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Everything posted by SodaGnome

  1. on the youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktwq3chB8IE&feature=c4-overview&list=UUeMirhHqYqqD1660NIYqBww
  2. I'm going to go play a different game :)
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf0iIIEZ1g4&feature=c4-overview&list=UUeMirhHqYqqD1660NIYqBww
  4. Bear made a huge difference in this movie. Thanks for help reviving it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf0iIIEZ1g4&feature=c4-overview&list=UUeMirhHqYqqD1660NIYqBww
  5. I don't know much about mesh but sure seems like an odd item. Only lives in received folder? I gave up using the bear in the movie chase scene I had originally planned cause I thought it was lost forever so I did that with monster avatar instead but found a use for the bear in the next scene at buddhist place. He is right at home in the nature scenes there. :)Here's a screen cap of his appearance in my movie editor. Hopefully get this bear up on youtube in 4 days.
  6. Thanks Viktoria! There was a copy in the received items section!!!!!!!!!!! I noticed if you take off the item it dispeaars from main inventory - but the copies remain in the received folder. Never thought to look there.
  7. I don't know what that little blue thing is but this is the sl bear avatar!
  8. no luck with cashe clearing - it's nowhere in inventory - that was awesoms looking bear
  9. thanks i'll go try the cashe clearing - its odd because the alpha layer is still in the folder - the only thing to dissappear in the folder were the box icons for bear and bear with shirt - and it disappeared on all avatars that had it
  10. I had it on 3 avatars and with the viewer upgrades the bear is gone gone gone from inventory! Sucks the bear was going to be in next movie and also in a movie about goldilocks. NO bear RUINS my machinima!
  11. this is where i found my land http://www.anshex.com/second_life_land?estate=Miriam%20Chung&key=02a39016-f762-4aad-b4fd-1fca2221e2da%20 whats cool about it is you can browse a ton of properties all on a web page. then use the surl to tp to it to check it out. i decided on 900 prims for my store then looked for cheapest 900 prim property I could find. worked out great. i saw some people in game paying 500 lindens a week for 100 prims and ya,..... they getting ripped off.
  12. Watch my new sl video. I won the friggen speed build after like 10 tries! One is today at 1pm too... No Lola bewbs were harmed in the making of this video. http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome/videos
  13. I filmed this with second life's viewer. Seems pretty good.
  14. Ah ha. I made this video long time ago and look at it starting at 3:50 on timer. I stumbled on this road with all these driverless cars and me and friend got in one, then also we ran into a few other driverless cars and trucks on the road. Never knew why they were there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJzJ-BbUCX4
  15. I went to the Hell sim and kept getting ejected. It's in this here movie I made after the guy gets done singing. I don't think this is the Hell sim u got banned from so must be several Hells but they are all hellish. http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome/videos
  16. http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome/videos
  17. I was expecting the Emerson,Lake and Palmer song lol. Great little video enjoyed it!
  18. If you'd like me to use one of your songs in my machinima just send me a note card to where I can hear some of it. I only put small bits in the movies so no one can copy the whole song and can link/advertise the song or artist in the movie discription as well. Examples of my machinima: https://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome/videos
  19. I'd ban u if u peed on my land... well if i owned any land. There is no reason to need to virtually pee. Just sayin.
  20. I was in a sim and this guy just randomly started singing "the fox" so I made a machinima out of it. I liked his version. http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome?feature=watch
  21. Check out video and if you like music Frogg Marlowe will be perfroming tonight at 7PM at Hobo Island. His Link in video description with details scedule etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv0C1duVvWM
  22. Check out how awesome he sounds here with a video. Link to his page there as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv0C1duVvWM
  23. Yea see this movie at time 2:02 and at 3:39 I experienced same thing you are talking about. The moving on auto then snapping back. I found that kinda fun actually. Have not had it happen in long time. Maybe it's just the sims you were visiting. Too many people in them, or too many scripts in them, or yea your settings maybe. I just run sl on the lowest graphic settings so the frame rate is not like a camera taking pictures every few seconds. http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome/videos
  24. http://www.youtube.com/user/SodaGnome?feature=watch
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