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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. you can load as many as you want... ... it's only not just load, but buy, it's a real monetary system. go to your dashboard, and at the left you find " Linden Exchange" click buy L$ and follow the steps. But you will need a CC, Paypall or Skrill to buy the inworld currency, otherwise you won't be able to get them.
  2. no you can't. When you really want to Adult land you can abandon the Linden Home and buy 512 qm on adult mainland, and use your free tier there. But you won't get a house on that except you rezz it yourself, and it will count against the prim allowance ( Linden Homes don't) But why go to Adult? For privacy it's not really needed. For your own "adult" things you are free at moderate too, as long you keep it indoors. When you set your privacy level on invisible, the total Linden Home will not be visible from outside your parcel.
  3. there's almost the same question a few lines below, but here we go send in a support ticket. You will have to send in proof that it is really you that created the account, you could start with the answer on secret question and sign up info as day of birth. They will ask for those in the first reply you get anyway. You also can mention the original email, but be sure to use a guest email for them to reply. Follow their instructions and you'll be up and running in a short time
  4. when you host your stream yourself you need a very good upload from your ISP, and when streaming with 320 kbps it's full in no time with only a few listeners. 1 MB = 1024 kb so that means if you stream at 128 kbps 1 MB Upload connection = 8 Listeners 5 MB Upload connection = 40 Listeners 10 MB Upload connection = 80 Listeners divide this number of listeners by 3 for 320 kbps ..... and add your own use of the uploadbandwith, ...... i think that doesn't keep a lot free space I would recommend you go rent a streamserver inworld, it will save your machine. And keep in mind you can use your bandwith only once, when you also use SL it will also send and receive data over the same line. When your machine doesnt support dual channel, you can't listen to your own ip.
  5. give some information about your system and connection... now we only can guess what's going on... go to help in your viewer menu and copy/paste your system info in your original post ( log in and choose edit)
  6. check your spamfolders, if it's not there and still not working there's no other solution than send in a support ticket. You will have to send in proof that is really you that created the account, you could start with the answer on secret question and sign up info as day of birth. They will ask for those in the first reply you get anyway. You also can mention the original email, but be sure to use a guest email for them to reply. Follow their instructions and you'll be up and running in a short time
  7. you can put it here if it's mainland https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Parcels-for-Rent-Mainland/bd-p/mainlandparcelsforrent or here if it's on a estate https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Region-for-Rent-Full-Private/bd-p/ParcelsForSaleEstate keep in mind posting in wrong place can lead to removal or moving your post to the right place by a mod.
  8. report it only if you'r personally are involved, otherwise not much will happen. And if you do, be really sure it is copied, if there is the slightest doubt you can be in trouble for accusing others for false reasons. Marketplace is full of copied creations and nothing is done to that.
  9. there seems to be some problem adding payment info today, Perhaps they'r not aware of a problem yet at LL, but i'm sure as soon they do there will be somebody start working on it. In the meantime, be patient, and / or send in a ticket to support.
  10. no classes here... it's holidays... but serious.... what do you mean?
  11. lumiya is not a alternative for a full viewer. And for sure not for a creator. After SLGO you only can use a capable machine for running the full viewers. There's no solution other than upgrade your machine or accept the limitations you have on a slower/older machine.
  12. ehm..the official release candidate isn't the one you need as far i know, but Second Life VMM Viewer version it's here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  13. perhaps try again a bit later, or connect your card to paypal?
  14. what did you add?..paypal, CC or skrill? Keep in mind paypal has to be verified, and prepaid CC/gifcards are mostly not accepted. from the help section: You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  15. what you say is impossible. Don't make up things if you simply don't WANT to use another paymentmethod, but take the consequences for your choice, you'r not able to buy L$.
  16. please as asked add your systeminfo, and try wired to see if it's the wifi. Please add info to your post, it's a forum not chat.
  17. in that case you must belong to the 0.001% of the residents in sl that isn't able to have a bankaccount or creditcard, ALL others are able to buy directly from LL. If you have a bankaccount you can connect paypal or skrill.
  18. sending messages in spamgroups are useless, it are only bots in it that keep eachother busy. Every sane person leaves. Spamming groups with notices and IM is one of the reasons there still are so many problems with groups, they never were meant for this kind of use.
  19. nobody who can read will miss them. There are enough other solutions to go buy L$, ánd cheaper
  20. Alwin Alcott

    Game Grafics

    no it is not your OS, it's the graphics. If you know how to use google you can find this issue pops up on more places. For most it works to go one step back in drivers, don't use the newest, or try one of the solutions provided here: https://www.google.nl/search?q=graphics+windows+10&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=Gay8VeOiOYjX7QbatIiwBw#q=graphic+problems+windows+10
  21. yes for both viewers, just be carefull with your graphic drivers. Some mention you have to go back to a previous driver for the graphics on some systems. As far i know nvidia is working on it. You can find a lot about this troubleshooting when you use google.
  22. no as basic member you can not buy land. if you decide to go premium and the land is for sale you can buy it, but you also get the monthly tierpayments. But you can rent land from other residents at privat estates. If your friend putted the land for sale, your stuff will be returned to your inventory by the next owner ór he can leave it there for a while till he has enough of it. If the stuff is groupowned, and on groupland, and transfer you will loose ownership on it when the land is sold with objects on it. if your friend just left and doesn't pay anymore, the land will get claimed by LL again and your stuff returned.
  23. what is the message? crashed or logged out? is your connection ok?...stable?.... wifi? your graphics is not exactly a high end but should be able to run sl. give some more information and you could get some advise
  24. hey Mike, i see no payment info on your profile, that might be the reason
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