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Everything posted by SodaGnome

  1. I think some people would be shocked to actually know how many sl females they have interacted with are males real life. As far as real life men playing female avatars convincing people in game and on forums they are also females in real life, have fun lol. That's a big part of that game eh! It's actually an art form and subtle on so many levels. For example, you would never directly tell some one you are female real life. You use heuristics, which is basically inserting clues in casual conversations so that they decide you are a real life female. . For example, you meet a female shopping while impersonating a female. You are talking about the clothes and you say something like, "omg if my real life boyfriend knew I was spending this much in a game on virtual clothes he would kill me! lol "
  2. uploading a new second life movie....its at 86% and taking forever... I love finishing a movie so I can delete all the fraps footage from my hard drive and start anew. I pretty much max my hard drive every time. It turns red it gets so close to full.
  3. Me in Second Life in 2009..... and a screen shot from today in 2018....
  4. " Second Life's first real-world millionaire; Ailin Graef, better known as Anshe Chung (her avatar), converted an initial investment of $9.95 USD into over one million dollars over the course of two and a half years." Yea I wish I was there when it started!
  5. No posts for 5 days.... it has to be the bacon. Let it be known forever more, too much bacon in any thread will end it.
  6. I gave up on blender after hitting the steep learning curve you mentioned. Maybe I should try again someday! Sounds like a fun project. Maybe find a blender, how to, video and trying to follow along. I got a bunch of other projects lined up though. Next I'm trying to get better at wind light.
  7. Suddenly, the chocolate sprinkles awoke
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