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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. nobody can change the avatar name. It is and will stay the one you used to sign up. The only thing you can change is your display name, you can do that in your profile or webprofile.
  2. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119
  3. i am not sure how LL takes the 31th, but also not see the problem... just be sure you can be billed that date and you will see next month. Most companies and financial institutes use only 30 days, so that would mean august 30th as first day to pay.
  4. just what it says.... if you wear something you can't list it, not calling cards nor folder links.... so most likely is you selected at least one of those to add to your MP listing.
  5. if it is a new one you will start paying at that day of month in the month after( first payment is included in buying at LL) , but if you buy it from another resident the original date will stay day of payment. If that was, for example, agustust 25th, it will stay at the 25th of each month.
  6. i'm nearly sure you are able to find such apartment towers on MP, the danceclub is most likely also a prefab, including the speakers and tentroof. It can take a while to find it, but colecting your own style is more fun than simply copy this settting created by somebody else.
  7. Virtual Mastercards aren't real creditcards, but always connected to another brand, for example mywire,neteler or vikingcards. Because they aren't personal cards, and by that easy subject to fraude, they are not accepted. the list of the accepted paymentmethods by LL. Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  8. i would reccomend you go search at MP, i know there are several real good generators. Just a advise you change your search term "mist" into "fog" .
  9. at first you have to be premium member to be able to get a Linden Home. But than it comes... you can't choose yourself where you get your home, these are given out randomly, only the type of house you are free to choose. If the house you get isn't at a desired location you can abandon it and choose up to 5 times for a new one, but after the 5th you have to wait for 24 hours to be able to pick one again. The chance you get a house at Ronks is as winning a lottery.... possible, but not likely to happen.
  10. https://www.google.nl/search?q=avatar+template+second+life&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=kJO4VbOfCcaz7gbQgY-IBA https://www.google.nl/search?q=avatar+template+second+life&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=kJO4VbOfCcaz7gbQgY-IBA#q=avatar+furry+template+second+life
  11. addition to the other answer: you can't see a billing at your bank account , banks aren't suported for billing at SL you will need a CC, paypal or skrill account.
  12. i can't imagine LL took the money from your card while it's not accepted. Because that last is what happened i think, it's one that's not compatible with SL what card you tried to add?
  13. depends what you mean with access ... if you want to give entrance, simply set your land to open access at the "about land" (menu : world / about land) if you mean control over your house: it's not possible you also can set your land to group access, be sure the ones you want to have access are in that group. ( don't forget to set the land to the group too, in the "about land" as mentioned a few lines above this.
  14. i start to wonder different things.... how can it be that a 8 year old account doesn't know very bacis things about SL ? it can'tbe because you were shopping and having fun for the previous 8 years....you would have need/found these basic things during that time.
  15. i think Rhonda's answer is pretty complete, i only want to add something connected to your question but not technical. A lot, really a lot, of people hate personal sounds by wearable songs, music over voice and gestures. When you use it at places where already a stream is running or where people meet, you have a huge chance they will mute and block you for it. If you use it at a venue, club or bar, you have a risk on being ejected and banned.
  16. the best are the one YOU like most ... we can't tell that, go to shops and try them before buying de gustibus non est disputandum
  17. most likely there is not really something wrong with the ones in you weather hud. You might be able to improve the result with some specific windlight settings. Pictures as the one you include are not a good lead for enviremental settings in SL, 99% of all is modified by windlight and photoshopped, it's often not a real situation in SL.
  18. Go to viewer directory, open gpu_table.txt, add the card perhaps a lower level comment than you'r used to get, but this answer is easely found in google ... high level questions get high level answers
  19. avatar pictures at MP and almost all flickr (or other) are photoshopped or modified by special windlight settings, you don't have to be worried, just try out different settings, you can always return to default. Onboard graphics as Intel don't have the same powers as the mid and high end dedicated cards. Advanced Lightning is not supported i think? You can also play with your windlight till you have such look, it's only very doubtfull the total scene will look pretty if your avatar looks at its best.
  20. ehm...buy a card that is supported? i can't connect my usb to a firewire ... thats also not compatible
  21. and your skills?.... one month old and a nearly empty profile what says : Real Life, Second Life. Potato, Potato doesn't give me, nor anybody else, much information
  22. perhaps just try again later, or with another browser. Sometimes some browsers act a bit weird with LL websites. and please... stop spreading the gossip that LL cutted off europeans, it's simply not true.
  23. if you deleted it you can't do it yourself, but you can send in a ticket to support: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ choose "reactivate old account" in the drop down menu and give as much information as you can, even secret questions and sign up info, because they will ask that afterwards if you don't give it now. Be prepared to pay the reactivation fee, sometimes it's skipped, but they can bill you for it (9.95 usd if i'm not wrong) if you only went to basic, and the login failure was a glitch you can change membership at your accountpage
  24. Have you ever had a look at the list of countries that has access to paypal and skrill? And how many can get a CC ? If you have you won't tell anymore it is impossible for many people to buy L$ at the main website. Most people simply don't look at other methods.
  25. it is simply not true you get a message to wait a day. The only thing for you to see the right time is to look at the SLT, because they use that clock to show how long it is, not your own local time. If telling somebody shows some impatience is insulting ...well...don't read or post on forums, there is a tiny little chance you find one that doesn't agree with you.
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