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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. some stream providers have a extended support page for controlling your stream...start server, restart server, auto dj, intros, and also where the listeners are located, or even listeners can send request to you
  2. be sure you have proof. A false report will backfire on you. But the other one will not hear who reported him unless this gets a rl follow up, when it's about hacking thats not unthinkable.
  3. what shape? i only see a head with huge sunglasses... very difficult to determine the skin or shape by this only, same for wearing the beard... seeing the details on this pic it's for sure photoshopped. where did you find the picture? perhaps ask the creator for more info.
  4. or just a hick up in the connection... sometimes profiles take long to load and you get a error too, or stays blank. If you see it in search it also could be that the owner choose to keep his profile invisible.
  5. since when is referring to a vage hint given by the one who posts a question being a jerk? ...good to know you'r such good interpreter
  6. if you heared it "somewhere" perhaps ask your question there ? we didn't hear that rumour, at least...i didn't
  7. if you are the owner you can eject all other members, except owners/co owners. I that brings the group to less than two members and you leave the group will get deleted, if there are more owners you can do practically nothing against the group keeping alive.
  8. of course Lindal's answers work too, but it's easier to right click the item you wear IN your inventory, and choose edit...no difficult cam or movement actions needed
  9. that won't work if you have a mesh head, only with the standardshape and skin avatars.
  10. it is YOUR second life, you can do what and when and with who you want. You are no friends the minute you'r on eachothers friendslists, friends grow in time, some are around you for a week, some a month and few for longer, the ones who become real friends don't need to be on the list, you will remember them anyway. People who want to change you ... well... wave and say goodbye if it bothers you, but sometimes they can be right, it's worth to listen a bit but the one who decides is you.
  11. can you log inworld? ... you can change your profile there ? you can send a ticket for support, or wait a little longer In my experience with reactivating old accounts it took a few weekly (server) rolling restarts after updates before all was working as before.
  12. i don't know you nor the one you blame to be the bad one, but be carefull you could become the one getting some AR filed on your name if you proceed this way. Keep things from the past for yourself, you seem to have made a new start, let others do the same, live and let live, don't cross paths.
  13. you'r back in noob stage... start from beginning
  14. feeling better now you put it down? i sure hope you do because if yo are really 7.5 years here inworld you could know by now the forums and Q and A aren't the ways you communicate with LL. Send in a ticket if you want to be heared by them... good luck!
  15. i'm sure that there are poseball scripts in the scriptslibrary, put it in a ball and you have it....
  16. Alwin Alcott


    no only in a viewer you can see and interact with your avatar
  17. give some details about your connection and system, becuse most likely there's the cause to find. The communication between LL severs and your machine isnt as it should be.
  18. spend your time, and save your money. Advertising for a inworld magazine won't reach people. Better start a good blog and advertise that in groups ( where that's allowed) inworld magazines are mostly deleted before they arrive in the inventory. Nearly nobody reads that.
  19. no, streaming is not connected to sl, the only way is giving out the adress of the stream so they can connect to that by the www, but they will have to open a player or browser outside sl to hear it. The only way to do it directly by the player in the viewer is by using the "about land", but you will need to be owner or dj somewhere to use that, and have streaming software like winamp/sam/VDJ you can make a object and upload one song, cut into 10 secs pieces, and add a script to glue it again, but most people will block you for speading sound this way, it's laggy, slow and annoying.
  20. you always could try to find it, but can be on page 9999 from all avatar skins at MP ( e.g) so can be while before you find it. But if you really like it and you are lucky to find it, perhaps it has a demo so you can try it on ( there are so many newer and better skins around, even for free, that's the only reason i said not to recomend this one)
  21. keep in mind most people will mute and block you as soon they find out you play sounds by a hud or attachment, it's like gestures mostly not the musical taste of the ones near you and annoying, lagging and irritating.
  22. Spinwilly Saiman wrote: mostly an insult forum. Criticize the OP then immediately deviate off topic and plunge into a sea of random nonsense. Hard to escape narrow minded ignorance as it runs deep through the fabric of our society. No fix. most likely i am one of them, but when seeing not the slightest interest of a poster to find even a little info by themself it's not that weird some responses are in line with the behaviour of the poster. Most questions are so often answered that a single search word will bring 10 or more answers /links/ solutions. Next to that, as soon you don't agree with a poster's opinion it's taken as rude and insulting. Some seem not to like a straight forward answer, while it's not meant bad at all.
  23. "might be old" that's not might.... thats ancient that outfit is around for many years, i really wouldn't reccomend going to change your avatar to that, it will be very disapointing in real after all improvements on SL with lights and rendering.
  24. most likely your system can't handle the load of SL, i'm thinking about overheating your graphics . if you put the system info in your original post ( log in and choose edit) you might get more clear answers. the dress won't have any influence. You better had kept it f it's nice.
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