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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. Well it's a Linden owned region not open to the public directly, and right now it's nearly empty. Agent Limit set to 44, so I'm not telling where it is.
  2. I've been logged in since [2021/08/30 06:01:44], about 30 hours. No problems I also know where to hide during the Tuesday morning restarts.
  3. As the moderator suggested, above is the original poster and the subject of this forum. Basically, Gachas and Gacha people all BAD and sell to children. Sellers all criminals. Casinos attract children (huh?). No drifting from this subject now, behave and defend the OP please!! Mona Lisa discussions not allowed, unless part of the Gachas are evil topic of this thread. sc off
  4. I was assured I have the original Mona Lisa on display in my castle. I will throw in the raven as a bonus if someone has the 500,000,000 $L to buy it.
  5. But everyone knows it is a copy. There is only one original. Owning a fake copy means nothing. I can pick up a copy of the Mona Lisa for 50 cents at the goodwill store. The original is priceless, but would sell for 500 million or more if ever put up for sale. The assumption in the NFT market of "originals" is they will appreciate in price, so you are buying an investment. Nobody hangs your NFT copy or the original on their wall. You can't, it's a digital object. It's a response to the nearly valueless currency being printed. What is a $100 bill going to be worth in 50 years? I'll stick to gold and Cobalt if I want to own a physical asset.
  6. And this was added later: A: We are sorry that we are not able to further extend the policy deadline. However, we have been able to extend the enforcement of the policy change an additional 30 days. To be clear, starting on September 1 we expect gacha as a sales mechanism to cease. However we will start with warnings, and any enforcement of the policy as it would be applied on an account will not begin until after September 30.
  7. Sorry I don't have any angry eyes photo. You are trying to make some real drama out of something I said that was simply true. "LL feels they have no obligation to inform their residents of the actual reasons behind their decisions." That means exactly what it says. Their TOS says basically they can do whatever they want, for any reason or for NO reason. Hence they have NO obligation to tell us anything more. I would like it to be otherwise, as would others here. Why you want to make this personal I have no idea. Have a Nice Day
  8. The fallacy is thinking that your output WILL change LL's mind. That is not what I am saying. I have zero sticks in the Gacha game. Never sold them, bought two items, commons I was thrilled to get at a discount price, in the last 10 years. LL feels they have no obligation to inform their residents of the actual reasons behind their decisions. I could care less if Gachas are gone. But what was the actual mover that caused LL to change their mind after 10 years of supporting Gachas? What prospective law were they looking at? Bills and proposals are public information. Why is the public information that led to this decision a secret? I think the word is transparency.
  9. 200 pages of arguments suggests there is something to argue about. Next LL sweeping rule change: All male avatars, including RL people claiming a male gender, are banned from SL effective October 1, 2021. No specific reasons given. LL owns SL, their rules. What's to argue about?
  10. On an annual basis, which is what LL will report to the IRS in the US, that is nothing. Nobody said over $100,000 - although many successful businesses in SL make over that. Sex industry can be profitable - no advanced degrees required, not much risk.
  11. Well that's the problem all along, and is why there are 200 pages of arguments. If LL would actually provide some specific detail about this changing regulatory climate, all the speculation should end. Quoting the laws from a couple countries in Europe is silly. The sun rises in the morning, as a reason would be about as useful. Everyone thinks they know the reason, based on what? LL has no problem with gambling on their gaming regions, and calling it skilled play is just a smoke screen.
  12. I was in Belli the first day it opened, with a houseboat near the open sea lanes. I went to the early events, and still do when the time slot is convenient for me. But it is mostly Europeans throwing the parties, so for someone living in the SL time zone, it is really dead there socially. At least I work during US prime times in SL as an entertainer, but not in Belli anymore. Everyone is sleeping in Belli at 10 pm SLT.
  13. Yes, I enjoy the solitude of Bellisseria also, with two homes there. I navigated 55 regions on a long trip from the north to the south Belli last week by boat, and never saw another boat or person. But that was the whole complaint from the OP of this thread, nobody's here, we are too big.
  14. So how is the aging SL population and their Conservatism related to SL being too big and nothing to do? Since I am sure the moderator is looking for a reason to hide my posts. It's a bit confusing, since Bellisseria, the latest and greatest from SL, is attracting the "elder generation". They like watching the sunset from their rocking chairs on their safely walled off deck. Here I thought SL was trying to cater to the Z-generation, and the younger (ahem) Millenniums. That is where the money is. Are their any Lindens over 60? Why did they think the Bellisseria retirement continent would be a success? I have no answers, only questions.
  15. That article gave reasons why older people change, but avoided the terms conservative, and the reasons why some old people become more conservative. Survey a retirement community in Florida, and find out how many consider themselves progressive or liberal. There are many other studies that both confirm and explain why one generally gets more conservative (and resistant to change) as they age. Conservatism means resistance to change, the terms are interchangeable. There are two Americas, and age is the divider People become more conservative by about 45 years old Why Are Older People More Conservative? Decoding the politics of aging. I don't think there is anything new in those articles. But let the attacks on Psychology Today magazine begin... First article - Chicago Booth Review publishes research-driven insights on business, policy, and markets. We are a publication of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
  16. I am back. I don't live on the forums here. I work on Friday, until late, then, at my age I go to bed. And I am an Alt, because I am not crazy enough to post in this toxic forum with my SL public name. I also deal with people of all ages in RL and in SL. I can generalize if I want to, based on many years of dealing with people over 70 years old, before and after I hit that young age. I am pleased you are not a Trump supporter - we at least agree on one thing. I was born in 1940 btw.
  17. So, that article agrees that personalities change as you get older, and generally become more resistant to change. Thanks for confirming that. I know many more older folks than you do, and I watch them change. At some point they become almost intolerable with their views (Trump is God). You do realize I have a few years on you, about 20 years actually.
  18. Struggling for points? I think the definition is clear. So let's substitute the definition of the adjective conservative in their example sentence: Older people tend to be more against change and a little suspicious of anything new. You can do better than that .
  19. I was also answering this question from Prok - which you failed to provide as context: Those peeps are probably older and conservatives. I didn't say all conservatives and elders were like the classic definition - there are always some outliers. If you love change and the latest music, and can't wait to get the latest Ipod, and dye your hair 15 colors with 7 nose rings, and claim to be a conservative, you might be an outlier.
  20. So you are attacking me for stating an accepted definition of a conservative? From the Cambridge Dictionary: conservative US /kənˈsɝː.və.t̬ɪv/ UK /kənˈsɜː.və.tɪv/ conservative adjective (AGAINST CHANGE) not usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change: a conservative society/outlook Older people tend to be more conservative and a little suspicious of anything new. Compare liberal adjective (SOCIETY) If you are conservative in your appearance, you usually do not like fashionable or modern clothes or hairstyles: He's a very conservative dresser - he always looks like he's wearing his father's clothes! More examples He has a very conservative approach to management
  21. But we will obviously need a follow up thread after Sept 1st, since many questions were never answered or resolved in the original thread, by LL or the businesses affected. The silence is deafening. I guess we will know how it works out when it happens.
  22. There are some subscribers that allow the owner to add names at will without your permission. I've had to block the owner of such a subscriber, who was usually an Alt and not reachable to take me off his/her list. AR's don't work if the owner is using a bot or alt. SL doesn't have that kind of time to investigate 1000's of violations. The owner ran a chain of franchise clothing shops btw - a tough nut to get rid of. There is at least one good subscriber company that performers often use. Unlike stores, performers can't afford to piss off their fans. This is one of the good ones: Can I manually add members to my group? Modified on: Wed, 2 Apr, 2014 at 8:53 AM Nobody likes spam, and we are strongly against it - that's why Subscribe-O-Matic (as the name implies) is a strictly opt-in service. The only way users can become members of your Subscribe-O-Matic group is to subscribe by touching one of your kiosks in-world. We don't currently support any way of manualy adding members since that can easily lead to unsolicited messaging and spamming which by the way is also forbidden by Second Life Terms of Service. To unsubscribe, you can IM the owner, OR left click on the sign and get this menu:
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