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Everything posted by MIstahMoose

  1. Recalculate your normals. If you're in edit mode in blender you can easily hit ctrl+N to do so To double check hit N and look on the right side panel that shows up. Under "Normals" Select the Face icon and then increase distance until you can see the direction of each face
  2. Personal - $200 Resell - $500-700 But I won't touch it either way due to copyright :\
  3. I agree with the video, everyone is toooo serious about VR. Its a fun take on it :P
  4. -can't read names when they're "decorated-
  5. I am sorry, but what is your degree in? I really think the complexity of what is really happening behind the scenes may be over your head. Yes it sucks, but its YOUR choice to stay or to leave when working with SL. They provide a platform for you to sell things and make quite a bit of money, since it seems you wish to spill out numbers. They promised nothing when you sign up for land or rent or whatever. Downtimes are to be expected, they do not gurantee your land 24/7, and so your complaints are just going to be ignored, because well.. they're rather pretentious. You're guranteed nothing, and obviously haven't read what the lindens have posted. Sure lets have them keep the servers up instead of fixing the problem in which would cause the entire SL that allows you to make all this money be gone forever because of irreppairable server issues. tl;dr -> Go read up on whats actually going on, kthxbai
  6. Okay, Next step would be retopology. Take your high poly models and create new almost "Cages" around them. Reducing the polycount drastically. Once you have the retopo you bake a normal map down to it. But Ill walk you through that once you have a retopo down. Remember to keep the edgeloops in efficient locations, IE Where a lot of bending will happen. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blender+retopology ETA: My workflow is as such : High poly -> retopo -> Unwrap -> bake maps -> Texture -> LODs - > Export/upload OR Highpoly -> Poly paint texture -> Retopo -> Bake to unwrap -> LODs -> Export/upload
  7. Take it one step at a time man get the highpoly model you want finished first and come back for the next question. You're going to overwhelm yourself if you take it all on before you even start.
  8. From first picture to the second. A face with a small unwrap will result in less pixels allocated to its space, but if you scale it up you can easily increase the density to something of a higher quality. ETA: A lot of outfits or characters will have their UV islands scaled up or down in order of importance. IE Face getting a larger uv scale than the hands etc. Then my second thing was that if you go from a 1k map to a 2k map you'll get a higher amount of pixels to work with resulting in smoother and cleaner lines. If you then finish your texturing and scale it down to a 1k for uploading it will do what we call super sampling, and crunch some extra detail you might not have gotten when just working with a 1k map Your mesh could use a retopo and a new unwrap. Working with triangles out of MD will not be beneficiary to your texturing. You will also get a much much smoother deform when you rig something that is quad vs triangles. Triangles tend to be a lot more jagged..a LOT more.
  9. To get a more crisp feel you're going to have to increase the resolution of the area you're stenciling this on to. Either by changing the unwrap to have more pixels crunched into it or by making the image size larger, and supersampling the image down later on. Be careful though, stencils like this from an angle can easily become stretched or distorted.
  10. Pelt UV mapping? UV mapping is UV mapping, however you get the model on the UV space efficiently and ready to texture will work. Game for arts I was over capacity again and is upgrading their servers for the third time lol
  11. Almost any card will work with SL, but this card will not give you a good time. When looking to get a "SL compatible" PC you want to look more towards gaming computers, which usually run GTX graphics cards (if you're going with nvidia). GTX 500+ series will give you a decent through excellent SL experience
  12. Please aspire to go further than coloring clothes. Theres so many clothes that have just been colored on the MP. Its lame, boring, and everyone does it. If you're using templates, the keywords you're looking for are "UV Texturing Tutorials" Using either gimp or photoshop "UV texturing tutorials photoshop/GimP" Though everything learned by watching can be applied to either program http://cgcookie.com/blender/lessons/part-08-clothing-textures/ That'll get you started, just watch what he does in PS. Ignore most of blenderr stuff if you aren't delving into that yet.
  13. I've been on and off it all day, just noticed there's an ask a question button! Sweet! And a lot of the articles not marked as a tutorial have insightful and tutorial-esque information in it. Love this site so far!
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: MIstahMoose wrote: Downloaded SL viewer since Firestorm no longer does physics (sadness) and uh, Well It got blocked as malicious... Any explanations for that? What "physics" are you refering too? Avatar (breast) physics are still working for me. Havok custom physics for mesh uploads don't work on x64
  15. I believe there is an in-world college of scripting and music? I would start there and work through those tutorials Though once you understand the basics it all comes down to using the LSL wiki and applying those basics. The wiki will tell you often how to use the commands you find, and give examples for you to study and look at.
  16. If you're willing to find someone to make the rig & AO for that I'd make it for you I like turtles, even if they run away Q.Q (/me has had two pet turtles run away, and magically disappear in 10 minutes and looked for them for hours as a child ) I'd make the animations myself if we had a custom skeleton to use..but..it'd take way too long to figure out that rig :\
  17. Art for games just launched ( http://artforgames.com/ ) and is well worth a look. A good couple articles already up there! Definitely check it out if you want to learn some cool tips and tricks about game art. I've already learned something helpful about normals :P ETA: This is a free website dedicated to game art tutorials (Forgot to mention that!)
  18. Ah, Well.... I didn't think to search it honestly Good to know what causes it (not that I suspected it was actual malicious software, unless of course I begin to get bullied on SL..then its quite bad )
  19. Downloaded SL viewer since Firestorm no longer does physics (sadness) and uh, Well It got blocked as malicious... Any explanations for that?
  20. Seeing as how laggy group chat is with just three people in it, there might be a reason behind the 42 group limit. The more people in a group the worse it is going to be on their servers. I am not sure why there is chat lag, but if there is that means something in the system is being pushed too hard. So lets consider that before we put more pressure on the servers than needed ^.^ And 42 groups seems like plenty to me.. How many different things do you need to be doing at once o_O
  21. Conifer Dada wrote: So much wonderful stuff has been created in SL that we can become a little immune to the skill and creativity we see all around us all the time. Not denying that, for sure. SL is a beautiful place and lots of wonderful creations, but I feel that a lot of it is lacking the interaction side. What can YOU do to the area or environment around you. . I think I'll be doing some exploring and asking around, would love to hear some places though. Its always hard to find new ones on your own!
  22. Builders brewery has a class on this. Though it isn't 1 on 1 you're free to ask questions and seek guidance. Can usually get a 1 on 1 with the teacher after the lesson to clear up further confusion
  23. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: real life and Second Life have a thing in common. if you sit back and wait for things to be handed to you, it will pass you by and you will end it alone and forgotten. get off your butt and look for it, it's out there. o_O serious person is far too serious for me in the morning Which, In response I say "I am not sitting waiting for it to be handed to me, I am actually developing tools that I think would be interesting to see. I am just curious if there, some places are a bit more remote and harder to find in the search. So this is me looking, and seeking out. So no, I am not on my butt, I am making an effort to look for it." Qie Niangao wrote: Some of us are optimistic about the "experience tools" project, which seems to be advancing at an unknown, perhaps undetectable pace. I haven't heard of this project, I'll have to look it up ^.^ ETA: I have no idea how to do multiple quotes in this forum lol
  24. (Be aware this post reeks of sarcasm). I was curious if there was any blogs following new developments in the SL world? Its kind of boring hearing the same old things happen left and right. I'm opening another club! I'm opening a place where you can play the same games as every other gaming(we want your money) place! Oh w00t let's make a gscha fair that sells templates we found on the market and colored! I've seen some cool things out there, but I am curious if there are any new things being created? Or any places that really emphasize interaction and creativity of the world. Places can be hard to find when every other place fakes their traffic with bots and spams keywords. Anyhow. I've seen things like GCS which was cool, for a bit. Lots of RP meters and board games, gambling games, hunts, racing, bumper cars, but what else is there? I'd love for people to share with me their favorite highly interactive area of SL. If I go exploring its great for it to be a beautiful Sim, but if it has interaction it increases the Sims potential by so much. Share games or things to do as well, I'd love to see a lot more than the constant strip malls outside of strip bars everywhere :P Would love to discuss and check out some places. (because surely the destination guide could do better)
  25. Unless you find a hobbyist that hates themselves it will cost quite a lot if you're looking for it exclusively. Think USD not lindens, and if you want a skin per year it would definitely be up in the hundreds
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