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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. contact the ones responsable for the hud ,here you will find only residents who can agree on you or not... but no real help in this. right click the hud to see who's the creator, or look in the folder in your inventory if there's a notecard with instructions.
  2. nope i won't sign your petition, i don't agree there should be free land just because of that. If i want mainland have to be premium, i don't see any reason why somebody wouldn't be able to get premium. If you want to drive a car you need to buy gas and pay taxes .... if you want land you need to buy a premium membership and pay tierfees.
  3. the most important parts of your whole mesage is "which I do not want to do" there is nothing we can do for you in that case. It's your free choice to apply to the rules this company wants to be followed, or not, but your choice means accepting limitations. Be consequent and accept that. Don't complain.
  4. some place owners have a age restriction, and don't allow avatars under a certain age. You'r only 8 days old, thats the reason.
  5. yes, but also demo's on mp
  6. nobody here can help you, send a ticket to support if your email isn't working anymore
  7. start with stopping typing in caps, nobody here is deaf. yes there are viewers for tablets, and with a simple search you would come here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  8. go have a look at Jomo, it's a bit between the big muscle guys and TMP, you get two in one box, one with head and one for use with sl head. Big + on this one is that you can use a lot of your current clothes ( what doesn't work with tp or the others)
  9. Splatulated wrote: Bobbie Faulds wrote: I'd use harassment and would AR...no telling what new residents they're scaring cause they don't know all the TOS yet. i filed under Fraud L$ or USD of course... ask for advice and do something different, as always DON'T ASK if you don't listen
  10. well.... it seems to mean you can copy as much you like unless/untill the original creator files a dmca
  11. if you only tell this we won't be able to help you finding the answer ... what CC you try to add?, here's some more info about billing: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.2 and https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.3
  12. every viewer has it's pro's and con's, perhaps try a 3rd party one.... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  13. what did you do with the recommendations in the other thread?... simply repeating it here won't help you either if we don't know what you did till now. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/I-can-not-log-in-for-4-days-now/qaq-p/2955182
  14. if you understand the reason why LL took money from you that you got from somebody else i think you don't tell everything whats going on...... the only one who can help you in this is LL, we're just residents as you.
  15. direct link https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  16. you can send in a ticket to support, but i really doubt they will do it. If you want more flexible terraforming you will need to move to private estates ór a few older regions who still have the full range of lowering/rising.
  17. if you wear a facelight/avatar light, be a bit nicer to your surroundings and avatars near you, take it off and improve your own view with the windlight settings. Facelights are disturbing the experience of others. And distroying the hard work of many landscapers, who put a lot of efford in making their land look great. Till one of those lighthouses steps in.
  18. you say you just bought something... the merchant doesnt want to assist?...how much time did you give him to reply? Most people aren't around 24/7 I think the mistake might be at your side, so most likely a refund will not be given. After selecting the name for the friend, you have to click finish. If you skip that step or are too quickly, the items will be send to you the buyer. Also be sure you putted the right name for the receiver, no display name but user name.
  19. when your accounts are on hold you only can contact LL by a ticket or try calling them. Nobody here can help you, we'r all residents as you.
  20. of course when somebody knows they can help here, but this forum is primary meant for Second Life Viewer. Metaverse is a 3rd party created one and you should be there for support.
  21. do you use the right viewer for uploading to MP? Send in a ticket if it gives problems, i'm not sure calling will help a lot because the numbers given here are for billing/account problems.
  22. that's what we call lag or lagging, it's a communication problem between your viewer and the SL Servers. you can have a look here to start solving it : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923 it that doesn't work try a 3rd party viewer like firestorm, http://www.firestormviewer.org/ that sometimes also gives a better result. And do a search at the helpsections for "lag" and or "lagging". There is so much written about it, impossible to repeat it here.
  23. premium is payed in advance so "your friend" can't be banned after downgrading to basic, so most likely there is tried to go to basic AFTER the due date for the membershipfee, for example the day after expiring. In that case indeed the downgrade will be after next billing period. And the ban not active yet for being overdue. So yes, the billingperiod started and there has to be a payment, or get a ban, as happened now. The account will for sure not be activated at the scheduled date for going basic. First the balance has to be cleared. If no payment follows the accunt will stay locked. After that there might also be a chance there is a fee for reactivating the account, because it's the own responsibility to have enough resources for payment.
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