brat AND a US Navy parent, you can imagine the incredible internal struggles I had to fight through to actually think kindly of a Kiwi like you ;-). Does anybody really like the kiwis? Apart from the inhabitants of mid-Pacific guano atolls who want somewhere to relocate to when their miniature island kingdoms eventually sink beneath the waves.
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