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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. Have you ever had a look at the list of countries that has access to paypal and skrill? And how many can get a CC ? If you have you won't tell anymore it is impossible for many people to buy L$ at the main website. Most people simply don't look at other methods.
  2. it is simply not true you get a message to wait a day. The only thing for you to see the right time is to look at the SLT, because they use that clock to show how long it is, not your own local time. If telling somebody shows some impatience is insulting ...well...don't read or post on forums, there is a tiny little chance you find one that doesn't agree with you.
  3. there is nothing to help at the first place. You have been given a very little time to wait before you can log in again. This is normally not more than a few minutes. It is only because your avatar didn't log out the right way when you were crashing/logging out. The server reserves the time mentioned to be sure it has all data again to let you log in. You'r just quite impatient and overreacting to call it outragious.
  4. what your renters tell you is simply not true. Also in europe a lot of people have a CC, and LL accepts also Paypal and Skrill. Why aren't they switching to Paypal? ... thats because they don't want. Because everybody has a bank account, and it's simple to create a verified paypal account by that. I'm in europe myself, bought at several other exchanges and for many years at LL, never had any problem. people who don't want, yes want, to go to paypal make the problems themself, and not LL. Even at 3rd party sellers you need your bankaccount, and thats also what you need for paypal, nothing more.
  5. i'm very sorry but if your website says a 730 is high end i would delete that favorite/bookmark. What are the specs of your machine?...and connection?
  6. all ways isn't telling what you really did. Mostly a relog repairs stuck buttons, if you'r inventory is just empty: clear inventory cache, relog at a empty sim, stay there till all is loaded again (can take up quite some time... 30 minutes or more)
  7. normally abuse reports aren't open for review by the sender. Next to that if you are no party in the issue it's very unlikely LL will respond to other requests in the matter. When it's against TOS they will decide themself if there and what, action will be taken.
  8. you need a verified paypal account, if that is possible with BillMeLater i assume it's possible..otherwise.....: Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill The currencies accepted for payment include: CAD, AUD, JPY, EUR, GBP for non-U.S. Residents, and USD for U.S. Residents
  9. There is no best body. The best is the one you like the most, fits you best, suits your needs and is afforable for your L$. One will die for A, second for B and third for C Q&A isn't a review place so we can't really give advice in these matters.
  10. nope you will get nothing credited. Move on, smile and get happy. Removing your billing info will only bring you in real trouble. When you get a debt your account will be put on hold and be blocked.
  11. with the same line in google you would have the answer too but here we go... btw it's only for BILLING, other questions you have to send in by ticket Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers are available for the following countries Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646
  12. with a account that's 6 years and 5 months, and the things you tell in your profile, you post this question? ... sorry but i can't take that serious
  13. i would be very carefull with that... how trusted is that other person? He could put you up with copybotted stuff and YOU will be the one who gets the block.... or worse
  14. if this was the first time you added payment info you have a buy and sell limit that has to pass, if you didn't use that yet you won't be able to buy or sell large amounts
  15. you can not, only last 32 days are available When you want to keep those you need to dowload monthly and save it at your own machine.
  16. i won't say it's not true what you claim... but 4 regions down isn't a lot, and when comes back online while you'r posting it's most likely even less than a lot..i'd prefer to call it a few. Placing it on forums won't help a lot to get it back online either, sending in a ticket will be more helpfull because LL rarely comes here to see whats happening inworld.
  17. don't let your partner know you spend attention to other things than her/him during sex.... thats nearly the same as telling you think about somebody else while being...ehm... busy doing "it"...
  18. Why can’t I access a Skill Gaming Region? There are a number of reasons you may not be able to access a Skill Gaming Region. See the following to see if you meet all the requirements: Authorized participants Only users that meet the criteria for Skill Gaming are permitted to access Skill Gaming Regions and participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life. Participation is limited to residents who meet the following criteria: Have current billing information on file Are at least 19 years of age Do not reside in a prohibited state listed below Are not connecting from a prohibited state Please review the list of prohibited states below and your account status to see if you can participate. Prohibited states and countries Residents of the following states and countries may not participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life: Arizona Arkansas Delaware Florida Kentucky Louisiana Maryland South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Second_Life_Skill_Gaming_FAQ#Why_can.E2.80.99t_I_access_a_Skill_Gaming_Region.3F
  19. in my opnion you look at the wrong place. The responses you will get here are most likely not the best deals. Most larger landlords, mainland and estate, use their own website or advertise inworld. Sometimes, it's a better deal to get premium and buy a piece or roadside land. Roadside only adds that you have one side of your land free from building neighbours, but doesn't add anything more. NO traffic or other benefits. Next to that, you will only have real roadside parcels at mainland. Most estates don't "spoil" their precious sqm to that and only devide their sim to parcels. If you manage to find a estate that has roads you mostly will have a primbonus at your land and with that a higher rental price.
  20. , this account was made when you had to pick a first and last name from lists first names never were on lists and totally free, only last names were listed
  21. there is also another way: you can enter your email and LL will send the name to that adress. This works only with the last avatar you registered to that adress, and if that adress is still in use. So if you have more, you have to change the emailadress for the one you recovered. https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php?lang=en scroll down to "forgot your name"
  22. getting what on your screen? perhaps add a screenshot
  23. clearing the cache is the last thing to do when you have lag. Most likely it's caused by the rolling restarts or busy sims, or bad connection...even when it's been good for a year there can happen things between LL severs and your router that you'r not aware of. Adding payment info has nothing to do with it. [edit] your internet speeds tell nothing about the quality, if you have packetloss with 25gig speed it will still suck and SL unplayable. what is your setting at the bandwith, you draw distance, advanced lighting?.... thats the information what is important. A first try would be shut down your pc / reboot your modem and, or router/ wait till your connection is back/restart your pc and try again. And again... don't touch the caches. And no new installing of viewers. Moving your character to a new server? ehm... you do that everytime you enter a new region. You'r not at one.
  24. there are a few ways you can use it. You can add it to a tattoolayer and upload it and if you have a fp skintexture you can add it at the skin itself and upload it
  25. Accepted currencies and payment methods You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill The currencies accepted for payment include: CAD, AUD, JPY, EUR, GBP for non-U.S. Residents, and USD for U.S. Residents
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